Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

I regret ever standing up for you from an unwarranted attack on your name. The point we're making is that conservatives don't have leaders to tell us what to think. For example, It's amazing that every liberal voter right down to the grimiest Teamster suddenly is pro-gay lifestyle particularly the T in GBLT.

I just have to jump in on this one. When Tea party members are screaming, "Keep government out of our health care!" you can't tell me they are not being to told what to say and then screaming it.
Are you serious or are you 15 years of age and know jack squat? Conservatives, long before the a TEA party, have been against nationalized healthcare schemes. Obama was pushing it in his campaign. That why we vehemently opposed him. Everything we said about him has come to pass.

What you say changes what I said in no way whatsoever. We can, however, discuss your point if you like.
No, Capitalism is Amoral, by definition, and I don't silence anyone, not even damn fools such as yourself.

And most people are somewhat moral but Capitalism easily becomes Immoral, which is why we Regulate it.
. So communism is superior in your thinking?
Socialism, more specifically, a Mixed Economy. Learn what that is? Sweden has one for instance.

Capitalism is a system of financial interaction, involving people. It does not exist without people, and therefore is not amoral by definition. If the people involved in the transaction are moral, then so is the transaction. You belie your own statement that capitalism is amoral when you claim that it easily becomes immoral.

And yes, capitalism can often become immoral when immoral people engage in it. Because immoral people do corrupt capitalism, we have regulation to limit that corruption.

Socialism is a cancer that eats the human soul, and it always destroys its host. Socialism cannot be contained because it caters to the worst traits of humanity. Greed, sloth, and self indulgence. And like cancer, it sometimes takes a long time to do its damage, but you can rest assured that eventually it will be fatal to the society that embraces it.
No, Capitalism is Amoral, by definition, and I don't silence anyone, not even damn fools such as yourself.

And most people are somewhat moral but Capitalism easily becomes Immoral, which is why we Regulate it.
. So communism is superior in your thinking?
Socialism, more specifically, a Mixed Economy. Learn what that is? Sweden has one for instance.

Nonsense. Socialism is for the lazy and corrupt. Capitalism has created more prosperity and raised people out of their social class than Socialism ever will.
The Brothers Koch got the money and business from their Daddy.
Sounds like jealousy on your part.
Sorry your papa was a rolling stone and all he left you was alone.
Nope. Just pointing who really made them wealthy. Hint, they didn't do it themselves.

Is something wrong with that?
If you die with millions or billions in wealth will you leave that wealth to your children or to some other entity?
Do you think it is evil to gift your personal fortune to your children?

I bet PaintMyHouse won't answer my questions.
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Let's try it this way: As long as students who graduate within a State never leave that State there is no problem. If a student goes to get a job or go on to higher education in another State is it not in the best interest of the student, the employer, and the higher education institution that the education system has some degree of standardization? If a State decides to stop teaching real science, for example, is not the State doing harm to those three, most of all the student?
Let's try it this way. You believe that if it wasn't for the federal government that states would stop teaching real science? As opposed to what, declaring all books except the Bible as heresy? Is that where you're going?

I believe that educators, if they actually care about their jobs and not just the pension and security, know what kids should learn at what level. After all, don't they need a degree in education? If they are truly rudderless without federal handholding something is very wrong.

That said, like I said earlier I could maybe see some federal guidelines, like perhaps a meeting of 50 state department heads on occasion and some mechanism for them to touch base. We don't need a massive beaurocracy to accomplish that.
Is something wrong with that?
If you die with millions or billions in wealth will you leave that wealth to your children or to some other entity?
Do you think it is evil to gift your personal fortune to your children?

I bet PaintMyHouse won't answer my questions.
He claims to be a capitalist, thinks his customers are stupid and condemns capitalism in almost every post. If he has a business my guess is that it isn't very successful. So it's obviously somebody else's fault.
It doesn't matter how many unique Liberal people post here, they all say the EXACT SAME THING
That's the God's honest truth. They accuse the right of repeating talking points but they all sound like clones. You talk to one liberal and you've talked to them all.

You get two conservatives in a room and you can't get them to agree George Bush was a good president. Every liberal in the country will tell you Obama saved our economy. Fools!
No, Capitalism is Amoral, by definition, and I don't silence anyone, not even damn fools such as yourself.

And most people are somewhat moral but Capitalism easily becomes Immoral, which is why we Regulate it.
. So communism is superior in your thinking?

PMH continues to reveal his-her-its bankrupt value system.

True Capitalism is highly moral in the it represents voluntary exchange among willing participants.

Unlike forced commerce between individuals that the liberals and progressives (redundancy alert) find desirable.
What I am wondering is if the Koch, et. al., are moving away from the Tea party a little this cycle. They figure they have the Tea partiers riled up and can count on those votes. Now they are looking for for people who need a little more of a rational reason to vote against their own interests. This might present an opportunity for Democrats if 1) the Republicans are not putting as much into that voting segment and 2) there is a certain level of disenfranchisement with the Tea party goals. Central to all these dynamics is getting people to believe they are part of the government and that the government is part of them. If Koch brothers are as Heracles, although not a hero by any means, he was only able to beat Antaeus by separating Antaeus from the Earth. America can only be defeat when the government is separated from its citizens. Defeat of a nation always ultimately comes from the inside.

tea party tea party tea party
maybe they'll gravitate to the OCCUPIERS
Who else can the Democrat party demonize? they surely can't run on the Dear leaders record it's so shameful

If government is bad why was the government shut down not good?

Who said it was not good?
Sounds like jealousy on your part.
Sorry your papa was a rolling stone and all he left you was alone.
Nope. Just pointing who really made them wealthy. Hint, they didn't do it themselves.

Did you feel the same way about Joe Kennedy and his son Edward? Probably not and you supported him on the Kopeckne drowning no doubt.
My support wasn't required, no one really knows what happened that night and it died with Ted, and Daddy made his money too, and had about the same level of morals you'd expect from someone like Daddy Koch. Clear?
Is something wrong with that?
If you die with millions or billions in wealth will you leave that wealth to your children or to some other entity?
Do you think it is evil to gift your personal fortune to your children?

I bet PaintMyHouse won't answer my questions.
He claims to be a capitalist, thinks his customers are stupid and condemns capitalism in almost every post. If he has a business my guess is that it isn't very successful. So it's obviously somebody else's fault.

I guess in this sense businesses are people. The 1% are killing the other 99%.
How many hospitals has George Soros funded. You have to be a bi-polar nut case to assume that nobody on the left pursues wealth and power.
. So communism is superior in your thinking?
Socialism, more specifically, a Mixed Economy. Learn what that is? Sweden has one for instance.

Nonsense. Socialism is for the lazy and corrupt. Capitalism has created more prosperity and raised people out of their social class than Socialism ever will.

Capitalism, as you describe it, has left rural American and is never coming back. what do you say to those people? (rhetorical question)
tea party tea party tea party
maybe they'll gravitate to the OCCUPIERS
Who else can the Democrat party demonize? they surely can't run on the Dear leaders record it's so shameful

If government is bad why was the government shut down not good?

Who said it was not good?
The way Obama handled the shut down was not good. If he was King our necks would be on a chopping block for defying him.
Is something wrong with that?
If you die with millions or billions in wealth will you leave that wealth to your children or to some other entity?
Do you think it is evil to gift your personal fortune to your children?

I bet PaintMyHouse won't answer my questions.
He claims to be a capitalist, thinks his customers are stupid and condemns capitalism in almost every post. If he has a business my guess is that it isn't very successful. So it's obviously somebody else's fault.
His customers must be victims of shitty service.

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