Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

Are are you against states running education?
No, I said they should, not the feds. I could see maybe some federal guidelines but we don't need Washington to manage all 50 states public education.
Education is a matter for the State and local folks to handle. The FED needs to butt out.
I have no masters, unlike you Koch Drones, who race in to save them from the dreaded Liberals, like the ones who founded the country.
The "classical liberals" here would disagree with you as to which ideology founded this Country.
No, they wouldn't. Liberal then is Liberal today, excepting for the fact that we know a hell of a lot more than they did.
Are you announcing that you firmly believe in small government because that's the Constution they wrote.
I have no masters, unlike you Koch Drones, who race in to save them from the dreaded Liberals, like the ones who founded the country.
Typical leftist. Rewriting history.:eusa_hand:
Just like the democrats trying to tell us they passed civil rights legislation, and never passed Jim Crowe laws to keep the negro from integrating into society. They still hate the blacks as proof shows their support of planned parenthood in black neighborhoods and pushing them to stay on welfare - the new plantation.
The NEW slavery.
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.
Capitalism is amoral, and most rich Capitalists are Immoral, like the Brothers Koch.

Capitalism is as moral as the people who are engaged in it. The Koch brothers have a distain for liberal/socialist goals, and that makes them heretics to all left wing nuts. The nerve of those people who disagree with your politics. They must be silenced for the sake of the cause. A really moral attitude.
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.

Capitalism is amoral, and most rich Capitalists are Immoral, like the Brothers Koch.

Capitalism is as moral as the people who are engaged in it. The Koch brothers have a distain for liberal/socialist goals, and that makes them heretics to all left wing nuts. The nerve of those people who disagree with your politics. They must be silenced for the sake of the cause. A really moral attitude.
No, Capitalism is Amoral, by definition, and I don't silence anyone, not even damn fools such as yourself.

And most people are somewhat moral but Capitalism easily becomes Immoral, which is why we Regulate it.
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Both of you are that stupid eh? So be it.
I regret ever standing up for you from an unwarranted attack on your name. The point we're making is that conservatives don't have leaders to tell us what to think. For example, It's amazing that every liberal voter right down to the grimiest Teamster suddenly is pro-gay lifestyle particularly the T in GBLT.
Your regrets don't interest me. And the Masters of the Right not only tell you what to think, they tell you want to do, like posting your nonsense here.

Marriage Equality is a Bandwagon issue currently. It's why the numbers have changed so fast. There's no rational argument against it, just a lot of faggot haters screaming about "special" rights that aren't.

Many good arguments against the oxymoron called "gay marriage" were posted just today over in another thread. The only arguments offered to counter have been variations of "nuh uhn!" Gay marriage is a "band wagon issue" only because the left-wing drones all march in ideological lock step. Many people who vote Democrat are opposed to gay marriage, like blacks. However, you'll never see any black leader admit that.
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I was about to post the same thing.

Both of you are that stupid eh? So be it.
I regret ever standing up for you from an unwarranted attack on your name. The point we're making is that conservatives don't have leaders to tell us what to think. For example, It's amazing that every liberal voter right down to the grimiest Teamster suddenly is pro-gay lifestyle particularly the T in GBLT.

I just have to jump in on this one. When Tea party members are screaming, "Keep government out of our health care!" you can't tell me they are not being to told what to say and then screaming it.
Of course- attack the very elements of what makes our nation great and our economy strong.
Commerce and enterprise.

The Left won't stop until we are utterly destroyed.

The Koch's are the face of fascism and all that is wrong with america.

Do you even know what Fascism is? Evidently not?

Fascism is when business is owned by private citizens and controlled by Government through laws and regulations. Sound like what the Koch Brothers represent? I think not! It's more like what Democrats under Obama represent!
I regret ever standing up for you from an unwarranted attack on your name. The point we're making is that conservatives don't have leaders to tell us what to think. For example, It's amazing that every liberal voter right down to the grimiest Teamster suddenly is pro-gay lifestyle particularly the T in GBLT.
Your regrets don't interest me. And the Masters of the Right not only tell you what to think, they tell you want to do, like posting your nonsense here.

Marriage Equality is a Bandwagon issue currently. It's why the numbers have changed so fast. There's no rational argument against it, just a lot of faggot haters screaming about "special" rights that aren't.

Many good arguments against the oxymoron called "gay marriage" were posted just today over in another thread. The only arguments offered to counter have been variations of "nuh uhn!" Gay marriage is a "band wagon issue" only because the left-wing drones all march in ideological lock step. Many people who vote Democrat are opposed to gay marriage, like blacks. However, you'll never see any black leader admit that.

Oh goodie, the voice of reason has arrived.
Its amazing how two brothers backing candidates they support can make so many liberals piss their pants and suck their thumbs I can't decide if it's sad funny or a combination of both.
Are are you against states running education?
No, I said they should, not the feds. I could see maybe some federal guidelines but we don't need Washington to manage all 50 states public education.

There are 151 school districts in South Dakota, one of the least populated States in America. Shouldn't each district be able to run themselves?

South Dakota Educational Directory
That would be a state call, not federal, if that's your point. Every state has many school disctricts, if you are implying that a state can't handle it but the federal government further removed from the equation can handle thousands of them effectively then I can't agree.
Its amazing how two brothers backing candidates they support can make so many liberals piss their pants and suck their thumbs I can't decide if it's sad funny or a combination of both.
What we do is make them write newspaper articles trying to defend their actions after dragging their reactionary agenda out into the sunlight. That makes them wet their pants little man. If they weren't concerned they wouldn't be trying to defend themselves.

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