

Extra long Bad Ass Cut.
Sep 17, 2011
Drivers seat.
So I found a litter about three days ago at the apartment complex I work at. There is 11. I got them all, but the Ma got away and was loose over the weekend. On Sunday I set a trap for her, two in fact and she was waiting on me when I got in to work. She was mega pissed. We got her to the human society and back with her kittens. There is a yellow one me and my Daughter are doing paper work on so we can adopt her when she (he, it?) is old enough. We have agreed it shall be named mustard.
Yeah, it looks like a "mustard". Its the only one that's orange. Should have it in about three weeks +-.
I'm glad you gave them away through proper channels instead of selling them on your own... I'd hate to see you get busted for peddling pussy ;)
So I found a litter about three days ago at the apartment complex I work at. There is 11. I got them all, but the Ma got away and was loose over the weekend. On Sunday I set a trap for her, two in fact and she was waiting on me when I got in to work. She was mega pissed. We got her to the human society and back with her kittens. There is a yellow one me and my Daughter are doing paper work on so we can adopt her when she (he, it?) is old enough. We have agreed it shall be named mustard.

Take all 11 and become a rancher. :evil:
So I found a litter about three days ago at the apartment complex I work at. There is 11. I got them all, but the Ma got away and was loose over the weekend. On Sunday I set a trap for her, two in fact and she was waiting on me when I got in to work. She was mega pissed. We got her to the human society and back with her kittens. There is a yellow one me and my Daughter are doing paper work on so we can adopt her when she (he, it?) is old enough. We have agreed it shall be named mustard.

If the kitten passes wind, will you call it mustard gas?:razz:

I love kitties, by the way. :)

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