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Klavan Exposes Obama...

franco is beyond a tool. He is an example of just how low the public school system has fallen.
franco is beyond a tool. He is an example of just how low the public school system has fallen.

Now...just one cotton-pickin' minute!

You're blaming the school system?

Have you seen any- I mean ANY- evidence that franco went to any school???

You've seen his posts.....a monkey sitting at a keyboard, randomly striking keys....need I say more?
Great thread and the facts are there for all to see....:clap2:

...but as we see the excuses are a coming..

Like someone else said, hope they make a ad out of all this, and run it constantly.
1. When Barack Obama became President in 2008, unemployment was 7.8%, and gas was $2.28/ gallon.
ROTLF It is amazing that you are so ignorant that you think Obama became president in 2008. Currently gas prices are lower then they were before Obama became president. Furthermore blaming Obama for things he does not control is dishonest and makes you a ignorant partisan hack. Furthermore Obama's policies have helped and will reduce energy costs. Examples include 1) releasing oil from the strat reserve, 2) energy efficiency standards/increased fuel economy 3) blocking the XL pipeline which will keep gas costs 30cents cheaper for the midwest

2. We were deep into a market meltdown: “Facts show Fannie, Freddie led mortgage market to the collapse”
Actually Fannie and Freddie did not contribute to the loans that caused the crises, meaning if Fannie and Freddie controlled the whole banking sector we would not of had a banking meltdown
Things Everyone In Chicago Knows - NYTimes.com
The Myth of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barney Frank, the Housing Bubble and the Recession « The Long Goodbye

a. ‘Taxpayers on the hook for $400 million; Senator Obama helped to block reform.’ Wallison: Fannie and Freddie Amnesia - WSJ.com
So according to you it would be good if millions of peoples homes were foreclosed and tens of millions of homeowners had to pay higher interest rates

3. The video asks : How do we understand this President and his time in office? Answer: $4.9 trillion in added debt; more than the total debt of the first 41 Presidents combined.
Considering 4.9trillion dollars is larger then the economy udner the first 41 presidents I'd say your point makes you a retard
5. “That’s why I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office.’ Obama’s Broken Deficit Promise - ABC News
a. Highest deficits in U.S. history: 2009, $1.4 trillion; 2010, $1.2 trillion; 2011, $1.3 trillon.
ROTFL you are so stupid that you don't realize that the 2009 budget was Bushes budget

7. ‘He acted quickly with the ‘Recovery Act’…$1.17 trillion with the interest (CBO)
a. 986,000 construction jobs lost since Obama took office (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
b. 690,000 manufacturing jobs lost since Obama took office (BLS)
c. ‘The funding would keep teachers in the classroom, cops on the street, and first responders ready…” 149,900 public education jobs lost since Obama signed the $10 billion teacher union bailout (BLS and Washington Post)
Yep and with out Obamas stimulus and funding there would of been 4million jobs lost

9. Obama promised that ObamaCare would save the average family $2500 annually in premiums. Obama said his socialized healthcare would save the average family $2500? - Living Lake Country
a. Health insurance costs increase 12.6% (average $1,698) since Obama took office. Kaiser Health News.
So you are so stupid that you blame Obama care of which was passed in 2010 on health care costs increasing in 2009. Furthermore all the analysis show Obamacare will lower health costs and caused premiums to be around 50% lower after ten years

b. “…almost all other countries have better results than we do…” The five year cancer survival rate for men and woman in the United States is higher than for Europe and Canada.” National Center for Policy Analysis, 10/11/07.
Nice of you to cherry pick dumbass
Core Health Indicators
OECD Health Data 2011 - Frequently Requested Data
==Academic standards show America has worse healthcare then other countries.
USA compared to government health care. (all statistics are per capita).
Where America is worse.
1) America has 50% more Medical errors.
2) America is worst in preventable deaths. If America was like government health care 200,000 people would be saved a year.
3) America has 2 million more medical bankruptcies compared to 0.
4) America has 26% less doctors.
5) America has 4% less nurses.
6) America has 46% less hospital beds.
7) America saw half the life expectancy change than countries who changed to government health care.
8) Infant mortality rates are 17% higher in America.
9) America has 100% less Psychiatric care beds.
10) America has 20% less people who go to hospitals.
11) America has 26% more years of life lost due to medical reasons.
12) America has 40% more Respiratory deaths
13) US Tuberculosis treatment success is 10% less
14) 50% more infant deaths
15) 30% more asthma deaths
16) 40% more years lost due to medical conditions
17) 100% more diabetes deaths
15) 50% more deaths by children taken to a hospital for a medical reason

11. Obama: “I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits “Remarks by the President to a Joint Session of Congress on Health Care | The White House
a. ObamaCare will add $340 billion to the deficit. Washington Post, 4/9/12.
b. Cost of ObamaCare once fully implemented: $2.6 trillion. Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
So according to you Obamacare will add tot he deficit because we should not count any measures in it that reduce the deficit. Jesus you are beyond retarded.
12. Video: “17 million kids could no longer be denied for pre-existing conditions.’
a. Politifact rates this claim about pre-existing conditions ‘mostly false.’ 3/16/12.
Yes and they also said that Obamas claim that water was wet was mostly false because ice isn't wet. Obamacare makes it illegal for insurance companies to deny someone due to per-existing conditions
b. Seniors? He cut $575 billion from Medicare. Chief Actuary Richard S. Foster, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
He cut 575billion in wasteful spending. So plz tell me why you think buying drugs that do not work, giving corporations free hand outs and reducing medical errors are all bad things
13. Video: “…cracking down on credit card companies…”
a. “…credit card rates hit a four year high…” ABC News, 1/5/12
Heres what Obamas credit card reform has done
-bans hidden interest rate increases.
-Cardholders can now decline new terms to their credit cards
-Companions can’t retroactively increase rates.
-Companions can’t change terms of contract arbitrary.
-Cardholders now protected by due date gimmicks such as companies mailing bills after their payment date is required.

14. Video: “…a landmark law [Lilly Ledbetter Law] so that a woman who does the same job as a man can get the same pay…
a. “Median Salary of women who work in the White House make 18% less than men…” Annual report to Congress.
I see so according to you the Lilly Ledbetter law which allows women to sue for being payed less then men results in women getting paid less the men. Notice how you sound as if you have no brain

So....will the truth mean anything to Liberals...???

The truth being that you are a totally brainwashed idiot who does not have the ability to think
Great thread and the facts are there for all to see....:clap2:

...but as we see the excuses are a coming..

Like someone else said, hope they make a ad out of all this, and run it constantly.

thanks for proving that you are an idiot
1. When Barack Obama became President in 2008, unemployment was 7.8%, and gas was $2.28/ gallon.

First, Obama took office in Jan 2009, not 2008. The financial meltdown had not yet reached its peak by Jan 2009. Everybody knew that the UE rate was going to rise.

And the $2.28 gas prices? :lol: What were gas prices before Obama took office? According to this chart, in July 2008 gas prices were over $4.00 per gal -- even more than they are now.

Gas Price Historical Price Charts - GasBuddy.com

Hmmm....looks like as soon as Barry was elected the prices started climbing again, and still is. So what's your point??

There wasn't...and that IS the point. ;)
b) there is a white hot ball of burning gases...you've probably noticed it....the sun, which is probably the culprit...
Nope idiot if the sun was the only factor effecting climate the earth would be cooling.
Solar activity & climate: is the sun causing global warming?
Further more volcanic activity and dust concentrations other natural thigns that effect climate suggest that the earth should be also cooling
Global Volcanism Program | Frequently Asked Questions | Has volcanic activity been increasing?
Earth is twice as dusty as in 19th century, research shows

d) there are lots of dim-wits ( did that hurt?) who buy the idea...and this tends to make others skeptical...
Yes you being clueless means other people are dim-wits

Then there's this:
Coulter: “The temperature of the planet has increased about one degree Fahrenheit in the last century. So imagine a summer afternoon when it’s 63 degrees and the next thing you know it’s . . . 64 degrees. Ahhhh!!!! Run for your lives, everybody! Women and children first!”
Nope temperatures have increased over 1 degrees Celsius. Of which has resulted in increased hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, heat waves, winter storms along the Atlantic, increased mosquito/grasshopper habitat/populations, decreases in water life, and a higher sea level

Come back when you've got a clue IE never
Great thread and the facts are there for all to see....:clap2:

...but as we see the excuses are a coming..

Like someone else said, hope they make a ad out of all this, and run it constantly.

thanks for proving that you are an idiot

now now, we know this thread must hurt but no reason to get upset...the truth will set you FREE...
And most of knew what they meant by 2008...too bad you're a idiot that didn't..
A better question is how much influence Barry has over his energy secretary, that clown Chu who said he thinks we should be paying what Europeans do for a gallon of gas, circa 8-9 bucks.

And whom had been saying it BEFORE he was nominated to the post, and hasn't looked back...Obama agrees with him...as DID that Clown from the EPA that had to resign fro his "Crucify" remarks.

Right in tune with Obama and the Statists he is...

Top Obama EPA Official Who Made “Crucify” Remarks Resigns…
Yea, well about those gas prices...........they were $1.89 per gallon on January 20, 2009, true story.

I don't think they are lower now than they were then, unless there's some funky math I don't know about.
1. When Barack Obama became President in 2008, unemployment was 7.8%, and gas was $2.28/ gallon.
ROTLF It is amazing that you are so ignorant that you think Obama became president in 2008. Currently gas prices are lower then they were before Obama became president. Furthermore blaming Obama for things he does not control is dishonest and makes you a ignorant partisan hack. Furthermore Obama's policies have helped and will reduce energy costs. Examples include 1) releasing oil from the strat reserve, 2) energy efficiency standards/increased fuel economy 3) blocking the XL pipeline which will keep gas costs 30cents cheaper for the midwest

2. We were deep into a market meltdown: “Facts show Fannie, Freddie led mortgage market to the collapse”
Actually Fannie and Freddie did not contribute to the loans that caused the crises, meaning if Fannie and Freddie controlled the whole banking sector we would not of had a banking meltdown
Things Everyone In Chicago Knows - NYTimes.com
The Myth of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barney Frank, the Housing Bubble and the Recession « The Long Goodbye

So according to you it would be good if millions of peoples homes were foreclosed and tens of millions of homeowners had to pay higher interest rates

Considering 4.9trillion dollars is larger then the economy udner the first 41 presidents I'd say your point makes you a retard
ROTFL you are so stupid that you don't realize that the 2009 budget was Bushes budget

Yep and with out Obamas stimulus and funding there would of been 4million jobs lost

So you are so stupid that you blame Obama care of which was passed in 2010 on health care costs increasing in 2009. Furthermore all the analysis show Obamacare will lower health costs and caused premiums to be around 50% lower after ten years

Nice of you to cherry pick dumbass
Core Health Indicators
OECD Health Data 2011 - Frequently Requested Data
==Academic standards show America has worse healthcare then other countries.
USA compared to government health care. (all statistics are per capita).
Where America is worse.
1) America has 50% more Medical errors.
2) America is worst in preventable deaths. If America was like government health care 200,000 people would be saved a year.
3) America has 2 million more medical bankruptcies compared to 0.
4) America has 26% less doctors.
5) America has 4% less nurses.
6) America has 46% less hospital beds.
7) America saw half the life expectancy change than countries who changed to government health care.
8) Infant mortality rates are 17% higher in America.
9) America has 100% less Psychiatric care beds.
10) America has 20% less people who go to hospitals.
11) America has 26% more years of life lost due to medical reasons.
12) America has 40% more Respiratory deaths
13) US Tuberculosis treatment success is 10% less
14) 50% more infant deaths
15) 30% more asthma deaths
16) 40% more years lost due to medical conditions
17) 100% more diabetes deaths
15) 50% more deaths by children taken to a hospital for a medical reason

So according to you Obamacare will add tot he deficit because we should not count any measures in it that reduce the deficit. Jesus you are beyond retarded.

Yes and they also said that Obamas claim that water was wet was mostly false because ice isn't wet. Obamacare makes it illegal for insurance companies to deny someone due to per-existing conditions

He cut 575billion in wasteful spending. So plz tell me why you think buying drugs that do not work, giving corporations free hand outs and reducing medical errors are all bad things

Heres what Obamas credit card reform has done
-bans hidden interest rate increases.
-Cardholders can now decline new terms to their credit cards
-Companions can’t retroactively increase rates.
-Companions can’t change terms of contract arbitrary.
-Cardholders now protected by due date gimmicks such as companies mailing bills after their payment date is required.

I see so according to you the Lilly Ledbetter law which allows women to sue for being payed less then men results in women getting paid less the men. Notice how you sound as if you have no brain

So....will the truth mean anything to Liberals...???

The truth being that you are a totally brainwashed idiot who does not have the ability to think

Some biased factoids there. Interestingly enough they don't mention the impact that illegal aliens have had on California and Arizona hospitals. At last count over 40 had been forced to close because of unpaid bills from illegals.
And what caused them to drop from over 4.00 per gal to under 2.00 per gal in a mere few months? Bush's policies?
W saying he was ending the drilling Moritorium. That same day prices started sliding in most of the US. It killed the selling long on oil futures overnight. The day Obama was inagurated, the prices started rising because the campaign promises to destroy the energy industry in America were being kept.
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Yea, well about those gas prices...........they were $1.89 per gallon on January 20, 2009, true story.

I don't think they are lower now than they were then, unless there's some funky math I don't know about.

Stick around...You'll see PLENTY of the Board Statists making excuses...and in the real world? You'll be accessing pumps that look like this:


And signs...that look like THIS:​

"Some biased factoids there. Interestingly enough they don't mention the impact that illegal aliens have had on California and Arizona hospitals. At last count over 40 had been forced to close because of unpaid bills from illegals."

Absolute Pubcrappe, for dupes only...link, idiot?

Gas prices coming down now as Pub fear mongering about Iran quiets, Pub crony speculators are threatened...Good job Obama.
First, Obama took office in Jan 2009, not 2008. The financial meltdown had not yet reached its peak by Jan 2009. Everybody knew that the UE rate was going to rise.

And the $2.28 gas prices? :lol: What were gas prices before Obama took office? According to this chart, in July 2008 gas prices were over $4.00 per gal -- even more than they are now.

Gas Price Historical Price Charts - GasBuddy.com

Hmmm....looks like as soon as Barry was elected the prices started climbing again, and still is. So what's your point??

My point is that the recession drove down gas prices, and that they are now back to around the same level they were before the recession hit. My point is that blaming Obama for gas prices rising back to the level they were before the recession, is imbecilic and dishonest.

Again, I ask the question -- what do you believe was the cause of gas prices dropping nearly in half in just a mere few months back in 2008? Surely you don't believe that Bush's policies had anything to do with it.

so blaming bush is imbecilic and dishonest?

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