Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are being lost due to this crisis and life expectancy in the USA is dropping. Damn skippy the government needs to get a handle on the over prescription of pharmaceutical poison.

So for that a person with actual chronic pain needs to suffer so you can feel better about the situation?

Kind of a Catholic thing, don't you think?
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

And making people needlessly suffer because of other's lack of self control isn't the answer either. It's an extreme knee-jerk reaction that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.

Drug addiction is not a "lack of self control".

Millions of Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol, 70,000 people dying every year, and

What Percentage of the Population Struggles with Addiction? The Answer May Surprise You

I'm sorry you're going to be inconvenienced about your pain killers. Maybe you should be rallying and chanting to "Stop Opioid abuse" instead of "Build that wall".

So because a segment of people have suffer from diseases everyone has to be affected?

Crack down on the doctors who are abusing their privileges.

The only proposal she has made is that patients can’t obtain more than a one week supply of their meds at a time. That’s not limiting the amount being prescribed, but it is limiting the amount they can buy.

With 24 million addicts, the amount of investigatory staff and resources needed to police the doctors and pharmaceutical companies would be enormous.

Limiting amounts of drugs being dispensed is a common sense move which will have an immediate impact. So of course conservatives oppose it.

So someone in Chronic pain has to go to the pharmacy 4 times a month instead of 1, and has to deal with more paperwork because you think this is a CRISIS CRISIS CRISIS

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Maybe you should feel some a bit to get some empathy.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

And making people needlessly suffer because of other's lack of self control isn't the answer either. It's an extreme knee-jerk reaction that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.

Drug addiction is not a "lack of self control".

Millions of Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol, 70,000 people dying every year, and

What Percentage of the Population Struggles with Addiction? The Answer May Surprise You

I'm sorry you're going to be inconvenienced about your pain killers. Maybe you should be rallying and chanting to "Stop Opioid abuse" instead of "Build that wall".

So because a segment of people have suffer from diseases everyone has to be affected?
Yes, like you want to do to Muslims. Ban them all because of a few. Make them all suffer.

See how that works?

As for "a segment of people", that segment is exploding in size.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are being lost due to this crisis and life expectancy in the USA is dropping. Damn skippy the government needs to get a handle on the over prescription of pharmaceutical poison.

So for that a person with actual chronic pain needs to suffer so you can feel better about the situation?

Kind of a Catholic thing, don't you think?

The person with pain will still get their prescription but they won’t get a month’s supply of pills at a time. They’ll get one week, and they won’t be able to get more for another week.

As someone who lives with arthritis throughout my body, I would have no issues with getting my pain meds once a week. So don’t give me your bullshit that people with pain are going to suffer.
Ulitmately, there should be some "course of study" before docs can prescribe opiates. You shouldn't be able to get Adderall from a GP or a fucking dentist. And you can't. And individ states are moving in that direction. If Gillibrand and a BIPARTISAN group of senators want the FDA to get off its ass, fine.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are being lost due to this crisis and life expectancy in the USA is dropping. Damn skippy the government needs to get a handle on the over prescription of pharmaceutical poison.

So for that a person with actual chronic pain needs to suffer so you can feel better about the situation?

Kind of a Catholic thing, don't you think?

The person with pain will still get their prescription but they won’t get a month’s supply of pills at a time. They’ll get one week, and they won’t be able to get more for another week.

As someone who lives with arthritis throughout my body, I would have no issues with getting my pain meds once a week. So don’t give me your bullshit that people with pain are going to suffer.

Oooh, arthritis....

That isn't the type of chronic pain these meds are designed for. Yet you want people to suffer because others can't be responsible.

It's the same as with gun control. Others can't be responsible so you feel compelled to fuck with people who can be responsible.

All in the name of "caring" or "progress"

You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.
I think States must have already put some of these restrictions in place?

My mother who lives in Florida, has a chronic back pain problem and has had it for about 10 years now.... her bones in her spine are basically collapsing upon each other, causing major, major pain. This past year she had a surgery to fuse some of them together to help relieve the pain, but it only made it worse and she can barely walk, they put her thru therapy as well and that has not worked.... and they have also given her Steroid shots in the back, which also have not worked, she has had at least 6 trips to the emergency room due to this pain this past year for pain that she simply can't deal with.

For the past 10 years, so she can at least be able to sleep at night, she has an opiod prescription for 1 pill a day. She follows the doctor's orders and takes the one pill at night.

has never taken more than one of her prescription a day. She follows the rules.

But she is in so much so so much pain. I spent a month there earlier this year and I went with her and dad to see the psychiatrist she is seeing for her dementia that is setting in on her... and he suggested that her doctor give her 5 more opium based pills a MONTH, just 5 more a month, so that her and dad could go out and have some fun, without her being in so much pain and so she could walk around and get out of the house... (It's probably more for Dad's sake, so he can get out of the house and do things with her, while she is still alive)

And here it is, 2 months later and a gazillion requests and visits to her regular doctor and her pain management doctor, and SHE STILL has not gotten the approval for her 5 extra pain pills a month.... (she's done the steroid shots, and back in to physical therapy since then, which her yearly allotment of therapy has reached its limit)

Honestly, she really needs them, but just can't seem to get them?
I think States must have already put some of these restrictions in place?

My mother who lives in Florida, has a chronic back pain problem and has had it for about 10 years now.... her bones in her spine are basically collapsing upon each other, causing major, major pain. This past year she had a surgery to fuse some of them together to help relieve the pain, but it only made it worse and she can barely walk, they put her thru therapy as well and that has not worked.... and they have also given her Steroid shots in the back, which also have not worked, she has had at least 6 trips to the emergency room due to this pain this past year for pain that she simply can't deal with.

For the past 10 years, so she can at least be able to sleep at night, she has an opiod prescription for 1 pill a day. She follows the doctor's orders and takes the one pill at night.

has never taken more than one of her prescription a day. She follows the rules.

But she is in so much so so much pain. I spent a month there earlier this year and I went with her and dad to see the psychiatrist she is seeing for her dementia that is setting in on her... and he suggested that her doctor give her 5 more opium based pills a MONTH, just 5 more a month, so that her and dad could go out and have some fun, without her being in so much pain and so she could walk around and get out of the house... (It's probably more for Dad's sake, so he can get out of the house and do things with her, while she is still alive)

And here it is, 2 months later and a gazillion requests and visits to her regular doctor and her pain management doctor, and SHE STILL has not gotten the approval for her 5 extra pain pills a month.... (she's done the steroid shots, and back in to physical therapy since then, which her yearly allotment of therapy has reached its limit)

Honestly, she really needs them, but just can't seem to get them?

Psychiatrist for dementia? That might be the first problem.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are being lost due to this crisis and life expectancy in the USA is dropping. Damn skippy the government needs to get a handle on the over prescription of pharmaceutical poison.
End the failed war on drugs and billions will be saved annually.

If people want to do drugs they will do drugs so let those people make their own choices
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

And making people needlessly suffer because of other's lack of self control isn't the answer either. It's an extreme knee-jerk reaction that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.

Drug addiction is not a "lack of self control".

Millions of Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol, 70,000 people dying every year, and

What Percentage of the Population Struggles with Addiction? The Answer May Surprise You

I'm sorry you're going to be inconvenienced about your pain killers. Maybe you should be rallying and chanting to "Stop Opioid abuse" instead of "Build that wall".

So because a segment of people have suffer from diseases everyone has to be affected?

Crack down on the doctors who are abusing their privileges.
Addiction isn't a disease.
I think States must have already put some of these restrictions in place?

My mother who lives in Florida, has a chronic back pain problem and has had it for about 10 years now.... her bones in her spine are basically collapsing upon each other, causing major, major pain. This past year she had a surgery to fuse some of them together to help relieve the pain, but it only made it worse and she can barely walk, they put her thru therapy as well and that has not worked.... and they have also given her Steroid shots in the back, which also have not worked, she has had at least 6 trips to the emergency room due to this pain this past year for pain that she simply can't deal with.

For the past 10 years, so she can at least be able to sleep at night, she has an opiod prescription for 1 pill a day. She follows the doctor's orders and takes the one pill at night.

has never taken more than one of her prescription a day. She follows the rules.

But she is in so much so so much pain. I spent a month there earlier this year and I went with her and dad to see the psychiatrist she is seeing for her dementia that is setting in on her... and he suggested that her doctor give her 5 more opium based pills a MONTH, just 5 more a month, so that her and dad could go out and have some fun, without her being in so much pain and so she could walk around and get out of the house... (It's probably more for Dad's sake, so he can get out of the house and do things with her, while she is still alive)

And here it is, 2 months later and a gazillion requests and visits to her regular doctor and her pain management doctor, and SHE STILL has not gotten the approval for her 5 extra pain pills a month.... (she's done the steroid shots, and back in to physical therapy since then, which her yearly allotment of therapy has reached its limit)

Honestly, she really needs them, but just can't seem to get them?

Psychiatrist for dementia? That might be the first problem.
Are you retarded? Seriously.

Alzheimer's and Related Dementias

For what it's worth CFA, my MIL suffered in skilled nursing psychiatric facility for 7 years with dementia and spinal and hip arthritis. She was wheelchair and bed bound.

There needs to be a special place in Dante's hell for medical professionals who won't just give these incurably and terminally ill people the drugs they need to be comfortable.
I think States must have already put some of these restrictions in place?

My mother who lives in Florida, has a chronic back pain problem and has had it for about 10 years now.... her bones in her spine are basically collapsing upon each other, causing major, major pain. This past year she had a surgery to fuse some of them together to help relieve the pain, but it only made it worse and she can barely walk, they put her thru therapy as well and that has not worked.... and they have also given her Steroid shots in the back, which also have not worked, she has had at least 6 trips to the emergency room due to this pain this past year for pain that she simply can't deal with.

For the past 10 years, so she can at least be able to sleep at night, she has an opiod prescription for 1 pill a day. She follows the doctor's orders and takes the one pill at night.

has never taken more than one of her prescription a day. She follows the rules.

But she is in so much so so much pain. I spent a month there earlier this year and I went with her and dad to see the psychiatrist she is seeing for her dementia that is setting in on her... and he suggested that her doctor give her 5 more opium based pills a MONTH, just 5 more a month, so that her and dad could go out and have some fun, without her being in so much pain and so she could walk around and get out of the house... (It's probably more for Dad's sake, so he can get out of the house and do things with her, while she is still alive)

And here it is, 2 months later and a gazillion requests and visits to her regular doctor and her pain management doctor, and SHE STILL has not gotten the approval for her 5 extra pain pills a month.... (she's done the steroid shots, and back in to physical therapy since then, which her yearly allotment of therapy has reached its limit)

Honestly, she really needs them, but just can't seem to get them?

Get another doctor.
Drug addiction is not a "lack of self control".

That's exactly what it is by very definition

Millions of Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol, 70,000 people dying every year, and

What Percentage of the Population Struggles with Addiction? The Answer May Surprise You

I'm sorry you're going to be inconvenienced about your pain killers. Maybe you should be rallying and chanting to "Stop Opioid abuse" instead of "Build that wall".

Maybe you should give your condolences to cancer patients and others with ailments causing them to suffer from chronic pain, twat waffle. Let me know when you get your medical license and then maybe I'll give a shit about your uninformed opinion.

I agree with you but Florida and many other republican and dems states already limit it to 7 days.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

And making people needlessly suffer because of other's lack of self control isn't the answer either. It's an extreme knee-jerk reaction that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.

Drug addiction is not a "lack of self control".

Millions of Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol, 70,000 people dying every year, and

What Percentage of the Population Struggles with Addiction? The Answer May Surprise You

I'm sorry you're going to be inconvenienced about your pain killers. Maybe you should be rallying and chanting to "Stop Opioid abuse" instead of "Build that wall".

So because a segment of people have suffer from diseases everyone has to be affected?

Crack down on the doctors who are abusing their privileges.
Addiction isn't a disease.
Are you retarded too? Seriously.

Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

And making people needlessly suffer because of other's lack of self control isn't the answer either. It's an extreme knee-jerk reaction that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.

Drug addiction is not a "lack of self control".

Millions of Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol, 70,000 people dying every year, and

What Percentage of the Population Struggles with Addiction? The Answer May Surprise You

I'm sorry you're going to be inconvenienced about your pain killers. Maybe you should be rallying and chanting to "Stop Opioid abuse" instead of "Build that wall".

So because a segment of people have suffer from diseases everyone has to be affected?

Crack down on the doctors who are abusing their privileges.
Addiction isn't a disease.

I’ll go with the medical community’s consensus on that.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are being lost due to this crisis and life expectancy in the USA is dropping. Damn skippy the government needs to get a handle on the over prescription of pharmaceutical poison.

So for that a person with actual chronic pain needs to suffer so you can feel better about the situation?

Kind of a Catholic thing, don't you think?

The person with pain will still get their prescription but they won’t get a month’s supply of pills at a time. They’ll get one week, and they won’t be able to get more for another week.

As someone who lives with arthritis throughout my body, I would have no issues with getting my pain meds once a week. So don’t give me your bullshit that people with pain are going to suffer.

Just because YOU would have no issues with something, that does 't make it a great idea. And a lot of people may very well have issue with it for various reasons.
And it wouldn't change a damn thing. Addicts will still use their pills exactly as they have been and find ways between their prescription pick ups.
I think States must have already put some of these restrictions in place?

My mother who lives in Florida, has a chronic back pain problem and has had it for about 10 years now.... her bones in her spine are basically collapsing upon each other, causing major, major pain. This past year she had a surgery to fuse some of them together to help relieve the pain, but it only made it worse and she can barely walk, they put her thru therapy as well and that has not worked.... and they have also given her Steroid shots in the back, which also have not worked, she has had at least 6 trips to the emergency room due to this pain this past year for pain that she simply can't deal with.

For the past 10 years, so she can at least be able to sleep at night, she has an opiod prescription for 1 pill a day. She follows the doctor's orders and takes the one pill at night.

has never taken more than one of her prescription a day. She follows the rules.

But she is in so much so so much pain. I spent a month there earlier this year and I went with her and dad to see the psychiatrist she is seeing for her dementia that is setting in on her... and he suggested that her doctor give her 5 more opium based pills a MONTH, just 5 more a month, so that her and dad could go out and have some fun, without her being in so much pain and so she could walk around and get out of the house... (It's probably more for Dad's sake, so he can get out of the house and do things with her, while she is still alive)

And here it is, 2 months later and a gazillion requests and visits to her regular doctor and her pain management doctor, and SHE STILL has not gotten the approval for her 5 extra pain pills a month.... (she's done the steroid shots, and back in to physical therapy since then, which her yearly allotment of therapy has reached its limit)

Honestly, she really needs them, but just can't seem to get them?

Psychiatrist for dementia? That might be the first problem.
Are you retarded? Seriously.

Alzheimer's and Related Dementias

For what it's worth CFA, my MIL suffered in skilled nursing psychiatric facility for 7 years with dementia and spinal and hip arthritis. She was wheelchair and bed bound.

There needs to be a special place in Dante's hell for medical professionals who won't just give these incurably and terminally ill people the drugs they need to be comfortable.

You stupid fuck, my father had dementia for about 25 years. It's clear you're the retarded one here.
I agree with you but Florida and many other republican and dems states already limit it to 7 days.

Yes, but the prescribing physician can submit something that allows a 30 day supply to be filled. My father, who recently passed from pancreatic cancer, went through this with his pain meds in Florida. The guy was tough as nails, was a Green Beret in Vietnam, and rarely even took Tylenol -- he came from the "walk it off" era -- but he was suffering so bad from the cancer that the only thing capable of managing his pain at a tolerable level was morphine pills. My mom was informed of the 7 day thing one month when she was picking up his script, and they just told her the doctor needed to submit something (not sure what it's called) and the 30 day scripts were fine after that.

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