Kitchen Manager Fired For Giving Lunch To Students Without Money

The goal isn't to feed the hungry, it is to maximize the power of the federal government.

The government never gives away anything without lots of strings attached.

Charity is a threat to the government, because it proves that people don't need government to do things. People can do it for themselves.

That's why this woman had to be fired.
I had bologna and cheese sandwich in a Superman metal lunch pail....It cost 3 cents for chocolate milk.....
Ike is no longer president.
It was LBJ era........
i wonder what the chef would of said to Hillary if she demanded a free meal because she is the smartest woman in the world.
It $4.50 per tray..
Listen Bitch !!! No Soup For You! Come back One Year!! and Your Fat!
Its called theft.

And I call BS...

Schools create accounts and send the bill to the parents each month for those times that children forget their lunch, or don't have the money to pay that day.

I've often received a bill from the high school when my step children were being forget full or just wanted what was on the menu more than they wanted what was packed for them. It never ran higher than 10 or 15 dollars and that was for 3 kids in high school.
You know maybe these Americans kids could be fed if so much money wasn't going to feed, house, transport, and educate illegal,children who are forced by their parents to make their way to America. I would love liberals to answer the question, with a limited pot of money who should get priority, American children or illegal children?
My mother taught us that every child is the duty to care for by every adult in the world when in need. An adult who shrinks that loving responsibility simply needs to be ignored: at work, at university, at church, at socials, everywhere, if interaction is optional.

Good for the lady, boo to the school district and the scrooges.
You know maybe these Americans kids could be fed if so much money wasn't going to feed, house, transport, and educate illegal,children who are forced by their parents to make their way to America. I would love liberals to answer the question, with a limited pot of money who should get priority, American children or illegal children?
You can't prove it, but you proved that you should be on ignore. What a loser.
i wonder if the kitchen manager weighs about 400 pounds, has an Obama phone and watches MSNBC a lot.
Dear Jake Snarky. When you ain't got nothing you devolve to personal attacks.

In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers. Amnesty would provide unlawful households with access to over 80 means-tested welfare programs, Obamacare, Social Security, and Medicare. The fiscal deficit for each household would soar.

There's a whole lot more where this came from. Once again, who should get priorities for,funds? American citizens or illegal aliens?
The problem here is all the black and brown parents who refuse to give their kids meal money or pack them a lunch. They tell their kids to beg the stupid white people. And it works.
How do you like it?
"Under federal law, students who fail to qualify for the free lunch or reduced lunch program receive one slice of cheese on a hamburger bun, and a small milk."
Is this a fucking joke? How do they suppose a child will survive?
Well I presume they expect that the child is being fed at home in addition to lunch. I mean it may not necessarily be true, but that's a problem that needs to be talked about with the parents not the school district. I'm actually not entirely sure how this lunch ladies union let that fly unless she is pushing the political agenda aspect and thus not fighting it.

In any event, this is a hard argument for me because two slices of bread and slice of cheese and a glass of milk is very often what my teenage boy has for lunch, by choice...

Of course School Districts are entirely fucked up. My son got detention for "repeatedly" giving his school lunch to one of his friends last year, apparently my 16 year old cannot make a personal choice of skipping lunch so another child got to eat. The district had zero understanding that "I" had no problem with his choice, nor that my kido putting off eating for a couple hours until he got home didn't need to be punished.

I suppose I probably should have at least pretended to side with them honestly, now my little red-headed devil pays a senior to go buy fast food during lunch, which he then passes out in front of the lady that gave him detention - and she can't say shit about it because it's not "school district" food and the kids are allowed to go get food off "campus" heh I tried to discourage his "willful" taunting by paying for his school lunch on their stupid card things instead of giving him cash, but he uses his allowance lol
^^^ What right did that school have to give anyone detention for sharing there food with another student? It was his food so he could do whatever he wanted to with it. They should have just been glad that it wasn't thrown away and gone to waste instead like it could have been.

God bless you and your boy and who he shared his food with always!!!


P.S. Was the student your boy was helping giving detention too?
Kitchen Manager Fired For Giving Lunch To Students Without Money CBS Denver
How about we just make lunches free for all kids, so we don't have situations where the poor but not enough poor kids don't get caught in the middle?

Surely we can agree that feeding children is a worthy enough expense. Sponsoring wars in the middle East and creating new drones are far cheaper for our budget. There is no money for hungry children.

sorry...bullshit.....there is more money available than you can can get on food programs easily..sell the crap to your lefty friends......
^^^ What right did that school have to give anyone detention for sharing there food with another student? It was his food so he could do whatever he wanted to with it. They should have just been glad that it wasn't thrown away and gone to waste instead like it could have been.

God bless you and your boy and who he shared his food with always!!!


P.S. Was the student your boy was helping giving detention too?
Well like I said, the school system is completely fucked up heh I am not aware that they suspended the other boy, though I have to admit I never asked. I probably should have, but honestly I didn't feel like dealing with it, district is fucked up...

The same school suspended me for refusing to say "under god" in the pledge of allegiance in the 90's - had to take it to court to resolve it and get me back in school. No offense to those who believe, of course, but I did not, and still do not, believe /I/ should be forced in any way to "prove" my "patriotism" by including any reference to any religion. To be clear; I'm not a rabid atheist or anything, two of my boys have found God so I completely understand that some folks need, or want, Him in their life, and that's totally cool with me. I just tend to disagree with anything that might force anyone into even /pretending/ that they believe because of the freedom of religion allowed in this country.
^^^ Was there not another school that your boy could've gone to? Its bad enough that you were given grief when you were there, but jumping on him next would've been the final straw for me if he was my child.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Would he have gotten suspended or expelled if he had refused to serve his detentions?
Kitchen Manager Fired For Giving Lunch To Students Without Money CBS Denver
How about we just make lunches free for all kids, so we don't have situations where the poor but not enough poor kids don't get caught in the middle?

Surely we can agree that feeding children is a worthy enough expense. Sponsoring wars in the middle East and creating new drones are far cheaper for our budget. There is no money for hungry children.

From the got matter if they didn't get into the free lunch...they got free food...

In the district, students who fail to qualify for the free lunch or reduced lunch program receive one slice of cheese on a hamburger bun, and a small milk.

They were fed....for it it is free...ever see what they serve regularly at these schools...try getting a menu sometime and taking a look..........bullshit story..........
Free lunches for all kids? It'd be easy to organize, but as capitalism grows there are less and less free things. Schools are businesses now, education system is totally fucked up.
Kitchen Manager Fired For Giving Lunch To Students Without Money CBS Denver
How about we just make lunches free for all kids, so we don't have situations where the poor but not enough poor kids don't get caught in the middle?

Surely we can agree that feeding children is a worthy enough expense. Sponsoring wars in the middle East and creating new drones are far cheaper for our budget. There is no money for hungry children.

If the law requires children to attend school, then footing the bill for their lunch (and everything else,) seems like a no-brainer. Otherwise it's like a tax. You have to come here AND buy food, supplies, etc.

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