Kirstjen Nielsen Confronted At Mexican Restaurant As Activists Shout ‘Shame’

Much deserved.

Kirstjen Nielsen Confronted At Mexican Restaurant As Activists Shout 'Shame' | HuffPost

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted by activists chanting “Shame” and “Sanctuary for all” while dining at a Mexican restaurant Tuesday evening.

The group Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America surrounded Nielsen and her companion at the MXDC Cocina Mexicana restaurant as they were eating and began criticizing her role in the Trump administration’s new “zero toleranceimmigration policy.

Keep up the terror tactics folks. Just running more people away from the insane left and to the right.
This is not going to be a winning policy for the Democrats. I can see a 60+ GOP Senate.

Really? Given the fact 67% of the population finds this policy wrong?
Much deserved.

Kirstjen Nielsen Confronted At Mexican Restaurant As Activists Shout 'Shame' | HuffPost

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted by activists chanting “Shame” and “Sanctuary for all” while dining at a Mexican restaurant Tuesday evening.

The group Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America surrounded Nielsen and her companion at the MXDC Cocina Mexicana restaurant as they were eating and began criticizing her role in the Trump administration’s new “zero toleranceimmigration policy.

This highlights an important difference between the so-called political ideologies of our great nation. Members of one side are willing to carry out direct action attacks against the policy enforcers of the other. On one hand we have Secretary Nielsen whose department is enforcing the laws of our nation. On the other we see what amount to glorified protesters nearly assaulting a government official while on her private business. Reminds me of the current leftist student bodies trying to censor and limit free speech on campuses across the country. Seems like if we do not agree with the left we will be punished. I wonder just how far this will go? Open violence against the right? Would that suit you, OP?

This bitch, and the others with her, need to be confronted. Even a nice, white, European-descended suburban girl like myself knows this. I don't believe in physical violence, but people like her need to be publicly harassed and shamed to the point that they cannot show their faces in public. After all, she was up there talking shit and pretending to represent the People of the United States of America. Slut.

So then you do advocate direct action against government officials? What are your acceptable parameters for such a confrontation? You say shaming, and harassment? Fact check: she does represent both you and I via the legal and just election of our President who appointed her with executive power.

Let me get this straight. When you or someone from your side disagrees with a government official you are justified in confronting and harassing them?

Like it or not Secretary Nielsen is an American Citizen. She has just as much right as you or I to show her face in public and enjoy a meal out without harassment. Put you pitchfork away. You've been conditioned so extremely that you are ready and willing to suppress the rights of a fellow American you don't agree with. Shame for sure. Shame on you.

She may show her face in public and reap the consequences of what she has done. None of these people who have labored so hard to hurt human beings have any right to walk in public. How else do we make clear that she DOES NOT represent us and our thoughts. Such filth DOES NOT represent this citizen of the United States. We will not sit down and obey these sewer whores without comment. Would you prefer that we Americans take up arms? No, the bitch isn't going to eat in peace and comfort. Let her confine herself to her house.
So then you do advocate direct action against government officials? What are your acceptable parameters for such a confrontation? You say shaming, and harassment? Fact check: she does represent both you and I via the legal and just election of our President who appointed her with executive power.

Except that election wasn't just, it was a travesty where the will of the people was ignored and massive corruption through Russian Collusion.

Last time I checked, we still had a first Amendment that allows us to petition our officials for a redress of grievances.

This is a pretty big fucking grievance.

So then you do advocate direct action against government officials? What are your acceptable parameters for such a confrontation? You say shaming, and harassment? Fact check: she does represent both you and I via the legal and just election of our President who appointed her with executive power.

Except that election wasn't just, it was a travesty where the will of the people was ignored and massive corruption through Russian Collusion.

Last time I checked, we still had a first Amendment that allows us to petition our officials for a redress of grievances.

This is a pretty big fucking grievance.


You have no proof yet the election was skewed either way. What we do have is testimony supporting the IG report indicating extreme bias toward candidate and then President Trump on the part of many FBI personnel at least. Thus no legitimate grievance.

Petition away. I'll be there right by your side after election tampering has been proven. Petitioning--even protesting is not the same as harassment of a citizen in a restaurant. The SJWs who attacked our secretary while she dined should have been arrested. See, the rights of your side always seem to exceed in value the rights of everyone else. That concerns me.

Unless you yourself took that photo it should not prove anything to you. I read the venom in your words. Torches and pitchforks coming next?
Much deserved.

Kirstjen Nielsen Confronted At Mexican Restaurant As Activists Shout 'Shame' | HuffPost

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted by activists chanting “Shame” and “Sanctuary for all” while dining at a Mexican restaurant Tuesday evening.

The group Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America surrounded Nielsen and her companion at the MXDC Cocina Mexicana restaurant as they were eating and began criticizing her role in the Trump administration’s new “zero toleranceimmigration policy.

This highlights an important difference between the so-called political ideologies of our great nation. Members of one side are willing to carry out direct action attacks against the policy enforcers of the other. On one hand we have Secretary Nielsen whose department is enforcing the laws of our nation. On the other we see what amount to glorified protesters nearly assaulting a government official while on her private business. Reminds me of the current leftist student bodies trying to censor and limit free speech on campuses across the country. Seems like if we do not agree with the left we will be punished. I wonder just how far this will go? Open violence against the right? Would that suit you, OP?

This bitch, and the others with her, need to be confronted. Even a nice, white, European-descended suburban girl like myself knows this. I don't believe in physical violence, but people like her need to be publicly harassed and shamed to the point that they cannot show their faces in public. After all, she was up there talking shit and pretending to represent the People of the United States of America. Slut.

So then you do advocate direct action against government officials? What are your acceptable parameters for such a confrontation? You say shaming, and harassment? Fact check: she does represent both you and I via the legal and just election of our President who appointed her with executive power.

Let me get this straight. When you or someone from your side disagrees with a government official you are justified in confronting and harassing them?

Like it or not Secretary Nielsen is an American Citizen. She has just as much right as you or I to show her face in public and enjoy a meal out without harassment. Put you pitchfork away. You've been conditioned so extremely that you are ready and willing to suppress the rights of a fellow American you don't agree with. Shame for sure. Shame on you.

She may show her face in public and reap the consequences of what she has done. None of these people who have labored so hard to hurt human beings have any right to walk in public. How else do we make clear that she DOES NOT represent us and our thoughts. Such filth DOES NOT represent this citizen of the United States. We will not sit down and obey these sewer whores without comment. Would you prefer that we Americans take up arms? No, the bitch isn't going to eat in peace and comfort. Let her confine herself to her house.

Admit it: if you were armed and saw Nielsen on the street you'd use your weapon, wouldn't you? The only consequences she seems to be reaping is radical hatred for doing her job. Your masters have succeeded in moving you to act, violently.

Pick up a sign on a stick and protest outside her office. Protest the American way according to our constitutional rights. Volunteer with a relief organization. Write your congressman. Do something other than spew hatred. Do something other than cheer the removal of this woman's right to a peaceful private life.

You call her filth. You don't even know her. Sewer whore? Ever consider that she may be someone's mother or sister? All you really want is her head. Well what happens when someone who does not agree with your rabid ideology says the same about you? Now is the time more than ever to be calm, rational and reasonable. Ease down on the hate. Take a few deep breaths. Ask yourself if your side has gone too far.
You have no proof yet the election was skewed either way. What we do have is testimony supporting the IG report indicating extreme bias toward candidate and then President Trump on the part of many FBI personnel at least. Thus no legitimate grievance.

Okay, the evidence is that people at the FBI thought Trump was an idiot.

Here's a cool idea... Let's open all the emails and text messages of every Republican Member of Congress and see how many of them privately said they thought Trump was an idiot.

I'm betting it's a lot more than you'd find at the FBI.

The problem isn't really the koolaid drinking cult members like you... it's otherwise decent Republicans who go along with Trump,e ven though they know he's an idiot and a Nazi, because they are afraid of their own voters.
Pick up a sign on a stick and protest outside her office. Protest the American way according to our constitutional rights. Volunteer with a relief organization. Write your congressman. Do something other than spew hatred. Do something other than cheer the removal of this woman's right to a peaceful private life.

If she wants a peaceful private life, she needs to stop being a tool facilitating concentration camps.

You call her filth. You don't even know her. Sewer whore? Ever consider that she may be someone's mother or sister?

I'm sure a lot of the Nazis in WWI were someone's father or brother. Point is, she's running a concentration camp... she doesn't get decent treatment.

Now is the time more than ever to be calm, rational and reasonable. Ease down on the hate. Take a few deep breaths. Ask yourself if your side has gone too far.

Uh, no, when your side opens concentration camps, it's clear we haven't gone far enough.
Much deserved.

Kirstjen Nielsen Confronted At Mexican Restaurant As Activists Shout 'Shame' | HuffPost

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted by activists chanting “Shame” and “Sanctuary for all” while dining at a Mexican restaurant Tuesday evening.

The group Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America surrounded Nielsen and her companion at the MXDC Cocina Mexicana restaurant as they were eating and began criticizing her role in the Trump administration’s new “zero toleranceimmigration policy.

This highlights an important difference between the so-called political ideologies of our great nation. Members of one side are willing to carry out direct action attacks against the policy enforcers of the other. On one hand we have Secretary Nielsen whose department is enforcing the laws of our nation. On the other we see what amount to glorified protesters nearly assaulting a government official while on her private business. Reminds me of the current leftist student bodies trying to censor and limit free speech on campuses across the country. Seems like if we do not agree with the left we will be punished. I wonder just how far this will go? Open violence against the right? Would that suit you, OP?

This bitch, and the others with her, need to be confronted. Even a nice, white, European-descended suburban girl like myself knows this. I don't believe in physical violence, but people like her need to be publicly harassed and shamed to the point that they cannot show their faces in public. After all, she was up there talking shit and pretending to represent the People of the United States of America. Slut.

So then you do advocate direct action against government officials? What are your acceptable parameters for such a confrontation? You say shaming, and harassment? Fact check: she does represent both you and I via the legal and just election of our President who appointed her with executive power.

Let me get this straight. When you or someone from your side disagrees with a government official you are justified in confronting and harassing them?

Like it or not Secretary Nielsen is an American Citizen. She has just as much right as you or I to show her face in public and enjoy a meal out without harassment. Put you pitchfork away. You've been conditioned so extremely that you are ready and willing to suppress the rights of a fellow American you don't agree with. Shame for sure. Shame on you.

Thoughts and prayers
So then you do advocate direct action against government officials? What are your acceptable parameters for such a confrontation? You say shaming, and harassment? Fact check: she does represent both you and I via the legal and just election of our President who appointed her with executive power.

Except that election wasn't just, it was a travesty where the will of the people was ignored and massive corruption through Russian Collusion.

Last time I checked, we still had a first Amendment that allows us to petition our officials for a redress of grievances.

This is a pretty big fucking grievance.


You have no proof yet the election was skewed either way. What we do have is testimony supporting the IG report indicating extreme bias toward candidate and then President Trump on the part of many FBI personnel at least. Thus no legitimate grievance.

Petition away. I'll be there right by your side after election tampering has been proven. Petitioning--even protesting is not the same as harassment of a citizen in a restaurant. The SJWs who attacked our secretary while she dined should have been arrested. See, the rights of your side always seem to exceed in value the rights of everyone else. That concerns me.

Unless you yourself took that photo it should not prove anything to you. I read the venom in your words. Torches and pitchforks coming next?

"Our secretary"? No. YOUR secretary. How else do we get these people out of our midst? This "gift" of our out-dated electoral college system must be shown the door. The stupid bitch should not have shown her face in public. She deserves what she gets. She earned harassment and she will get harassment. She earned venom. Same as the other apparatchiks. Pretending to represent the will of the American People has its consequences. slut.
The shame is with the parents of the children that take their the kids with them when they are committing a crime of unlawful entry.

That is despicable.

The shame is also with the Liberal filth that thinks it is acceptable to violate the immigration laws of the US because they want future Democrat voters to flood in to make this country a socialist shithole.
Pick up a sign on a stick and protest outside her office. Protest the American way according to our constitutional rights. Volunteer with a relief organization. Write your congressman. Do something other than spew hatred. Do something other than cheer the removal of this woman's right to a peaceful private life.

If she wants a peaceful private life, she needs to stop being a tool facilitating concentration camps.

You call her filth. You don't even know her. Sewer whore? Ever consider that she may be someone's mother or sister?

I'm sure a lot of the Nazis in WWI were someone's father or brother. Point is, she's running a concentration camp... she doesn't get decent treatment.

Now is the time more than ever to be calm, rational and reasonable. Ease down on the hate. Take a few deep breaths. Ask yourself if your side has gone too far.

Uh, no, when your side opens concentration camps, it's clear we haven't gone far enough.

So your whole argument is: "Because Nazis"

Not sure you can accept reason. Let's try this once more.

Which is worse: the evil you think you can see or the evil hidden?

So you're all about the protection and liberation of children from evil bondage? Me too. We have children everyday here in America who can't receive an education due to gang violence in and around schools. Children who cannot get an education due to rampant disrespect and intimidation of teachers. We have children of all school ages targeted by LGTBQ political officers indoctrinating them into sex politics for the glorification of a political ideology.

We have planned parenthood killing tens of thousands of the most vulnerable of our children because they've brainwashed millions of women into a culture of infant death. We have here in my own state MS-13 gang rape so out of control that county police does not have the resources to fight back. And finally, I live in area overrun by the very culture you want to let into my country unrestricted--a culture that does not respect a young women's right to say no.

So which is it? Do the kids on the border matter more than our own kids?

Lastly, you really need to lay off the concentration camp BS. Someone once told me about so many corpses buried near a real one in the winter that when spring came the bodies bloated underground and erupted into a geyser of blood. Your Nazi name calling is borderline anti-Semitic, third grade and a travesty in the face of real history.
Much deserved.

Kirstjen Nielsen Confronted At Mexican Restaurant As Activists Shout 'Shame' | HuffPost

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted by activists chanting “Shame” and “Sanctuary for all” while dining at a Mexican restaurant Tuesday evening.

The group Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America surrounded Nielsen and her companion at the MXDC Cocina Mexicana restaurant as they were eating and began criticizing her role in the Trump administration’s new “zero toleranceimmigration policy.

This highlights an important difference between the so-called political ideologies of our great nation. Members of one side are willing to carry out direct action attacks against the policy enforcers of the other. On one hand we have Secretary Nielsen whose department is enforcing the laws of our nation. On the other we see what amount to glorified protesters nearly assaulting a government official while on her private business. Reminds me of the current leftist student bodies trying to censor and limit free speech on campuses across the country. Seems like if we do not agree with the left we will be punished. I wonder just how far this will go? Open violence against the right? Would that suit you, OP?

This bitch, and the others with her, need to be confronted. Even a nice, white, European-descended suburban girl like myself knows this. I don't believe in physical violence, but people like her need to be publicly harassed and shamed to the point that they cannot show their faces in public. After all, she was up there talking shit and pretending to represent the People of the United States of America. Slut.

So then you do advocate direct action against government officials? What are your acceptable parameters for such a confrontation? You say shaming, and harassment? Fact check: she does represent both you and I via the legal and just election of our President who appointed her with executive power.

Let me get this straight. When you or someone from your side disagrees with a government official you are justified in confronting and harassing them?

Like it or not Secretary Nielsen is an American Citizen. She has just as much right as you or I to show her face in public and enjoy a meal out without harassment. Put you pitchfork away. You've been conditioned so extremely that you are ready and willing to suppress the rights of a fellow American you don't agree with. Shame for sure. Shame on you.

She may show her face in public and reap the consequences of what she has done. None of these people who have labored so hard to hurt human beings have any right to walk in public. How else do we make clear that she DOES NOT represent us and our thoughts. Such filth DOES NOT represent this citizen of the United States. We will not sit down and obey these sewer whores without comment. Would you prefer that we Americans take up arms? No, the bitch isn't going to eat in peace and comfort. Let her confine herself to her house.

Admit it: if you were armed and saw Nielsen on the street you'd use your weapon, wouldn't you? The only consequences she seems to be reaping is radical hatred for doing her job. Your masters have succeeded in moving you to act, violently.

Pick up a sign on a stick and protest outside her office. Protest the American way according to our constitutional rights. Volunteer with a relief organization. Write your congressman. Do something other than spew hatred. Do something other than cheer the removal of this woman's right to a peaceful private life.

You call her filth. You don't even know her. Sewer whore? Ever consider that she may be someone's mother or sister? All you really want is her head. Well what happens when someone who does not agree with your rabid ideology says the same about you? Now is the time more than ever to be calm, rational and reasonable. Ease down on the hate. Take a few deep breaths. Ask yourself if your side has gone too far.

"my side" hasn't gone far enough. People like her need to be called to accounting. I have said nothing about violence. Violence is for the redneck white-gang militias running around in the the woods. This sewer whore is a collaborator. She hurts other people. She has no right to a "peaceful private life." People like her should be pursued wherever they go until they can get away to Paraguay or the like.
This highlights an important difference between the so-called political ideologies of our great nation. Members of one side are willing to carry out direct action attacks against the policy enforcers of the other. On one hand we have Secretary Nielsen whose department is enforcing the laws of our nation. On the other we see what amount to glorified protesters nearly assaulting a government official while on her private business. Reminds me of the current leftist student bodies trying to censor and limit free speech on campuses across the country. Seems like if we do not agree with the left we will be punished. I wonder just how far this will go? Open violence against the right? Would that suit you, OP?

This bitch, and the others with her, need to be confronted. Even a nice, white, European-descended suburban girl like myself knows this. I don't believe in physical violence, but people like her need to be publicly harassed and shamed to the point that they cannot show their faces in public. After all, she was up there talking shit and pretending to represent the People of the United States of America. Slut.

So then you do advocate direct action against government officials? What are your acceptable parameters for such a confrontation? You say shaming, and harassment? Fact check: she does represent both you and I via the legal and just election of our President who appointed her with executive power.

Let me get this straight. When you or someone from your side disagrees with a government official you are justified in confronting and harassing them?

Like it or not Secretary Nielsen is an American Citizen. She has just as much right as you or I to show her face in public and enjoy a meal out without harassment. Put you pitchfork away. You've been conditioned so extremely that you are ready and willing to suppress the rights of a fellow American you don't agree with. Shame for sure. Shame on you.

She may show her face in public and reap the consequences of what she has done. None of these people who have labored so hard to hurt human beings have any right to walk in public. How else do we make clear that she DOES NOT represent us and our thoughts. Such filth DOES NOT represent this citizen of the United States. We will not sit down and obey these sewer whores without comment. Would you prefer that we Americans take up arms? No, the bitch isn't going to eat in peace and comfort. Let her confine herself to her house.

Admit it: if you were armed and saw Nielsen on the street you'd use your weapon, wouldn't you? The only consequences she seems to be reaping is radical hatred for doing her job. Your masters have succeeded in moving you to act, violently.

Pick up a sign on a stick and protest outside her office. Protest the American way according to our constitutional rights. Volunteer with a relief organization. Write your congressman. Do something other than spew hatred. Do something other than cheer the removal of this woman's right to a peaceful private life.

You call her filth. You don't even know her. Sewer whore? Ever consider that she may be someone's mother or sister? All you really want is her head. Well what happens when someone who does not agree with your rabid ideology says the same about you? Now is the time more than ever to be calm, rational and reasonable. Ease down on the hate. Take a few deep breaths. Ask yourself if your side has gone too far.

"my side" hasn't gone far enough. People like her need to be called to accounting. I have said nothing about violence. Violence is for the redneck white-gang militias running around in the the woods. This sewer whore is a collaborator. She hurts other people. She has no right to a "peaceful private life." People like her should be pursued wherever they go until they can get away to Paraguay or the like.

Well then what are you going to do if your words and votes can't stop her and President Trump? What's the next option?
Pick up a sign on a stick and protest outside her office. Protest the American way according to our constitutional rights. Volunteer with a relief organization. Write your congressman. Do something other than spew hatred. Do something other than cheer the removal of this woman's right to a peaceful private life.

If she wants a peaceful private life, she needs to stop being a tool facilitating concentration camps.

You call her filth. You don't even know her. Sewer whore? Ever consider that she may be someone's mother or sister?

I'm sure a lot of the Nazis in WWI were someone's father or brother. Point is, she's running a concentration camp... she doesn't get decent treatment.

Now is the time more than ever to be calm, rational and reasonable. Ease down on the hate. Take a few deep breaths. Ask yourself if your side has gone too far.

Uh, no, when your side opens concentration camps, it's clear we haven't gone far enough.

So your whole argument is: "Because Nazis"

Not sure you can accept reason. Let's try this once more.

Which is worse: the evil you think you can see or the evil hidden?

So you're all about the protection and liberation of children from evil bondage? Me too. We have children everyday here in America who can't receive an education due to gang violence in and around schools. Children who cannot get an education due to rampant disrespect and intimidation of teachers. We have children of all school ages targeted by LGTBQ political officers indoctrinating them into sex politics for the glorification of a political ideology.

We have planned parenthood killing tens of thousands of the most vulnerable of our children because they've brainwashed millions of women into a culture of infant death. We have here in my own state MS-13 gang rape so out of control that county police does not have the resources to fight back. And finally, I live in area overrun by the very culture you want to let into my country unrestricted--a culture that does not respect a young women's right to say no.

So which is it? Do the kids on the border matter more than our own kids?

Lastly, you really need to lay off the concentration camp BS. Someone once told me about so many corpses buried near a real one in the winter that when spring came the bodies bloated underground and erupted into a geyser of blood. Your Nazi name calling is borderline anti-Semitic, third grade and a travesty in the face of real history.

This thread is not about PP, but since you bring that matter up, there are less and less abortions being performed today than yesterday, and no its not thanks to the GOP.

When the GOP has a fetus in the oven they are more important to them , than one that comes out of the birth canal.
Much deserved.

Kirstjen Nielsen Confronted At Mexican Restaurant As Activists Shout 'Shame' | HuffPost

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted by activists chanting “Shame” and “Sanctuary for all” while dining at a Mexican restaurant Tuesday evening.

The group Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America surrounded Nielsen and her companion at the MXDC Cocina Mexicana restaurant as they were eating and began criticizing her role in the Trump administration’s new “zero toleranceimmigration policy.

Keep up the terror tactics folks. Just running more people away from the insane left and to the right.

Keep masturbating to what is happening at the boarder, I'm sure Trump is.
Pick up a sign on a stick and protest outside her office. Protest the American way according to our constitutional rights. Volunteer with a relief organization. Write your congressman. Do something other than spew hatred. Do something other than cheer the removal of this woman's right to a peaceful private life.

If she wants a peaceful private life, she needs to stop being a tool facilitating concentration camps.

You call her filth. You don't even know her. Sewer whore? Ever consider that she may be someone's mother or sister?

I'm sure a lot of the Nazis in WWI were someone's father or brother. Point is, she's running a concentration camp... she doesn't get decent treatment.

Now is the time more than ever to be calm, rational and reasonable. Ease down on the hate. Take a few deep breaths. Ask yourself if your side has gone too far.

Uh, no, when your side opens concentration camps, it's clear we haven't gone far enough.

So your whole argument is: "Because Nazis"

Not sure you can accept reason. Let's try this once more.

Which is worse: the evil you think you can see or the evil hidden?

So you're all about the protection and liberation of children from evil bondage? Me too. We have children everyday here in America who can't receive an education due to gang violence in and around schools. Children who cannot get an education due to rampant disrespect and intimidation of teachers. We have children of all school ages targeted by LGTBQ political officers indoctrinating them into sex politics for the glorification of a political ideology.

We have planned parenthood killing tens of thousands of the most vulnerable of our children because they've brainwashed millions of women into a culture of infant death. We have here in my own state MS-13 gang rape so out of control that county police does not have the resources to fight back. And finally, I live in area overrun by the very culture you want to let into my country unrestricted--a culture that does not respect a young women's right to say no.

So which is it? Do the kids on the border matter more than our own kids?

Lastly, you really need to lay off the concentration camp BS. Someone once told me about so many corpses buried near a real one in the winter that when spring came the bodies bloated underground and erupted into a geyser of blood. Your Nazi name calling is borderline anti-Semitic, third grade and a travesty in the face of real history.

This thread is not about PP, but since you bring that matter up, there are less and less abortions being performed today than yesterday, and no its not thanks to the GOP.

When the GOP has a fetus in the oven they are more important to them , than one that comes out of the birth canal.

You're absolutely correct about the declining numbers. When you're right you're right.

Can we agree then that if one subset of lives matter all lives must matter?
Pick up a sign on a stick and protest outside her office. Protest the American way according to our constitutional rights. Volunteer with a relief organization. Write your congressman. Do something other than spew hatred. Do something other than cheer the removal of this woman's right to a peaceful private life.

If she wants a peaceful private life, she needs to stop being a tool facilitating concentration camps.

You call her filth. You don't even know her. Sewer whore? Ever consider that she may be someone's mother or sister?

I'm sure a lot of the Nazis in WWI were someone's father or brother. Point is, she's running a concentration camp... she doesn't get decent treatment.

Now is the time more than ever to be calm, rational and reasonable. Ease down on the hate. Take a few deep breaths. Ask yourself if your side has gone too far.

Uh, no, when your side opens concentration camps, it's clear we haven't gone far enough.

So your whole argument is: "Because Nazis"

Not sure you can accept reason. Let's try this once more.

Which is worse: the evil you think you can see or the evil hidden?

So you're all about the protection and liberation of children from evil bondage? Me too. We have children everyday here in America who can't receive an education due to gang violence in and around schools. Children who cannot get an education due to rampant disrespect and intimidation of teachers. We have children of all school ages targeted by LGTBQ political officers indoctrinating them into sex politics for the glorification of a political ideology.

We have planned parenthood killing tens of thousands of the most vulnerable of our children because they've brainwashed millions of women into a culture of infant death. We have here in my own state MS-13 gang rape so out of control that county police does not have the resources to fight back. And finally, I live in area overrun by the very culture you want to let into my country unrestricted--a culture that does not respect a young women's right to say no.

So which is it? Do the kids on the border matter more than our own kids?

Lastly, you really need to lay off the concentration camp BS. Someone once told me about so many corpses buried near a real one in the winter that when spring came the bodies bloated underground and erupted into a geyser of blood. Your Nazi name calling is borderline anti-Semitic, third grade and a travesty in the face of real history.

This thread is not about PP, but since you bring that matter up, there are less and less abortions being performed today than yesterday, and no its not thanks to the GOP.

When the GOP has a fetus in the oven they are more important to them , than one that comes out of the birth canal.

You're absolutely correct about the declining numbers. When you're right you're right.

Can we agree then that if one subset of lives matter all lives must matter?

When you agree that a Honduras baby means more than a fetus.
Pick up a sign on a stick and protest outside her office. Protest the American way according to our constitutional rights. Volunteer with a relief organization. Write your congressman. Do something other than spew hatred. Do something other than cheer the removal of this woman's right to a peaceful private life.

If she wants a peaceful private life, she needs to stop being a tool facilitating concentration camps.

You call her filth. You don't even know her. Sewer whore? Ever consider that she may be someone's mother or sister?

I'm sure a lot of the Nazis in WWI were someone's father or brother. Point is, she's running a concentration camp... she doesn't get decent treatment.

Now is the time more than ever to be calm, rational and reasonable. Ease down on the hate. Take a few deep breaths. Ask yourself if your side has gone too far.

Uh, no, when your side opens concentration camps, it's clear we haven't gone far enough.

So your whole argument is: "Because Nazis"

Not sure you can accept reason. Let's try this once more.

Which is worse: the evil you think you can see or the evil hidden?

So you're all about the protection and liberation of children from evil bondage? Me too. We have children everyday here in America who can't receive an education due to gang violence in and around schools. Children who cannot get an education due to rampant disrespect and intimidation of teachers. We have children of all school ages targeted by LGTBQ political officers indoctrinating them into sex politics for the glorification of a political ideology.

We have planned parenthood killing tens of thousands of the most vulnerable of our children because they've brainwashed millions of women into a culture of infant death. We have here in my own state MS-13 gang rape so out of control that county police does not have the resources to fight back. And finally, I live in area overrun by the very culture you want to let into my country unrestricted--a culture that does not respect a young women's right to say no.

So which is it? Do the kids on the border matter more than our own kids?

Lastly, you really need to lay off the concentration camp BS. Someone once told me about so many corpses buried near a real one in the winter that when spring came the bodies bloated underground and erupted into a geyser of blood. Your Nazi name calling is borderline anti-Semitic, third grade and a travesty in the face of real history.

This thread is not about PP, but since you bring that matter up, there are less and less abortions being performed today than yesterday, and no its not thanks to the GOP.

When the GOP has a fetus in the oven they are more important to them , than one that comes out of the birth canal.

You're absolutely correct about the declining numbers. When you're right you're right.

Can we agree then that if one subset of lives matter all lives must matter?

When you agree that a Honduras baby means more than a fetus.

Never going to happen.
That’s the problem: Trump and his henchmen have no shame; blinded by their fear, ignorance, and hate, they’re oblivious to just how reprehensible their policy to take children from their families is.

Actually that is not Trump's policy he is enforcing the law.
The fake kids in cages issue is an orchestrated and timed smear campaign.
Once again the Democratic Party is using ignorance, fear, hate and racism for votes.

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