Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

Mr. H thinks the Brothers Koch shit don't stink. Neg'd me just for saying so.

Are we butt hurt?

And here is the associated comment: I would tend to disagree.

As I stated earlier, look deeper and you will find a myriad of philanthropic efforts from these individuals. Consider the economic benefits to our Nation as a result of their efforts.

Then... get a job, run a business, and get back to me.
Mr. H thinks the Brothers Koch shit don't stink. Neg'd me just for saying so.

What a baby, but that's to be expected from the far right koch suckers :lol:

I've been here almost five years, and after more than 27,000 posts you should know that I am not "far right".

You are talking out your ass, you are over your head, and out of your league.
Mr. H thinks the Brothers Koch shit don't stink. Neg'd me just for saying so.

Are we butt hurt?

And here is the associated comment: I would tend to disagree.

As I stated earlier, look deeper and you will find a myriad of philanthropic efforts from these individuals. Consider the economic benefits to our Nation as a result of their efforts.

Then... get a job, run a business, and get back to me.
Let's see, pollute the country, exploit the workers ,and get rich doing so (with money from dear old Daddy), then buy a little good-will on PBS. That's how it's done alright and it still makes them fit for nothing but Hell.
What a baby, but that's to be expected from the far right koch suckers :lol:
Yeppers. The fluffers of their masters, and happy to be so.

Pantyhose why don't you try participating and contributing some worth to society through economic endeavor, rather than Occupying a mantle of Socialistic derision.
Why don't you try growing the fuck up? Just because I don't agree with your right-wing nonsense, that you suck from the cocks of your masters, doesn't mean I'm not a rational capitalist, which I just happen to be. Unlike you, I'm not a blind fool licking the asses of the Koch brothers because they just happen to throw a few bucks from their ill-gotten gains at PBS. That doesn't make up for their exploitation of the workers or the damage they do to society and the environment.
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I really love this stuff, these two guys all of a sudden became the villains of the left, even though they have contributed to Democrats campaigns.

It reminds me of Haliburton, Clinton used them exclusively for 8 years and when another contractor stepped in and got a bid, Clinton overrode that decision and awarded it back to Haliburton. During Bush's Presidency, Haliburton was demonized as was the President for using them. Now, during Obama, he has used Haliburton exclusively and now, the only time we hear about Haliburton is when it is referenced to Bush or Cheney.

Every time gas went up under Bush, the liberals were screaming about Bush and his cronies raping the American citizen. Now, gas goes up and liberals find all other reasons NOT to blame Obama.

I get tired of the liberal bullshit.
Mr. H thinks the Brothers Koch shit don't stink. Neg'd me just for saying so.

Are we butt hurt?

And here is the associated comment: I would tend to disagree.

As I stated earlier, look deeper and you will find a myriad of philanthropic efforts from these individuals. Consider the economic benefits to our Nation as a result of their efforts.

Then... get a job, run a business, and get back to me.
Let's see, pollute the country, exploit the workers ,and get rich doing so (with money from dear old Daddy), then buy a little good-will on PBS. That's how it's done alright and it still makes them fit for nothing but Hell.

I honestly pity your dark dank soul, mired in delusional distrust.

But I'm glad you mentioned PBS. Years ago, I called our local affiliate and asked to be a sponsor of the broadcasting of "The Prize" by Daniel Yergin.

When I mentioned the name of my company, they told me that they didn't want my sponsorship because they felt it would be a "conflict of interest".

So I requested a list of their national sponsors. At the top was Koch Industries.

I then called them back and explained that Koch Industries was one of the larger Independent oil and gas producers in the U.S.

They did a double-take, then gladly accepted my money.
Yeppers. The fluffers of their masters, and happy to be so.

Pantyhose why don't you try participating and contributing some worth to society through economic endeavor, rather than Occupying a mantle of Socialistic derision.
Why don't you try growing the fuck up? Just because I don't agree with your right-wing nonsense, that you suck from the cocks of your masters, doesn't mean I'm not a rational capitalist, which I just happen to be. Unlike you, I'm not a blind fool licking the asses of the Koch brothers because they just happen to throw a few bucks from their ill-gotten gains at PBS. That doesn't make up for their exploitation of the workers or the damage they do to society and the environment.

I'm going on 60, how old are you? I've managed my own company for the past 40 years.

I don't mind that you disagree, it just troubles me that you are so ignorant and delusional when it comes to matters regarding commerce and economics.

How can you be a "rational capitalist" and not see the rationality of capitalism?

You rail upon Koch, yet I don't think you've offered up any specifics as yet.
I honestly pity your dark dank soul, mired in delusional distrust.
I don't distrust anything that doesn't deserve to be asswipe. I'm a capitalist who calls a spade a spade, something you are unable to do. The delusion is your childish view of Capitalism. I see it warts and all, something you will never understand. Let's mush on...
I honestly pity your dark dank soul, mired in delusional distrust.
I don't distrust anything that doesn't deserve to be asswipe. I'm a capitalist who calls a spade a spade, something you are unable to do. The delusion is your childish view of Capitalism. I see it warts and all, something you will never understand. Let's mush on...

HEY- That's MISTER asswipe to you, bub.

You're not only a spade, you're a convoluted troubled young man.

I spend $300,000 a year in order to create $1 million of revenue.

What's your game?
Pantyhose why don't you try participating and contributing some worth to society through economic endeavor, rather than Occupying a mantle of Socialistic derision.
Why don't you try growing the fuck up? Just because I don't agree with your right-wing nonsense, that you suck from the cocks of your masters, doesn't mean I'm not a rational capitalist, which I just happen to be. Unlike you, I'm not a blind fool licking the asses of the Koch brothers because they just happen to throw a few bucks from their ill-gotten gains at PBS. That doesn't make up for their exploitation of the workers or the damage they do to society and the environment.

I'm going on 60, how old are you? I've managed my own company for the past 40 years.

I don't mind that you disagree, it just troubles me that you are so ignorant and delusional when it comes to matters regarding commerce and economics.

How can you be a "rational capitalist" and not see the rationality of capitalism?

You rail upon Koch, yet I don't think you've offered up any specifics as yet.
I'm old enough to tell you that your posts are that of an old, overly sensitive damn fool. The Kochs, who got their money from Daddy, work in the dirtiest business on earth, a true destroyer of nations and this world. The Black Death we pump made this world what it is and it will be the end of it, but you see only one side of the reality because you are willfully blind to the other. It doesn't fit your worldview so you reject it and you embrace an evil that you call good.

The Kochs are perfectly human, which is exactly the problem. They are short-sided, narcissistic, and filled with ethical rationalizations that justify what they destroy in the name of making a buck. And you my friend, you wipe their asses and smile. Without being honest that is what happens. You serve them in their quest and you call it moral when it is anything but. Just them spending a few bucks here or there on supposedly "humane" causes makes them noble in your mind. That's nothing more than an Indulgence from the Church of Capitalism but you treat it like manna from Heaven. It's blood money, black blood that destroys even more than it creates but to you they are heroes and that is as sad as it gets.

We clear now?
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I honestly pity your dark dank soul, mired in delusional distrust.
I don't distrust anything that doesn't deserve to be asswipe. I'm a capitalist who calls a spade a spade, something you are unable to do. The delusion is your childish view of Capitalism. I see it warts and all, something you will never understand. Let's mush on...

HEY- That's MISTER asswipe to you, bub.
You're not only a spade, you're a convoluted troubled young man.
I spend $300,000 a year in order to create $1 million of revenue.
What's your game?
My game is not to try and play big man on the Internet. I have no interest in your business. Keep it to yourself big man.
Manipulating the markets and calling it capitalism is bad. Polluting the planet and lobbying to shut down the EPA is worse. Driving a wedge between the American government and her people, that is going too far.
Manipulating the markets and calling it capitalism is bad. Polluting the planet and lobbying to shut down the EPA is worse. Driving a wedge between the American government and her people, that is going too far.
And they are taking bit hits for it, which they, and Mr. H don't like. So sad, for them. It's whack-a-mole time, straight to the Hell they have so eagerly earned.
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The Koch brothers' father founded the John Birch Society, and his boys fund the Tea Party, which is the same thing with a different name.

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