kinky politics

I love these threads where most of the pro-abortion women who post responses are either way past the age of childbearing, or nobody would have them anyway.


LOL!!!! you think that matters?

you silly dolt.
LOL!!!! you think that matters?

you silly dolt.

Of course it matters. If you're never even going to get pregnant, what skin do you have in the game?

Why is it so important that you feel other women should have abortions?

Is it your personal crusade to see that other women should be able to have abortions?

Personally, I'm more concerned about the lives and liberties of those unborn children. Nobody deserves to be murdered without having a chance to be born into this world and live the lives God breathed into them. That's just barbaric, inhumane, and monstrous to deny them at least that much.
i had 5 abortions just this morning.
havent you heard?? I changed my mind and think abortions should be legal and readily available for the poor,,, in fact we should have mobile abortion clinics to go right down into the poor communities so they dont have to try and figure out how to get to PP to get them,,

of course I think sterilization should be mandatory for repeat users,,,
after all humanity and the planet are at stake,,,
Of course it matters. If you're never even going to get pregnant, what skin do you have in the game?

because i was pregnant at one time & know exactly what that meant.

AND grateful i had the choice to have my son.

Why is it so important that you feel other women should have abortions?


Is it your personal crusade to see that other women should be able to have abortions?

finally figured that one out, didya? 'cept i wouldn't call it a crusade - but rather vote accordingly for those who have that power.

Personally, I'm more concerned about the lives and liberties of those unborn children.

personally, i do not care. you believe what you want - allow others the same freedom ( that you so often spew what 'merica is about, right?)

Nobody deserves to be murdered without having a chance to be born into this world and live the lives God breathed into them.

& yet, according to the jewish faith - life doesn't begin until god breathes into ones' nostrils. hmmmmm... no wonder they have no abortion ban over in israel. but this country is chock full of christofascists.

That's just barbaric, inhumane, and monstrous to deny them at least that much.

jesus coke.jpg

will you always vote for higher taxes ... gladly say yes sir take this cash to pay for all them thar forced births?

i bet not.
you had a choice to kill him not have him,, that required you do nothing,,,

i had the choice to birth him & raise him. i wouldn't have had it any other way. i certainly couldn't force another female into what amounts to slavery to make her do what i wanted for myself.

you have no regard for females.
i had the choice to birth him & raise him. i wouldn't have had it any other way. i certainly couldn't force another female into what amounts to slavery to make her do what i wanted for myself.

you have no regard for females.
thats not a choice,, thats just what it is,, the choice was to kill it so you didnt have to raise it,,,

please tell me you didnt just compare raising your own child to slavery??
thats not a choice,, thats just what it is,, the choice was to kill it so you didnt have to raise it,,,

lol ... false.

please tell me you didnt just compare raising your own child to slavery??
i didn't say that. at all. you seem to lack comprehension skills. did you play hooky the day they taught it? here - i'll paint you a pick so perhaps you'll get what i meant.


i certainly couldn't force another female into what amounts to slavery to make her do what i wanted for myself.
well you said you wanted to raise your children didnt you??
that means you think raising your children to be slavery,,
if not tell me how I got that wrong??
lol ... false.

i didn't say that. at all. you seem to lack comprehension skills. did you play hooky the day they taught it? here - i'll paint you a pick so perhaps you'll get what i meant.

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once you were prego the only choice you had was abortion since keeping it required nothing from you other than waiting for the birth and the life after it,,

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