Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

And they are taking bit hits for it, which they, and Mr. H don't like. So sad, for them. It's whack-a-mole time, straight to the Hell they have so eagerly earned.

What I am wondering is if the Koch, et. al., are moving away from the Tea party a little this cycle. They figure they have the Tea partiers riled up and can count on those votes. Now they are looking for for people who need a little more of a rational reason to vote against their own interests. This might present an opportunity for Democrats if 1) the Republicans are not putting as much into that voting segment and 2) there is a certain level of disenfranchisement with the Tea party goals. Central to all these dynamics is getting people to believe they are part of the government and that the government is part of them. If Koch brothers are as Heracles, although not a hero by any means, he was only able to beat Antaeus by separating Antaeus from the Earth. America can only be defeat when the government is separated from its citizens. Defeat of a nation always ultimately comes from the inside.

tea party tea party tea party
maybe they'll gravitate to the OCCUPIERS
Who else can the Democrat party demonize? they surely can't run on the Dear leaders record it's so shameful

If government is bad why was the government shut down not good?
I would have never heard of the Koch brothers if not for the foaming rants of the leftists. Thanks guys!

Most people never know the name of their puppet master. What do you what from you government beside to just go away?
I want it to go on Weight Watchers and eat lean so we can all breathe a little more freely. That will help, not hurt, the marketplace.

The Dem Collective receives their marching orders

"The Koch Brothers are bad"

"The Koch Brothers are bad"

"The Koch Brothers are bad"

"The Koch Brothers are bad"
I would have never heard of the Koch brothers if not for the foaming rants of the leftists. Thanks guys!

Most people never know the name of their puppet master. What do you what from you government beside to just go away?
I want it to go on Weight Watchers and eat lean so we can all breathe a little more freely. That will help, not hurt, the marketplace.

What is your recommendation for what it should cut?
Most people never know the name of their puppet master. What do you what from you government beside to just go away?
I want it to go on Weight Watchers and eat lean so we can all breathe a little more freely. That will help, not hurt, the marketplace.

What is your recommendation for what it should cut?
Federal cuts across the board for starters. Some departments can disappear, like Education, for example. Some things are better run at a state level. Government departments tend to grow, maximize their budgets and ask for more, over and over. It's the nature of the beast. The private sector has to make ends meet, government only needs to squeeze us harder.

Report: Redundant federal programs waste billions
WASHINGTON — Redundant federal programs are leading to billions in waste, congressional auditors say, and the government is slow to adopt reforms to fix the problem.

The White House says President Obama recognizes the problem and will propose eliminating redundant programs in the budget plan he releases Wednesday.

Among the 31 areas of duplicative spending, spelled out in a report by the Government Accountability Office obtained by USA TODAY:

• Government agencies are spending billions on new mapping data — without checking whether some other government agency already has maps they could use.

• At least 23 different federal agencies run hundreds of programs to support renewable energy.

• Each branch of the armed services is developing its own camouflage uniforms without sharing them with other services.
Pantyhose why don't you try participating and contributing some worth to society through economic endeavor, rather than Occupying a mantle of Socialistic derision.
His masters won't allow it.
I have no masters, unlike you Koch Drones, who race in to save them from the dreaded Liberals, like the ones who founded the country.
The "classical liberals" here would disagree with you as to which ideology founded this Country.
I want it to go on Weight Watchers and eat lean so we can all breathe a little more freely. That will help, not hurt, the marketplace.

What is your recommendation for what it should cut?
Federal cuts across the board for starters. Some departments can disappear, like Education, for example. Some things are better run at a state level. Government departments tend to grow, maximize their budgets and ask for more, over and over. It's the nature of the beast. The private sector has to make ends meet, government only needs to squeeze us harder.

Report: Redundant federal programs waste billions
WASHINGTON — Redundant federal programs are leading to billions in waste, congressional auditors say, and the government is slow to adopt reforms to fix the problem.

The White House says President Obama recognizes the problem and will propose eliminating redundant programs in the budget plan he releases Wednesday.

Among the 31 areas of duplicative spending, spelled out in a report by the Government Accountability Office obtained by USA TODAY:

• Government agencies are spending billions on new mapping data — without checking whether some other government agency already has maps they could use.

• At least 23 different federal agencies run hundreds of programs to support renewable energy.

• Each branch of the armed services is developing its own camouflage uniforms without sharing them with other services.

Are are you against states running education?
His masters won't allow it.
I have no masters, unlike you Koch Drones, who race in to save them from the dreaded Liberals, like the ones who founded the country.
The "classical liberals" here would disagree with you as to which ideology founded this Country.
No, they wouldn't. Liberal then is Liberal today, excepting for the fact that we know a hell of a lot more than they did.
I would have never heard of the Koch brothers if not for the foaming rants of the leftists. Thanks guys!

I was about to post the same thing.

Both of you are that stupid eh? So be it.
I regret ever standing up for you from an unwarranted attack on your name. The point we're making is that conservatives don't have leaders to tell us what to think. For example, It's amazing that every liberal voter right down to the grimiest Teamster suddenly is pro-gay lifestyle particularly the T in GBLT.
I was about to post the same thing.

Both of you are that stupid eh? So be it.
I regret ever standing up for you from an unwarranted attack on your name. The point we're making is that conservatives don't have leaders to tell us what to think. For example, It's amazing that every liberal voter right down to the grimiest Teamster suddenly is pro-gay lifestyle particularly the T in GBLT.
Your regrets don't interest me. And the Masters of the Right not only tell you what to think, they tell you want to do, like posting your nonsense here.

Marriage Equality is a Bandwagon issue currently. It's why the numbers have changed so fast. There's no rational argument against it, just a lot of faggot haters screaming about "special" rights that aren't.
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His masters won't allow it.
I have no masters, unlike you Koch Drones, who race in to save them from the dreaded Liberals, like the ones who founded the country.
Typical leftist. Rewriting history.:eusa_hand:
Just like the democrats trying to tell us they passed civil rights legislation, and never passed Jim Crowe laws to keep the negro from integrating into society. They still hate the blacks as proof shows their support of planned parenthood in black neighborhoods and pushing them to stay on welfare - the new plantation.

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