Fuck you westboro baptist

Picketing funerals and heart wrenching tragedies is not what the founding fathers envisioned when it comes to freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech was for protecting citizens from arrest for airing their grievances against the government in public or private settings.

Americans need to acknowledge that freedom of speech needs to have both moral and civil limits if we are to survive as a culture and a nation. :cool:
Try to think of it as an affirmation of your civil liberties – if WBC is allowed to ‘protest’ in this manner, then you know you’re free to express yourself in any way you choose.


And one more thing: Allowing maniacs to spew their insane shit ultimately strengthens the opposing view. That's the beauty of the First Amendment. Let them hang themselves.

Um, figuratively.

Ignore them is the best which obviously is too late for this thread. They obviously thrive on attention. I can't imagine anything less respectful to the children then if there were a big mob scene with fighting against these idiots. Better to keep their BS as low keyed as possible and let the authorities handle the situation. Giving these people attention is like gas on a fire.

That goes for the press that will blow out their realtively little BS protest to huge proportions.
okay follow the money....they support their father by suing the small towns that dont or cant protect them...they thrive on negative attention and hope they bring violence.....there are counter protest groups...rolling thunder comes to mind...who will show up and drown out westboro baptist
“Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment,” Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted on Dec. 15.

SOURCE: Westboro Cult Plans on Protesting Sandy Hook Funerals | Conservative News, Views & Books

I am so mad right now. Seriously, I'm seeing red.

I already knew they'd picket. It's typical of them. I don't know why they are allowed to exist - perhaps because Americans love freedom of speech so much they have no choice but to allow them to hurl their hateful insults?

"Allowed to exist"?

Our First Amendment protects their existence and their speech. Our First Amendment is not about speech we like, it's about speech we don't like. If they're not breaking any laws, they're free to say what they wish, no matter how insane.

Freedom of Speech points out the crazies, loud and clear. I want to know who the crazies are, where they are, what they are thinking, and precisely who agrees with them. The First Amendment is my dear friend, because it allows me to know.

Thank goodness for the First Amendment.

okay follow the money....they support their father by suing the small towns that dont or cant protect them...they thrive on negative attention and hope they bring violence.....there are counter protest groups...rolling thunder comes to mind...who will show up and drown out westboro baptist

So the unwanted noise by the WB will be drowned out by even more noise. Doesn't seem productive.
It’s very easy to understand: they’re trying to provoke you into doing something stupid – like a ‘counter protest,’ or filing a lawsuit.

They seek the conflict and controversy, they prey on human emotions.

However impossible it may seem, the wise recourse is to ignore them.

All their "members" (which really just consists of their crazy family) are lawyers. They live to sue people. That's the whole point of their "hate". They piss you off, you strike at them, they sue...and add another wing to their crazy "compound" in Kansas.
To everyone who is angry at Westboro:

Former colleagues of mine in law enforcement described to me when they, last year, had to "protect" thse shitbags at a Georgia protest.

They are ALL lawyers. Part of their "church" requirement is law school. They call ahead to the city and PD where they'll be and request protection. Their plan: Piss off people as much as possible, request police protection while they "excercise their rights", then, if anything happens...even so much as water thrown on them, they sue the city and PD.

They aren't right wing or left wing, Christian or anything else. They are all lawyers, and that is their plot for making money.

These shithead even do this: They rent several cars. They get a police escort into the protest. The cops escort them out. They then arrive in a public parking lot with several rental cars waiting, jump in, then flee in all different directions SO EVEN THE COPS cant follow them to the hotel.

At one GA protest, my buddy said there were almost no counter protestors, so these shitheads had looked up recently killed police officers, and began making comments to the cops about them, trying to provoke the cops who were protecting them. The PD was briefed on this action ahead of time, and luckily they didnt get their lawsuit. THey even saw one cop, a former Army guy, with a military tattoo and began shit talking him about his dual-service and dead cops and soldiers.

These people are the filth of the Earth. DO NOT do anything but ignore them, they want a lawsuit, dont give it to them.
That said....they're in Kansas, and what better time/place than their buildings ( I refuse to call it a church)for God to send a tornado.
We in the gay community have been dealing with these fuckwads the longest...but we weren't generating enough revenue for the see you next tuesday's so they moved on to bigger and more easily angered targets...the military. Ignore them...or take a page from "they gheys"...they blocked them from being seen by the family.


The Patriot Guard Riders later copied their idea.

Picketing funerals and heart wrenching tragedies is not what the founding fathers envisioned when it comes to freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech was for protecting citizens from arrest for airing their grievances against the government in public or private settings.

Americans need to acknowledge that freedom of speech needs to have both moral and civil limits if we are to survive as a culture and a nation. :cool:
What about guns? Killing innocent people was not what the founding fathers envisioned when it comes to the second amendment.

The second amendment was for protecting citizens from tyrannical governments.

These Godless scumbags should have their asses beat if they show up anywhere in that town.
“Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment,” Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted on Dec. 15.

SOURCE: Westboro Cult Plans on Protesting Sandy Hook Funerals | Conservative News, Views & Books

I am so mad right now. Seriously, I'm seeing red.

First Amendment...

Frankly, I don't know why the Federal Government hasn't opened investigations into these people on tax fraud and such.
“Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment,” Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted on Dec. 15.

SOURCE: Westboro Cult Plans on Protesting Sandy Hook Funerals | Conservative News, Views & Books

I am so mad right now. Seriously, I'm seeing red.

“Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment,” Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted on Dec. 15.

Would be sweet if they found the shooter had ever spoken to Shirley so she may also be implicated in the crime...

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