Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

Of course- attack the very elements of what makes our nation great and our economy strong.
Commerce and enterprise.

The Left won't stop until we are utterly destroyed.

Bottom line and profit are all that the power-hungry fat-cat Koch brothers are interested in as they cut jobs, run companies into the ground at the drop of a hat or stock market.

Yes, the way to enormous wealth is to destroy the company that one owns.
Makes perfect sense (to idiots).
I really love this stuff, these two guys all of a sudden became the villains of the left, even though they have contributed to Democrats campaigns.

It reminds me of Haliburton, Clinton used them exclusively for 8 years and when another contractor stepped in and got a bid, Clinton overrode that decision and awarded it back to Haliburton. During Bush's Presidency, Haliburton was demonized as was the President for using them. Now, during Obama, he has used Haliburton exclusively and now, the only time we hear about Haliburton is when it is referenced to Bush or Cheney.

Every time gas went up under Bush, the liberals were screaming about Bush and his cronies raping the American citizen. Now, gas goes up and liberals find all other reasons NOT to blame Obama.

I get tired of the liberal bullshit.

Reposted because it's the truth and the truth drives Democrats into snot draining, foaming at the mouth fits!!:badgrin::lol:
The Koch brothers support many causes that liberals despise. They support hospitals and schools, two entities that liberals would like to put wholly under government control.
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.
Capitalism is amoral, and most rich Capitalists are Immoral, like the Brothers Koch.

No, Collectivism is amoral as it sells poor and middle classes on redistribution of wealth when in reality, it is a redistribution of shared misery as the middle class gets wiped out and the wealth is then rolled up and locked into a truly 1% elite and everyone else is now a "worker".
Bottom line and profit are all that the power-hungry fat-cat Koch brothers are interested in as they cut jobs, run companies into the ground at the drop of a hat or stock market.

Get a job. Then start a business. While you're at it, just get a fucking life.

Get a job, support the fat-cat Koch brothers as they do their best to deny you a minimum-wage period.
What exactly is "a minimum wage period"?
Is that you working for minimum wage while on the rag?
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.

Capitalism is amoral, and most rich Capitalists are Immoral, like the Brothers Koch.

No, Collectivism is amoral as it sells poor and middle classes on redistribution of wealth when in reality, it is a redistribution of shared misery as the middle class gets wiped out and the wealth is then rolled up and locked into a truly 1% elite and everyone else is now a "worker".
Learn what Amoral is? The word you wanted was Immoral. Move along now.
Its amazing how two brothers backing candidates they support can make so many liberals piss their pants and suck their thumbs I can't decide if it's sad funny or a combination of both.
What we do is make them write newspaper articles trying to defend their actions after dragging their reactionary agenda out into the sunlight. That makes them wet their pants little man. If they weren't concerned they wouldn't be trying to defend themselves.

What your trying do is vilify and silence any who dare to challenge your radical far left liberal agenda because you can't defend it to the American people if you could you wouldn't be pissing your pants and needing to create strawmen little man.
Capitalism is amoral, and most rich Capitalists are Immoral, like the Brothers Koch.

No, Collectivism is amoral as it sells poor and middle classes on redistribution of wealth when in reality, it is a redistribution of shared misery as the middle class gets wiped out and the wealth is then rolled up and locked into a truly 1% elite and everyone else is now a "worker".
Learn what Amoral is? The word you wanted was Immoral. Move along now.

Leave Our Capitalist Economy alone.
No, Collectivism is amoral as it sells poor and middle classes on redistribution of wealth when in reality, it is a redistribution of shared misery as the middle class gets wiped out and the wealth is then rolled up and locked into a truly 1% elite and everyone else is now a "worker".
Learn what Amoral is? The word you wanted was Immoral. Move along now.

Leave Our Capitalist Economy alone.
I'm a Capitalist you dummy, but unlike you I know what it is.
Its amazing how two brothers backing candidates they support can make so many liberals piss their pants and suck their thumbs I can't decide if it's sad funny or a combination of both.
What we do is make them write newspaper articles trying to defend their actions after dragging their reactionary agenda out into the sunlight. That makes them wet their pants little man. If they weren't concerned they wouldn't be trying to defend themselves.

What your trying do is vilify and silence any who dare to challenge your radical far left liberal agenda because you can't defend it to the American people if you could you wouldn't be pissing your pants and needing to create strawmen little man.

The Kochs aren't straw. I'd personally call them evil based on their actions, and those actions will be exposed. If the shame of that shuts them up, so be it. They should be ashamed but they don't have much in the way of morals.

And I don't have a radical far-left agenda. But how would you know since you don't ask you just assume, wrongly.
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Its amazing how two brothers backing candidates they support can make so many liberals piss their pants and suck their thumbs I can't decide if it's sad funny or a combination of both.
What we do is make them write newspaper articles trying to defend their actions after dragging their reactionary agenda out into the sunlight. That makes them wet their pants little man. If they weren't concerned they wouldn't be trying to defend themselves.

What your trying do is vilify and silence any who dare to challenge your radical far left liberal agenda because you can't defend it to the American people if you could you wouldn't be pissing your pants and needing to create strawmen little man.
Painted Turd is a hired thug...him and his puppet "Antiparty".
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.

That's because destroying things (people, economies, nations, states, cities civilizations, morals, God, etc.) is what the Dumbocrats do best.

They never build anything like the Koch brothers do. The Koch's create wealth and prosperity. The Dumbocrats create Detroit.
What we do is make them write newspaper articles trying to defend their actions after dragging their reactionary agenda out into the sunlight. That makes them wet their pants little man. If they weren't concerned they wouldn't be trying to defend themselves.

What your trying do is vilify and silence any who dare to challenge your radical far left liberal agenda because you can't defend it to the American people if you could you wouldn't be pissing your pants and needing to create strawmen little man.
Painted Turd is a hired thug...him and his puppet "Antiparty".
Neither are true but as a moron you'd believe such things.
Learn what Amoral is? The word you wanted was Immoral. Move along now.

Leave Our Capitalist Economy alone.
I'm a Capitalist you dummy, but unlike you I know what it is.

Like a typical indoctrinated youth, dummy here thinks capitalism means half of us (conservatives) work our asses off and then provide the fruits of those labors to the other half (Dumbocrat parasites).

You can't blame junior - he's young and he's dumb.
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.

That's because destroying things (people, economies, nations, states, cities civilizations, morals, God, etc.) is what the Dumbocrats do best.

They never build anything like the Koch brothers do. The Koch's create wealth and prosperity. The Dumbocrats create Detroit.
The Brothers Koch got the money and business from their Daddy.
Leave Our Capitalist Economy alone.
I'm a Capitalist you dummy, but unlike you I know what it is.

Like a typical indoctrinated youth, dummy here thinks capitalism means half of us (conservatives) work our asses off and then provide the fruits of those labors to the other half (Dumbocrat parasites).

You can't blame junior - he's young and he's dumb.
Little puppy, truly dumb as dog shit.
Your regrets don't interest me. And the Masters of the Right not only tell you what to think, they tell you want to do, like posting your nonsense here.

Marriage Equality is a Bandwagon issue currently. It's why the numbers have changed so fast. There's no rational argument against it, just a lot of faggot haters screaming about "special" rights that aren't.

Many good arguments against the oxymoron called "gay marriage" were posted just today over in another thread. The only arguments offered to counter have been variations of "nuh uhn!" Gay marriage is a "band wagon issue" only because the left-wing drones all march in ideological lock step. Many people who vote Democrat are opposed to gay marriage, like blacks. However, you'll never see any black leader admit that.

Oh goodie, the voice of reason has arrived.

and you turn into a child

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