KKK Counterprotested Westboro Church Who Are Currently Picketing School Shooting Scen


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
KKK Counterprotested Westboro Church Who Are Currently Picketing School Shooting Scene (Video)

The anti-gay group, Westboro Baptist Church, has promised to picket at the scene of the Newtown, Connecticut elementary school shooting.

WBC member Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted: “Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment.”

KKK Counterprotested Westboro Church Who Are Currently Picketing School Shooting Scene (Video) | Liberals Unite
You know that you are a hate group when another hate group protests you.
^^^^^^ Did the recent heavy rains and flooding wash you out from your home under the bridge?? :cool:
Next thing you know, Obama will show up and give a speech hinting at gun control...
This is awesome. Maybe the freaks will end up killing each other off.
This is awesome. Maybe the freaks will end up killing each other off.

I would just hope for a nice solid brawl, resulting in arrests on both sides.

Lets see how the cluckers and the nutters enjoy a stay in gen pop.
^^^^^^ Did the recent heavy rains and flooding wash you out from your home under the bridge?? :cool:

Nah. I just felt bad and let the local muslims use my shelter out of charity.
At least you admitted to your current destitute living situation.

Thanks for being truthful............. :thup:

There is no shame in being destitute, there is shame in not wanting to help the destitute or making fun of them.
Enjoy your shame.
Just when you thought the world couldn't get more despicable, along comes the Westboro church.

Just like elementary school massacres, the Westboro is the unfortunate price we pay in exchange for freedom.
Now I am just pissed at WBC even more. How dare the get me to agree with the KKK about something! And protesting them is one thing I agree with.

Never thought id see the day.
Just when you thought the world couldn't get more despicable, along comes the Westboro church.

Just like elementary school massacres, the Westboro is the unfortunate price we pay in exchange for freedom.

Everything's temporary.........

One would think they would be allies. They both seek to spread hate and fear and they both want to cause as much pain as they can. And, they both hate and fear some of the same people and groups.

But then, its the same people and groups that the rw's here hate and fear.
One would think they would be allies. They both seek to spread hate and fear and they both want to cause as much pain as they can. And, they both hate and fear some of the same people and groups.

But then, its the same people and groups that the rw's here hate and fear.

If that is all it took for them to be allies, you'd be their closest allies.

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