KKK to hold parade in North Carolina celebrating Trump victory

Aww poor fella, It's only a small % that came out and put him over the top. Not every Caucasian that voted for him is a member of White Pride or Stormfront.

1. YOur pretense of being too stupid to understand what "half the nation" means is noted and dismissed. Save your strawman for someone with less experience with dishonest libs.

2. YOur race baiting in noted. Trump got 60,072,551 votes. The klan is estimated at most to have 8,000 members. You are either extremely dishonest or extremely stupid.

My point stands, asshole.

Your opinion is a massive insult to me and half the nation, and is completely unfounded in anything beyond liberals lies.

My point stands, wanting your interests represented in national policy is not "white pride".

It is completely normal and healthy representative democracy.

Not every racist who was excited by the tone of Mr. Trumps campaign is a part of the Klan either. They were the hidden vote that put the him in office.

Which is based on nothing but your assumption that those who disagree with you must be Evul.

You really need to grasp that having a closed mind is not justification to smear anyone that disagrees with you.

YOu know what type of person has no problem viciously smearing good people based on nothing but disagreeing with them?

A fucking asshole.

Is that who you want to be?

AND, someday, that will bite you on the ass.

Wow. You hear voices inside your head that you feel obligated to listen to don't you.

I said a small % put him over the top. The voice tells you I'm smearing half the country.

I disagree with you and the voice tells you I said you're evil.

It's that voice that's the asshole.

8k spread out over 360 million is not a small %. It is insignificant. It is not what put Trump over the top.

YOu are using the words of the leader of an insignificant group to vilely smear the President Elect and his supporters, who are HALF of your fellow citizens.

YOu are an asshole.

I think it's upwards of 2% of the 120 million who voted. You disagree. Doesn't make you evil. I had this opinion before the vote occurred not according to what some dipshit said.

YOur math is off. that 60 millions represent about 16% of the country.

I still think it's the voice in your head, or is it more than one?
Well I can't go that far but I think the overtly racist groups were more energized by Mr. Trump than Black people were energized by Sec Clinton. It was a very close race and a small % is or was enough to put him over the top.

Because in lib land, there can NEVER be a valid reason that their agenda was rejected.

This is for you, your race baiting asshole.


Not to worry, America has a long history of overt racists it office. The biggest one was Woodrow Wilson (a distant cousin of mine). Let's see he was a Democrat who fired every single black person he had the power to fire.

Now That's a racist card mutherfucher.

The Groper, meh, sure he's racist I guess.....

I'm not worried. I'm calling you on your bullshit, you race baiting liar.

And for someone who voted for the Clintons to pretend to be upset over alleged grouping?

LIberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Dude, seek help.

Standard lefty asshole-ness.

Act like a complete asshole. Which you did.

Then when the people you were a complete asshole respond appropriately, pretend that their being angry is something wrong with them.

Anger is the healthy and reasonable response to an asshole such as yourself.


Never seen a winner

whine so much.
I would bet my life on it, it is being paid for by dem progressives. Probably Soros.
You got it figgered out.

The KKK is the biggest bunch of bullshit these days as they were already dying out back in the 1960s.

The only ones left in the KKK now are 9 FBI informants and one fool that trusts them.
Close to 600 white supremacist organizations active, tho. Just because it's not the genuine KKK, the problem is the same.
KKK to hold parade in North Carolina celebrating Trump victory

The group will hold the parade in North Carolina Dec. 3, but has not yet specified a time or location.

The Loyal White Knights of the KKK refers to the parade as a "Victory Klavalkade Klan Parade" and says on its website that "Trump's race united my people."


Well, we kinda knew that, didn't we?

If Trump really means to unite the country and make it 'great' he will denounce these people. (because he no longer needs their vote)
1. YOur pretense of being too stupid to understand what "half the nation" means is noted and dismissed. Save your strawman for someone with less experience with dishonest libs.

2. YOur race baiting in noted. Trump got 60,072,551 votes. The klan is estimated at most to have 8,000 members. You are either extremely dishonest or extremely stupid.

My point stands, asshole.

Your opinion is a massive insult to me and half the nation, and is completely unfounded in anything beyond liberals lies.

My point stands, wanting your interests represented in national policy is not "white pride".

It is completely normal and healthy representative democracy.

Not every racist who was excited by the tone of Mr. Trumps campaign is a part of the Klan either. They were the hidden vote that put the him in office.

Which is based on nothing but your assumption that those who disagree with you must be Evul.

You really need to grasp that having a closed mind is not justification to smear anyone that disagrees with you.

YOu know what type of person has no problem viciously smearing good people based on nothing but disagreeing with them?

A fucking asshole.

Is that who you want to be?

AND, someday, that will bite you on the ass.

Wow. You hear voices inside your head that you feel obligated to listen to don't you.

I said a small % put him over the top. The voice tells you I'm smearing half the country.

I disagree with you and the voice tells you I said you're evil.

It's that voice that's the asshole.

8k spread out over 360 million is not a small %. It is insignificant. It is not what put Trump over the top.

YOu are using the words of the leader of an insignificant group to vilely smear the President Elect and his supporters, who are HALF of your fellow citizens.

YOu are an asshole.

I think it's upwards of 2% of the 120 million who voted. You disagree. Doesn't make you evil. I had this opinion before the vote occurred not according to what some dipshit said.

YOur math is off. that 60 millions represent about 16% of the country.

I still think it's the voice in your head, or is it more than one?

And how do you imagine that my math is off, dumbshit?
Because in lib land, there can NEVER be a valid reason that their agenda was rejected.

This is for you, your race baiting asshole.


Not to worry, America has a long history of overt racists it office. The biggest one was Woodrow Wilson (a distant cousin of mine). Let's see he was a Democrat who fired every single black person he had the power to fire.

Now That's a racist card mutherfucher.

The Groper, meh, sure he's racist I guess.....

I'm not worried. I'm calling you on your bullshit, you race baiting liar.

And for someone who voted for the Clintons to pretend to be upset over alleged grouping?

LIberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Dude, seek help.

Standard lefty asshole-ness.

Act like a complete asshole. Which you did.

Then when the people you were a complete asshole respond appropriately, pretend that their being angry is something wrong with them.

Anger is the healthy and reasonable response to an asshole such as yourself.


Never seen a winner

whine so much.

Because we won, we are supposed to just let you tell vile lies about us?

Fuck that shit.

YOu are being an asshole.
I would bet my life on it, it is being paid for by dem progressives. Probably Soros.
You got it figgered out.

The KKK is the biggest bunch of bullshit these days as they were already dying out back in the 1960s.

The only ones left in the KKK now are 9 FBI informants and one fool that trusts them.
Close to 600 white supremacist organizations active, tho. Just because it's not the genuine KKK, the problem is the same.

And each one of them is even smaller, and often with overlapping membership.

Tiny and insignificant, EXCEPT as a prop for you lefties to use to smear good people.
KKK to hold parade in North Carolina celebrating Trump victory

The group will hold the parade in North Carolina Dec. 3, but has not yet specified a time or location.

The Loyal White Knights of the KKK refers to the parade as a "Victory Klavalkade Klan Parade" and says on its website that "Trump's race united my people."


Well, we kinda knew that, didn't we?

If Trump really means to unite the country and make it 'great' he will denounce these people. (because he no longer needs their vote)

You and yours are the assholes who are dividing this country and tearing it apart, by you constantly and falsely accusing your enemies of being racist.
KKK to hold parade in North Carolina celebrating Trump victory

The group will hold the parade in North Carolina Dec. 3, but has not yet specified a time or location.

The Loyal White Knights of the KKK refers to the parade as a "Victory Klavalkade Klan Parade" and says on its website that "Trump's race united my people."


Well, we kinda knew that, didn't we?
Why not. The dems have been holding their "parades" in the lefty cities for a couple days now.
Not every racist who was excited by the tone of Mr. Trumps campaign is a part of the Klan either. They were the hidden vote that put the him in office.

Which is based on nothing but your assumption that those who disagree with you must be Evul.

You really need to grasp that having a closed mind is not justification to smear anyone that disagrees with you.

YOu know what type of person has no problem viciously smearing good people based on nothing but disagreeing with them?

A fucking asshole.

Is that who you want to be?

AND, someday, that will bite you on the ass.

Wow. You hear voices inside your head that you feel obligated to listen to don't you.

I said a small % put him over the top. The voice tells you I'm smearing half the country.

I disagree with you and the voice tells you I said you're evil.

It's that voice that's the asshole.

8k spread out over 360 million is not a small %. It is insignificant. It is not what put Trump over the top.

YOu are using the words of the leader of an insignificant group to vilely smear the President Elect and his supporters, who are HALF of your fellow citizens.

YOu are an asshole.

I think it's upwards of 2% of the 120 million who voted. You disagree. Doesn't make you evil. I had this opinion before the vote occurred not according to what some dipshit said.

YOur math is off. that 60 millions represent about 16% of the country.

I still think it's the voice in your head, or is it more than one?

And how do you imagine that my math is off, dumbshit?

You called the 60 million voters half the country. But you also said we have 360 million people. 60 million is only a sixth of the country. Half of 360 is 180.

Feel better?
Not to worry, America has a long history of overt racists it office. The biggest one was Woodrow Wilson (a distant cousin of mine). Let's see he was a Democrat who fired every single black person he had the power to fire.

Now That's a racist card mutherfucher.

The Groper, meh, sure he's racist I guess.....

I'm not worried. I'm calling you on your bullshit, you race baiting liar.

And for someone who voted for the Clintons to pretend to be upset over alleged grouping?

LIberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Dude, seek help.

Standard lefty asshole-ness.

Act like a complete asshole. Which you did.

Then when the people you were a complete asshole respond appropriately, pretend that their being angry is something wrong with them.

Anger is the healthy and reasonable response to an asshole such as yourself.


Never seen a winner

whine so much.

Because we won, we are supposed to just let you tell vile lies about us?

Fuck that shit.

YOu are being an asshole.

Jesus, did I strike a nerve? Are you one of the closet racist that helped propel Donald "The Groper" into the presidency?

Not saying, just asking.
Which is based on nothing but your assumption that those who disagree with you must be Evul.

You really need to grasp that having a closed mind is not justification to smear anyone that disagrees with you.

YOu know what type of person has no problem viciously smearing good people based on nothing but disagreeing with them?

A fucking asshole.

Is that who you want to be?

AND, someday, that will bite you on the ass.

Wow. You hear voices inside your head that you feel obligated to listen to don't you.

I said a small % put him over the top. The voice tells you I'm smearing half the country.

I disagree with you and the voice tells you I said you're evil.

It's that voice that's the asshole.

8k spread out over 360 million is not a small %. It is insignificant. It is not what put Trump over the top.

YOu are using the words of the leader of an insignificant group to vilely smear the President Elect and his supporters, who are HALF of your fellow citizens.

YOu are an asshole.

I think it's upwards of 2% of the 120 million who voted. You disagree. Doesn't make you evil. I had this opinion before the vote occurred not according to what some dipshit said.

YOur math is off. that 60 millions represent about 16% of the country.

I still think it's the voice in your head, or is it more than one?

And how do you imagine that my math is off, dumbshit?

You called the 60 million voters half the country. But you also said we have 360 million people. 60 million is only a sixth of the country. Half of 360 is 180.

Feel better?

I feel fine.

YOur pretense that the voters are so distinct from the non-voters in political beliefs and positions is completely unsupported.

Trump won half the nation, and your vile insults smear all of his supporters, whether they actually went to the polls or not.

My math is fine.
When people on both sides seek to divide, we all lose.

I denounce the rioters -- or any criminal activity.

Both sides get their free speech, right to assemble -- you step outside of that with intent to intimidate or incite harm -- go to hell.
KKK to hold parade in North Carolina celebrating Trump victory

The group will hold the parade in North Carolina Dec. 3, but has not yet specified a time or location.

The Loyal White Knights of the KKK refers to the parade as a "Victory Klavalkade Klan Parade" and says on its website that "Trump's race united my people."


Well, we kinda knew that, didn't we?
Find out if they're gonna roast some blacks and let me know. I'll bring some marshmallows. Did you know Frasier can put ten in his mouth?
I'm not worried. I'm calling you on your bullshit, you race baiting liar.

And for someone who voted for the Clintons to pretend to be upset over alleged grouping?

LIberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Dude, seek help.

Standard lefty asshole-ness.

Act like a complete asshole. Which you did.

Then when the people you were a complete asshole respond appropriately, pretend that their being angry is something wrong with them.

Anger is the healthy and reasonable response to an asshole such as yourself.


Never seen a winner

whine so much.

Because we won, we are supposed to just let you tell vile lies about us?

Fuck that shit.

YOu are being an asshole.

Jesus, did I strike a nerve? Are you one of the closet racist that helped propel Donald "The Groper" into the presidency?

Not saying, just asking.


Asking questions like that are not questions, it is a form of propaganda, based on personal attacks.

Are you aware enough to realize that asshole behavior like your helped motivate pissed off white people to vote in higher numbers than you assholes?

You are part of why you lost.

They celebrate a Trump victory, so you attribute Trump to the KKK.

That's the dumbest, most intellectually lazy reasoning I've ever heard.

Come on now you know Rdean believe Trump eats little babies from their mother wombs while wearing a white hood and chanting in Pig Latin to Lucifer while humping a goat butt! ( The humping of the goat butt might be why Rdean hate Trump because Rdean wishes he was the goat butt getting humped! )

So are you surprise that Rdean believe Trump is KKK!?!

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