KKK David Duke Declares Victory Through Trump! Pence Won't Call That Deplorable! It's Only Sunday!

The context of the report of the polls is clear, and the "Deplorables" response reflects that appropriate label. Anyone can vote 1.0 mil. times in an online poll, but only once in actual one-on-one polls.
Video cartoons get created as easily as 10,000 votes, from just one person, in an online poll. There is lack of third party corroboration. Polls showed Trump supporters to be a bunch of "losers." In actual one-on-one polls,Clinton won, and the Trump losers couldn't help but lose.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Trump supporters try hard to show--that they are not White, after all!)
Some weeks or day ago, RNC Pence refused to concede that "Deplorables" have gravitated to the Trump campaign of the Party of Abraham Lincoln. "Name-calling," like using a concept "Deplorables" is not the Pence style. "****," "Koon," and "Kueer," however: Are clearly not "Deplorable" names at all of RNC, up and down the RNC ticket, on the ballot in November. Former Klan leader, David Duke, has now declared his life's work validated--due to the RNC campaign.

With white supremacists drawn into political mainstream, David Duke declares victory

The Vice-Presidential debate is only days away. Probably only nominee Pence can see Russia from his porch, right there in Indiana. Likely David Duke is at his side(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Real Christians know the real value of rotted corn, and poison blankets, sent to Lands of Many Nations! RNC knows all about that, even before David Duke!)

Why don't you people ever talk about the shit that matters to American voters? No one gives a damn about David Duke. Well, except trolls who think he is somehow relevant to the politics of 2016
The context of the report of the polls is clear, and the "Deplorables" response reflects that appropriate label. Anyone can vote 1.0 mil. times in an online poll, but only once in actual one-on-one polls.
Video cartoons get created as easily as 10,000 votes, from just one person, in an online poll. There is lack of third party corroboration. Polls showed Trump supporters to be a bunch of "losers." In actual one-on-one polls,Clinton won, and the Trump losers couldn't help but lose.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Trump supporters try hard to show--that they are not White, after all!)

I'll pay you $1000 if you can prove YOU can vote 1 million times in an ONLINE POLL...stupid low 2 digit IQ'd Socialist has no idea what he even writes....
The poll may not have been about your votes. It was likely mainly about the multiple, million time votes, of maybe at least someone else(?).

"Crow, James Crow, Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," mainly charges for each of the million rolls of the dice!)
The poll may not have been about your votes. It was likely mainly about the multiple, million time votes, of maybe at least someone else(?).

"Crow, James Crow, Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," mainly charges for each of the million rolls of the dice!)

FUCKING EXCUSES...that's all the maggots have when CAUGHT WITH YOUR PANTS DOWN....AGAIN!!!!
The online polls are open to anyone, as many times as they want. The real polls have no such option. Vigilante poster can mainly only allege one other online poll-taker. Vigilante so hates the Trump-Pence campaign, that he will not take credit for all the poll responses, personally!

Others hate the Trump-Pence campaign, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," mainly charges for each of the million rolls of the dice!)
The online polls are open to anyone, as many times as they want. The real polls have no such option. Vigilante poster can mainly only allege one other online poll-taker. Vigilante so hates the Trump-Pence campaign, that he will not take credit for all the poll responses, personally!

Others hate the Trump-Pence campaign, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," mainly charges for each of the million rolls of the dice!)

You know what DEMOGRAPHICS are, you maggot socialist, there the party affiliations of the people taking those polls...when you look inside to see exactly WHO voted, depending on the poll they ALL SHOW that Dimwits outnumber Republicans anywhere from 5 to OVER 20%... So shove those MANIPULATED and PAID FOR polls up your ass!
Matter shown! Common in post-debate polls, the losers don't admit to being losers--in the one-on-one real polls. Still need to know how many people sent in the 1.0 mil. votes for Trump, who apparently didn't get all that many. Vigilante poster clearly has all the names, and will post them below. Six is not a lot of names.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Make better sense to count many dollars, from rolls of dice!'
Matter shown! Common in post-debate polls, the losers don't admit to being losers--in the one-on-one real polls. Still need to know how many people sent in the 1.0 mil. votes for Trump, who apparently didn't get all that many. Vigilante poster clearly has all the names, and will post them below. Six is not a lot of names.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Make better sense to count many dollars, from rolls of dice!'

Easy answer MAGGOT is ONE MILLION!...but keep your DERANGEMENT strong, that's ALL you got!
Video cartoons get created as easily as 10,000 votes, from just one person, in an online poll. There is lack of third party corroboration. Polls showed Trump supporters to be a bunch of "losers." In actual one-on-one polls,Clinton won, and the Trump losers couldn't help but lose. The video cartoons have no third party support, from anyone independent of any Trump "movement" that doesn't exist. They are mainly editorial cartoons.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes bringing back smoke of Great Spirit of Lands of Many Nations, like on previous ballots!)

This asshole maggot doesn't realized he just said polls can be easily created, then QUOTES A POLL in his favor.... Subversive, maggoty, DemocRATS really have LOW 2 digit iQ's and expect everyone else to be dumber than they are...NOT HAPPENING douche bag!
What ARE you going to do when Clinton wins the Presidency?
Democrat hypocrites who relied on the KKK to do their dirty work in the 60's and elected former KKK recruiter Robert Byrd for several terms now want to play games with David Duke? ...Ho-hum
Democrat hypocrites who relied on the KKK to do their dirty work in the 60's and elected former KKK recruiter Robert Byrd for several terms now want to play games with David Duke? ...Ho-hum
Who elected Robert Byrd?
Of 1.3 mil. votes cast at one organization, no independent corroboration of the number of respondents was published. In the actual polls, the number of respondents gets published. 1.3 mill. responses is not an indicator of the number of respondents, which the one-on-one polls publish and corroborate.

Again, some supporters could vote more or less than other supporters, and between the two candidates. That is all that the poll set up that way actually measures. It cannot be generalized to 84 mil. viewers.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," offers instead a personal relationship with the deity!)
Robert Byrd was a long-time entrenched Democratic Senator from West Virginia, who was the Senate Democratic Leader for a long time. He had been a KIan member at one time, but quit. He actually coined the term, "Basket of Deplorables." He called them, "White *******," and was asked eventually: To take off his sheet! The deleted word starts with an "n," and does apply to the Trump voters even now!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(South funny place to learn about racial morality!)

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