KJP referred our neighbor to the north “CANADIA”

Maybe some have heard my plight and just assume we are a Third World country. In terms of our civil liberties and human rights, Canadastan woiuld be more appropriate, especialy in Ontario.
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I know she is token black and lesbo representative, and about as smart as a bag of doorknobs, and she is only able to read from a script.

But even I can't fault her for mispronouncing something. On a somewhat regular basis my brain tries to combine two words into one, or I add in letter from another word that's in my head.

She is a veritable treasure trove of idiocy, this just feels like low hanging fruit. There is so much more to make fun of her on.
Maybe some have heard my plight and just assume we are a Third World country. In terms of our civil liberties and human rights, Canadastan woiuld be more appropriate, especialy in Ontario.

Oh woe is you!!!
Is Joe Biden’s retard contagious?

Are you fools going to throw a fit every time someone in the Administration mis-pronounces a word?

Really shows you how little you have to complain about with Biden President.
Oh woe is you!!!

Are you fools going to throw a fit every time someone in the Administration mis-pronounces a word?

Really shows you how little you have to complain about with Biden President.
Yes woe is me. You probably wouldn't have survived what I have.
She is a fucking moron. Absolute dipshit, and an arrogant dipshit to boot.

The Pfizer media should treat her like they treated Spicer, Huckabee, and McEnany.

Fuck her and fuck the lapdog press.

She, like the entire Biden admin, is a fucking disgrace.

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