Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

]And Soros is IGNORED by YOU and your fellow travelers for DOING the very things YOU accuse the Koch Brothers of doing. But YOU won't belive it much less LOOK at it lest YOU upset your masters. :eusa_hand:

TRY again.
The primary factor which separates George Soros from those multi-billionaires who began amassing their fortunes via the exploitative methods made available by Reaganomics and the long progression of deregulation that followed is Soros already had quietly made his money by the 1980s -- and he is known for his frequent acts of genuine philanthropy which date back to the early seventies. The fact that you are not aware of Soros' exceptional generosity is the absence of publicity that accompanies everything the Koch brothers do that appears to be philanthropy but is in fact public relations. Soros is a quiet philanthropist.

It should be noted that Soros has repeatedly stated he would have no problem with the return of the 91% tax rate that fueled recovery from the Great Depression. He also has advised that it will be necessary to impart balance to the presently inequitable distribution of wealth in order to preserve the middle class and America's economic supremacy.

Briefly stated, Soros is a comparatively honest billionaire who stands apart from those who are driven by inflexible avarice. He didn't make his money through usurious exploitation or devious schemes which stole from working class pensions, facilitated sub-prime mortgage foreclosures, and by massive military industrial profiteering through promoting such unnecessary actions as the Iraq invasion -- which is the most egregious criminal act in American history!

George Soros is rich but he is not a member of the financial neo-aristocracy which is clearly dedicated to the destruction of the American Middle Class.

Wow...MikeK taking stupidity to a whole new level! Watching him trip all over himself trying to figure out a way to explain why he defends billionaire George Soros while spreading vicious lies about the Koch brothers is comical.

He literally has no idea who George Soros is or how he made his money.

Here's a clue asshole - he's made his money by first working for the Nazi's and then by collapsing economies while betting on the collapse. He's the worst kind of dirt bag billionaire and there you sit defending him simply because he's convinced you he will *one* day split his wealth with your dumb ass... :lol:
Ya that callous indifference must really make it hard when they write endowment checks to organizations like NPR,and NOVA.

Do you people ever stop blubbering,and pointing your bony little fingers?
What you perceive as charitable philanthropy is to the super-rich a tax write-off and an effort to disguise their greed and exploitative nature.

If a Koch donates a hundred million dollars it is proportionately equal to you or me donating a quarter (between the brothers they have hoarded over a hundred billion dollars). That's billion, with a B. Think about that kind of wealth. No one who possesses such a fortune can be considered philanthropic no matter how much he or she occasionally "donates." Philanthropy implies real sacrifice, a marked reduction of one's holdings, not an affected illusion. The Kochs hold as much money today as they did on the day before they made these "philanthropic" donations -- which amount to substantially less than the interest on their billions.

The Kochs know they have become conspicuous and they are effecting gestures to affect public opinion. They are tossing table crumbs to the masses.
It's the Koch's MONEY...They can do with it what they will...THEY came by it honestly...unlike SOROS, whom has WRECKED economies. How many economies have the Koch Brothers wrecked by the way?
Those brothers.....so wrong of them to have adopted George Soros as a role model.

Chuck Schumer used to love them before he was against them...:badgrin:

Chuck Schumer: I Was For the Koch Brothers Before I Was Against Them | Power Line

Posted on April 7, 2014 by John Hinderaker in Democrats, The War on the Koch Brothers
Chuck Schumer: I Was For the Koch Brothers Before I Was Against Them

Chuck Schumer has joined Harry Reid in obsessive attacks on Charles and David Koch and their company, Koch Industries. Yesterday Schumer told Politico that the Democrats’ attacks on the Koch brothers are paying off politically, and they intend to continue them. He described the brothers’ “real agenda”:

They’re spending $40, $50 million in ads that are not focused on their real agenda, which is just eliminating all regulation on corporations, cutting taxes to virtually nothing.

Here is the funny thing: when KochPAC, Koch Industries’ political action committee, donated money to Schumer’s 2010 Senatorial campaign, Schumer thought the Kochs were wonderful. Here is the letter of appreciation he wrote, dated October 28,2009. Click to enlarge file size:
The simple situation is there are democrats and republicans. But also there are demoncrats and republirats, the two extremes on the political scene. Both extremes are full of crap and it appears there is a lot of crap being thrown around here.
The primary factor which separates George Soros from those multi-billionaires who began amassing their fortunes via the exploitative methods made available by Reaganomics and the long progression of deregulation that followed is Soros already had quietly made his money by the 1980s -- and he is known for his frequent acts of genuine philanthropy which date back to the early seventies. The fact that you are not aware of Soros' exceptional generosity is the absence of publicity that accompanies everything the Koch brothers do that appears to be philanthropy but is in fact public relations. Soros is a quiet philanthropist.

It should be noted that Soros has repeatedly stated he would have no problem with the return of the 91% tax rate that fueled recovery from the Great Depression. He also has advised that it will be necessary to impart balance to the presently inequitable distribution of wealth in order to preserve the middle class and America's economic supremacy.

Briefly stated, Soros is a comparatively honest billionaire who stands apart from those who are driven by inflexible avarice. He didn't make his money through usurious exploitation or devious schemes which stole from working class pensions, facilitated sub-prime mortgage foreclosures, and by massive military industrial profiteering through promoting such unnecessary actions as the Iraq invasion -- which is the most egregious criminal act in American history!

George Soros is rich but he is not a member of the financial neo-aristocracy which is clearly dedicated to the destruction of the American Middle Class.

Honest Billionaire?
He is a crook.
Soros, was convicted in 2002 of insider trading and ordered to repay 2.2 million euros ($2.9 million) and he broke the Bank of England.

Soros Loses Case Against French Insider-Trading Conviction - Businessweek
No argument. I believe that behind every great fortune lies a great crime. But this discussion is about the Koch brothers supposed generosity.

Yes. Soros is a crook. But he also has a long history of generosity -- and not for the purpose of public relations.

Then why does he broadcast his donations if publicity has nothing to do with his motivations? I think you are pitching a crock of crap. Vilifying on and holding up another is hypocritical.
I had never thought of obsession as being a primary virtue of adherents of The Democrat Party but.....well, there it is!
There has been no billionaire more exploitive than Soros in the accumulation of their fortune.
There has been no billionaire more exploitive than Soros in the accumulation of their fortune.
Except for maybe the Koch Brothers. Stay tuned...
No exceptions! None! Nunca! There has never been a billionaire in the US more exploitive than Soros.
I will infer the red text in the above message to denote raving and will offer some clarification in the hope of calming you down.

First, in spite of what you (and others here) might mistakenly perceive, I have no affection for George Soros -- or any other multi-billionaire. But the essence of this discussion became a comparison of Soros with the Koch Brothers and I have presented my impressions of the two subjects.

What I know about Soros is he made most of his money by scamming the Nazis in Hungary, and by out-maneuvering the Bank of England, and by speculating in gold. While some of the tactics employed by Soros in these and other endeavors have been described as crooked I have no have no sympathy for the Nazis or for the British banking cartel.

Essentially, George Soros has been around for quite some time but, unlike the Koch brothers and other multi-billionaires, he has never been accused of contributing to the decline of the American middle class and diversion of the Nation's wealth resources to the rising financial aristocracy commonly known as the One Percent. Instead he is known for a continuum of relatively generous philanthropies and for his relatively honest personal assessments of the maneuvers by which the U.S. Economy has been sabotaged.

For more information about George Soros, go here: How to invest like ... George Soros - Telegraph
Except for maybe the Koch Brothers. Stay tuned...
No exceptions! None! Nunca! There has never been a billionaire in the US more exploitive than Soros.
I will infer the red text in the above message to denote raving and will offer some clarification in the hope of calming you down.
I need no calming because you infer wrong. I was making sure he, or you, or anyone else understood that I am aware that Soros has exploited people as much as anyone else in the US to get his money. Your blather to the contrary means nothing. Your suggestion that the Koch brothers have exploited the American workers, middle class or other people is pure left wing fanatic propaganda that apparently you fell for. Kind of shows how little you know. Your link is pure propaganda. Almost as made up by a political activist as the Michael Moore crap.

If you want to understand what is really going on, stop reading canned political garbage and go into the world and learn yourself. You are spouting the left wing equivalent of the John Birch propagandists.
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No exceptions! None! Nunca! There has never been a billionaire in the US more exploitive than Soros.
I will infer the red text in the above message to denote raving and will offer some clarification in the hope of calming you down.
I need no calming because you infer wrong. I was making sure he, or you, or anyone else understood that I am aware that Soros has exploited people as much as anyone else in the US to get his money. Your blather to the contrary means nothing. Your suggestion that the Koch brothers have exploited the American workers, middle class or other people is pure left wing fanatic propaganda that apparently you fell for. Kind of shows how little you know. Your link is pure propaganda. Almost as made up by a political activist as the Michael Moore crap.

If you want to understand what is really going on, stop reading canned political garbage and go into the world and learn yourself. You are spouting the left wing equivalent of the John Birch propagandists.

George Soros made a great deal of his money in financial speculation. He made huge investments in gold, which accounts for about 11% of his investment portfolio. He is said to be the man who 'broke the Bank of England.' He earned approximately $1.1 billion when the UK devalued the pound by withdrawing from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. George Soros' investment style is deceptively simple while esoteric and complex at the same time. He has made mistakes and taken losses, but his bets have usually paid off for him.
Reference: DailyFinance - News and Advice for a Lifetime of Financial Decisions


Go here to further educate yourself about Soros: How to invest like ... George Soros - Telegraph

Then go here:

A week after the Census Bureau reported that American poverty has hit an all time high, America has learned the wealth of Charles and David Koch has increased 43% since March of 2010.

According to Forbes, the Koch Brothers have seen their fortune grow by 43% in a little more than a year to $25 billion. According to Think Progress the Koch boys have made their money by aggressively speculating in energy markets, “Koch uses legitimate hedging products to create price stability. However, the documents reveal that Koch is also participating in the unregulated derivatives markets as a financial player, buying and selling speculative products that are increasingly contributing to the skyrocketing price of oil.”

In other words, every time the price of gas goes up for no particular reason other than the vague energy speculators excuse, the Koch brothers just made themselves more money.
Getting Rich Off The Poor: How The Koch Brothers Wealth Grew 43% Since 2010

Your obsession with partisan concerns has blinded you to the simple fact that while Soros is no angel he is in no way as rapacious as the Koch Brothers. I suggest you take advantage of the offer in my signature line and educate yourself as to what has happened to our national economy. Soros has nothing to do with any of it.
Amazing that George Soros who is a criminal and nazi collaborator would be the darling of the left.
I will infer the red text in the above message to denote raving and will offer some clarification in the hope of calming you down.
I need no calming because you infer wrong. I was making sure he, or you, or anyone else understood that I am aware that Soros has exploited people as much as anyone else in the US to get his money. Your blather to the contrary means nothing. Your suggestion that the Koch brothers have exploited the American workers, middle class or other people is pure left wing fanatic propaganda that apparently you fell for. Kind of shows how little you know. Your link is pure propaganda. Almost as made up by a political activist as the Michael Moore crap.

If you want to understand what is really going on, stop reading canned political garbage and go into the world and learn yourself. You are spouting the left wing equivalent of the John Birch propagandists.

George Soros made a great deal of his money in financial speculation. He made huge investments in gold, which accounts for about 11% of his investment portfolio. He is said to be the man who 'broke the Bank of England.' He earned approximately $1.1 billion when the UK devalued the pound by withdrawing from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. George Soros' investment style is deceptively simple while esoteric and complex at the same time. He has made mistakes and taken losses, but his bets have usually paid off for him.
Reference: DailyFinance - News and Advice for a Lifetime of Financial Decisions


Go here to further educate yourself about Soros: How to invest like ... George Soros - Telegraph

Then go here:

A week after the Census Bureau reported that American poverty has hit an all time high, America has learned the wealth of Charles and David Koch has increased 43% since March of 2010.

According to Forbes, the Koch Brothers have seen their fortune grow by 43% in a little more than a year to $25 billion. According to Think Progress the Koch boys have made their money by aggressively speculating in energy markets, “Koch uses legitimate hedging products to create price stability. However, the documents reveal that Koch is also participating in the unregulated derivatives markets as a financial player, buying and selling speculative products that are increasingly contributing to the skyrocketing price of oil.”

In other words, every time the price of gas goes up for no particular reason other than the vague energy speculators excuse, the Koch brothers just made themselves more money.
Getting Rich Off The Poor: How The Koch Brothers Wealth Grew 43% Since 2010

Your obsession with partisan concerns has blinded you to the simple fact that while Soros is no angel he is in no way as rapacious as the Koch Brothers. I suggest you take advantage of the offer in my signature line and educate yourself as to what has happened to our national economy. Soros has nothing to do with any of it.

I have no bone to pick with Soros but he has never produced anything ... he simply astutely bets with the winners and against the losers:

...During the conversation with the Thai diplomat, Soros expressed his sympathy for the state of Thailand's economy and the hardship being faced by its people. For this reason, he said he had refrained from making any public statements over his speculation.

"But I would not have been able to speculate [against the baht] if the Thai economy or its financial system were not in such bad shape," he said.

Soros argued that hedge funds did not start the crisis, although they played a role in the turmoil.

While the Koch brothers supposedly grew by 43% and it was their fault that it grew.

Did you know that since Obama took office, Soros, an Obama contributor has over doubled his wealth. Over 100% increase, yet the left is going after the Koch brothers.

Have any of the Democrats refused any of the money the Koch brother have donated to them? Have any of the Democrats in Congress refused to take any of the lobbying money the Koch brothers gave?
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I will infer the red text in the above message to denote raving and will offer some clarification in the hope of calming you down.
I need no calming because you infer wrong. I was making sure he, or you, or anyone else understood that I am aware that Soros has exploited people as much as anyone else in the US to get his money. Your blather to the contrary means nothing. Your suggestion that the Koch brothers have exploited the American workers, middle class or other people is pure left wing fanatic propaganda that apparently you fell for. Kind of shows how little you know. Your link is pure propaganda. Almost as made up by a political activist as the Michael Moore crap.

If you want to understand what is really going on, stop reading canned political garbage and go into the world and learn yourself. You are spouting the left wing equivalent of the John Birch propagandists.

George Soros made a great deal of his money in financial speculation. He made huge investments in gold, which accounts for about 11% of his investment portfolio. He is said to be the man who 'broke the Bank of England.' He earned approximately $1.1 billion when the UK devalued the pound by withdrawing from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. George Soros' investment style is deceptively simple while esoteric and complex at the same time. He has made mistakes and taken losses, but his bets have usually paid off for him.
Reference: DailyFinance - News and Advice for a Lifetime of Financial Decisions


Go here to further educate yourself about Soros: How to invest like ... George Soros - Telegraph

Then go here:

A week after the Census Bureau reported that American poverty has hit an all time high, America has learned the wealth of Charles and David Koch has increased 43% since March of 2010.

According to Forbes, the Koch Brothers have seen their fortune grow by 43% in a little more than a year to $25 billion. According to Think Progress the Koch boys have made their money by aggressively speculating in energy markets, “Koch uses legitimate hedging products to create price stability. However, the documents reveal that Koch is also participating in the unregulated derivatives markets as a financial player, buying and selling speculative products that are increasingly contributing to the skyrocketing price of oil.”

In other words, every time the price of gas goes up for no particular reason other than the vague energy speculators excuse, the Koch brothers just made themselves more money.
Getting Rich Off The Poor: How The Koch Brothers Wealth Grew 43% Since 2010

Your obsession with partisan concerns has blinded you to the simple fact that while Soros is no angel he is in no way as rapacious as the Koch Brothers. I suggest you take advantage of the offer in my signature line and educate yourself as to what has happened to our national economy. Soros has nothing to do with any of it.
I am fully aware of Soros and his exploitations. I also know about the Koch brothers and their exploitations, and I stand on my comment based on knowledge and education. Soros is the more exploitive of the group. Not to say the Kochs were not, but they are in a junior league in comparison.

BTW, yes I am partisan. I am a democrat and have been all my life. But I am not a left winger like you. I am a classical liberal or as many would call us, a JFK democrat. You are ate up with the propaganda stick. The offer in your sig line takes us to pure propaganda in the Michael Moore style. If you believe that crap you are ate up with the dumbass. If anyone needs education here it is you. Read my Sig line and try to understand reality.
Soros: Worked with the Nazis, makes his money destroying economies and impoverishing people

Koch: make their money providing products and services that improve the lives of people

Yeah, identical I tell yas!
The political persecution of the Koch brothers doesn't need to be true. It's just what the democrats have chosen to propagandize. They planned it and implemented it.
Koch Brother are the new Kulaks. Progressives always need a demon. Stalin had the Kulaks, Hitler the Jews, Mao the Capitalists and Democrats have the Koch Brothers.

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