Kiss of DEATH!~George Soros: Elizabeth Warren ‘Has Emerged As The Clear-Cut Person To Beat’ In 2020

Clnton committed perjury and obstruction of justice. The independent council, led by Kenneth Starr, came to this definitive conclusion. That is why he was impeached. Everyone knows this except YOU.

Ken Starr spent $70MM dollars to prove an infraction that merited a $10,000 fine.

The Party of Fiscal Responsibility, people.

What Ken Starr didn't prove. Any guilt related to Whitewater (what he was supposed to be investigating) the Travel Office Firings, the FBI Files, Vince Foster's death. He proved that Clinton didn't think that a blow job counted as sex. A lot of men don't.

So by your admission, it's okay to impeach Trump, where we have a LOT more evidence of criminal wrongdoing related to Ukraine and Russia.

The difference is that Trump has not perjured himself and a rather exhaustive 2 year investigation did not show obstruction, unlike the Kenneth Starr report. You aren't very smart, but extremely biased.

Actually, let's look at that. Both Starr and Mueller pointed out that it was ultimately up to Congress to impeach or not. Neither one of them had the authority to bring charges against a sitting President and they knew it.

Starr pointed out that Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job from an intern and did not disclose this irrelevant information (according to the trial judge). Mueller pointed out there was extensive obstruction of justice into the Russia investigation by Trump. But ultimately, it was up to Congress to impeach.

Here's the major difference. Ken Starr operated under the Independent Counsel statue. That means ultimately, he didn't have to answer to the Justice Department. Which is how an investigation into a failed land deal from the 1980s suddenly became about Clinton' sex life.

Mueller- and I know this is hard for you to grasp- was a Republican reporting to other Republicans, who made damned sure he wasn't going to stray one inch outside the lines of his investigatory mandate.
Clnton committed perjury and obstruction of justice. The independent council, led by Kenneth Starr, came to this definitive conclusion. That is why he was impeached. Everyone knows this except YOU.

Ken Starr spent $70MM dollars to prove an infraction that merited a $10,000 fine.

The Party of Fiscal Responsibility, people.

What Ken Starr didn't prove. Any guilt related to Whitewater (what he was supposed to be investigating) the Travel Office Firings, the FBI Files, Vince Foster's death. He proved that Clinton didn't think that a blow job counted as sex. A lot of men don't.

So by your admission, it's okay to impeach Trump, where we have a LOT more evidence of criminal wrongdoing related to Ukraine and Russia.

The difference is that Trump has not perjured himself and a rather exhaustive 2 year investigation did not show obstruction, unlike the Kenneth Starr report. You aren't very smart, but extremely biased.

Actually, let's look at that. Both Starr and Mueller pointed out that it was ultimately up to Congress to impeach or not. Neither one of them had the authority to bring charges against a sitting President and they knew it.

Starr pointed out that Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job from an intern and did not disclose this irrelevant information (according to the trial judge). Mueller pointed out there was extensive obstruction of justice into the Russia investigation by Trump. But ultimately, it was up to Congress to impeach.

Here's the major difference. Ken Starr operated under the Independent Counsel statue. That means ultimately, he didn't have to answer to the Justice Department. Which is how an investigation into a failed land deal from the 1980s suddenly became about Clinton' sex life.

Mueller- and I know this is hard for you to grasp- was a Republican reporting to other Republicans, who made damned sure he wasn't going to stray one inch outside the lines of his investigatory mandate.

Actually, Clinton said he had no "sexual relations" with that women. I don't know a sane person on the planet that would not consider a BJ sexual relations. The man also rgued the definition of "is". Typical lying, immoral Democrat.

I guess you didn't notice the political makeup of Mueller investigative team. It was HIGHLY one sided and yet still...NOTHING.
I rarely read past the second page of a thread

Yes, that would tax the limits of what you learned in HOme Skule, Cleetus.

You continually call us Conservatives from red states "Cletus", as an attempt to insult our intelligence. You are an intellectual peon who evidently has not been able to reach the higher income levels in the corporate world. Meanwhile, this poor ole' "Cletus" from a red state is running circles around you in that respect. Maybe it is time to re-evaluate your perceived intellectual excellence.
Actually, Clinton said he had no "sexual relations" with that women. I don't know a sane person on the planet that would not consider a BJ sexual relations. The man also rgued the definition of "is". Typical lying, immoral Democrat.

Me personally, I don't consider a blow job to be sex. I only consider sex to be genital to genital contact.

The "Depends on what is is" quote is something you guys take out of context... most sensible people understood exactly what he was talking about, which is why 67% opposed impeachment.

I guess you didn't notice the political makeup of Mueller investigative team. It was HIGHLY one sided and yet still...NOTHING.

Actually, it came up with quite a lot... but Pelosi decided to not impeach, because the GOP wouldn't support it. This Ukraine business, though, where the whole Intel, Diplomatic and Military is screaming "DO SOMETHING" is another matter

You continually call us Conservatives from red states "Cletus", as an attempt to insult our intelligence. You are an intellectual peon who evidently has not been able to reach the higher income levels in the corporate world.

You mean I'm not the kind of evil cocksucker who would screw over working families to advance myself. Why yes. That is true. Thank you very much.

Meanwhile, this poor ole' "Cletus" from a red state is running circles around you in that respect. Maybe it is time to re-evaluate your perceived intellectual excellence.

I have. I am not an inbred, bible thumping racist like you are, and I'm damned proud of it.
Like I said, it's the voices in your head that are telling you that. You need to stop listening to them. Judges hate when you lie on their courts, and they don't care what it's about. Why don't you complain to him?

The judge was a "her" (Susan Weber-Wright), and this same judge dismissed Paula Jones' lawsuit as having "no merit", and that the lie Clinton told about getting a blow job was 'irrelevant' to the case.

So again, the same people who impeached Clinton over a blow job are insisting bribing the Ukraine with taxpayer dollars isn't impeachable. Interesting.

Okay, complain to her about it. Note that even though she said the lie was Irrelevant, she still nailed him for doing it, and imposed penalties. According to you, she should have just ignored it. According to you, justice should ignore lying under oath if the lie is "irrelevant" to the case.

Now, I expect you to extend the same standard to Trump and his associates, should any get on trouble for lying under oath. Of course you won't.
I rarely read past the second page of a thread

Yes, that would tax the limits of what you learned in HOme Skule, Cleetus.

You continually call us Conservatives from red states "Cletus", as an attempt to insult our intelligence. You are an intellectual peon who evidently has not been able to reach the higher income levels in the corporate world. Meanwhile, this poor ole' "Cletus" from a red state is running circles around you in that respect. Maybe it is time to re-evaluate your perceived intellectual excellence.

It's how they think. Remember that this is the party of hate: hate anybody that isn't a commie minded MF. Hate white people, hate rich people, hate armed people, hate business people, hate flyover country people, just hate, hate, hate.
Clnton committed perjury and obstruction of justice. The independent council, led by Kenneth Starr, came to this definitive conclusion. That is why he was impeached. Everyone knows this except YOU.

Ken Starr spent $70MM dollars to prove an infraction that merited a $10,000 fine.

The Party of Fiscal Responsibility, people.

What Ken Starr didn't prove. Any guilt related to Whitewater (what he was supposed to be investigating) the Travel Office Firings, the FBI Files, Vince Foster's death. He proved that Clinton didn't think that a blow job counted as sex. A lot of men don't.

So by your admission, it's okay to impeach Trump, where we have a LOT more evidence of criminal wrongdoing related to Ukraine and Russia.

The difference is that Trump has not perjured himself and a rather exhaustive 2 year investigation did not show obstruction, unlike the Kenneth Starr report. You aren't very smart, but extremely biased.

Actually, let's look at that. Both Starr and Mueller pointed out that it was ultimately up to Congress to impeach or not. Neither one of them had the authority to bring charges against a sitting President and they knew it.

Starr pointed out that Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job from an intern and did not disclose this irrelevant information (according to the trial judge). Mueller pointed out there was extensive obstruction of justice into the Russia investigation by Trump. But ultimately, it was up to Congress to impeach.

Here's the major difference. Ken Starr operated under the Independent Counsel statue. That means ultimately, he didn't have to answer to the Justice Department. Which is how an investigation into a failed land deal from the 1980s suddenly became about Clinton' sex life.

Mueller- and I know this is hard for you to grasp- was a Republican reporting to other Republicans, who made damned sure he wasn't going to stray one inch outside the lines of his investigatory mandate.

Actually, Clinton said he had no "sexual relations" with that women. I don't know a sane person on the planet that would not consider a BJ sexual relations. The man also rgued the definition of "is". Typical lying, immoral Democrat.

I guess you didn't notice the political makeup of Mueller investigative team. It was HIGHLY one sided and yet still...NOTHING.

If a BJ is not sex, then it should be allowed in public, right? It should be something liberals allow their 15 year old daughters to do while on the couch in the family room with everybody watching a movie.

These leftists really don't think things out throughly when defending their scum.
Nowhere in the articles of impeachment will you find Clinton getting impeached was over a blow job. It was over his conduct during an investigation and hearing.

You mean you needed to see the word "Blow Job" to see it was about a "blow job".

Just remember, in crazy Republican World, Bribing Foreign officials and lying us into wars isn't impeachable, but don't you go out and get a blow job from anyone but your wife.

I know you get delusional trying to protect your own, but if Clinton told the truth and didn't perjure himself, there would have been no thought of impeachment. The reason you've been trained to use the BJ thing is to make the charge look petty and partisan. But perjury is perjury whether you're lying about a jaywalking ticket or an assault and battery.

Nobody bribed a foreign official. If that's the case, then Joe Biden should be held on charges. He not only bribed an official, but bragged and laughed about it most recently.
He didn't use the tank as an ad. The Willie Horton thing was an open appeal to racism.

Of course he didn't. He did it for fun


You betcha......

That Trump put his reputation on the line for this guy, and HE STILL LOST. Meanwhile those other two guys kept as far away from Trump as they could.

Again- this is before impeachment and recession happen... you guys are so screwed next year. Then we'll jerrymander all the districts, restore voting rights and undo all your other voter suppression tricks and Buh-bye, sweetie.

It's a good thing you have your own little world in your head, otherwise you might be suicidal.

Two million dollar fine is no big deal, says the guy who drives a truck for no insurance. Yes, you are a battered housewife conservative.

Yah, I know Joe. When your guy does it, it's a terrible thing. When my guy does it, it's not the same thing.

Mind you, I don't take criticism from people with severe OCD problems very seriously Joe.
Okay, complain to her about it. Note that even though she said the lie was Irrelevant, she still nailed him for doing it, and imposed penalties. According to you, she should have just ignored it. According to you, justice should ignore lying under oath if the lie is "irrelevant" to the case.

Yeah, pretty much, she should have. In fact, the whole case should have been thrown out at the get-go.

Now, I expect you to extend the same standard to Trump and his associates, should any get on trouble for lying under oath. Of course you won't.

Well, it depends. If we are talking about his affair with Stormy Daniels, that would be a stupid thing to impeach him over.

Trying to shake down the Ukraine and betraying the country to Russia.. um, yeah, those are kind of big deals.

I know you get delusional trying to protect your own, but if Clinton told the truth and didn't perjure himself, there would have been no thought of impeachment. The reason you've been trained to use the BJ thing is to make the charge look petty and partisan. But perjury is perjury whether you're lying about a jaywalking ticket or an assault and battery.

I was worse than petty and partisan. The guy who was mostly driving the impeachment was Newt Gingrich, who at the time was having an affair with a Lobbyist. When he resigned the guy who replaced him (Livingston) was exposed to have had an affair. When he resigned, the guy who replaced him (Hastert) was later discovered to have been paying off little boys he raped when he was a wrestling coach.

This is the level of absolute hypocrisy from the "Party of Family Values" we see.

If a BJ is not sex, then it should be allowed in public, right? It should be something liberals allow their 15 year old daughters to do while on the couch in the family room with everybody watching a movie.

Um, no, there's a whole lot of things you can't do in public, which aren't actually sex. It's why chicks can't run around topless on hot summer days.
Yah, I know Joe. When your guy does it, it's a terrible thing. When my guy does it, it's not the same thing.

Mind you, I don't take criticism from people with severe OCD problems very seriously Joe.

If you think 2 million for CHEATING VETERANS is no big deal, then you are the one who has OCD.
I was worse than petty and partisan. The guy who was mostly driving the impeachment was Newt Gingrich, who at the time was having an affair with a Lobbyist. When he resigned the guy who replaced him (Livingston) was exposed to have had an affair. When he resigned, the guy who replaced him (Hastert) was later discovered to have been paying off little boys he raped when he was a wrestling coach.

This is the level of absolute hypocrisy from the "Party of Family Values" we see.

But Gingrich or the others never lied under oath to a judge about it. That's not hypocrisy in the least.

Um, no, there's a whole lot of things you can't do in public, which aren't actually sex. It's why chicks can't run around topless on hot summer days.

They can in certain areas like topless beaches and some liberals cities have no law against topless women running around.

Sex does not exclusively mean penetration. If a BJ isn't sex, then you don't mind your daughter performing that on boys in the neighborhood, do you? How about your wife with a coworker? It's not sex, so you shouldn't mind at all.
Yah, I know Joe. When your guy does it, it's a terrible thing. When my guy does it, it's not the same thing.

Mind you, I don't take criticism from people with severe OCD problems very seriously Joe.

If you think 2 million for CHEATING VETERANS is no big deal, then you are the one who has OCD.

How did he cheat veterans? That's what the money was raised for. He didn't take anything from them. That''s besides the fact it was ruled on by a commie judge in a commie state. The only mistake Trump made was letting his kids run it for him since he was busy campaigning to pay attention.

Trump was fined for campaign spending violations. Obama was fined for campaign spending violations.
But Gingrich or the others never lied under oath to a judge about it. That's not hypocrisy in the least.

Oh, so cheating on your spouse is okay, as long as you don't lie to a judge about it? Is this what you are going with, Mr. Family Values?

I think Denny Hastert raping little boys and paying them off was a lot worse than Clinton lying about beej.
How did he cheat veterans? That's what the money was raised for. He didn't take anything from them. That''s besides the fact it was ruled on by a commie judge in a commie state. The only mistake Trump made was letting his kids run it for him since he was busy campaigning to pay attention.

Trump was fined for campaign spending violations. Obama was fined for campaign spending violations.

Obama wasn't personally fined. Trump was.

And, yes, Trump had nothing to do with THIS portrait... which was paid for by the charity.

But Gingrich or the others never lied under oath to a judge about it. That's not hypocrisy in the least.

Oh, so cheating on your spouse is okay, as long as you don't lie to a judge about it? Is this what you are going with, Mr. Family Values?

I think Denny Hastert raping little boys and paying them off was a lot worse than Clinton lying about beej.

In a legal sense, yes that is all that matters. Cheating is not against the law, perjury is. That is what we were discussing, wasn't it?
How did he cheat veterans? That's what the money was raised for. He didn't take anything from them. That''s besides the fact it was ruled on by a commie judge in a commie state. The only mistake Trump made was letting his kids run it for him since he was busy campaigning to pay attention.

Trump was fined for campaign spending violations. Obama was fined for campaign spending violations.

Obama wasn't personally fined. Trump was.

And, yes, Trump had nothing to do with THIS portrait... which was paid for by the charity.

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Yes it was. The settlement was not a fine, the judge settled with letting Trump pay that money to several charities instead.

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