Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

those is no shortage of penis-envy by conservatives because George Soros has been viciously attacked by r-wingers for years now.
I agree. Attacking the rich is penis envy without regard to party.
You see it with your glasses only now days.
I don't need glasses to see all the penis envy of the rich.

You see penises. :lol:
Nope! I see people with penis envy, all those people who attack the rich. And like I said, it doesn't matter which party the rich person belongs too there are lots of people who envy them. Especially since it is not the rich who are responsible for the poor being poor.

Left wing extremists, right wing extremists, are both cut from the same bolt of cloth, and both are evil.
Ya that callous indifference must really make it hard when they write endowment checks to organizations like NPR,and NOVA.

Do you people ever stop blubbering,and pointing your bony little fingers?
What you perceive as charitable philanthropy is to the super-rich a tax write-off and an effort to disguise their greed and exploitative nature.

If a Koch donates a hundred million dollars it is proportionately equal to you or me donating a quarter (between the brothers they have hoarded over a hundred billion dollars). That's billion, with a B. Think about that kind of wealth. No one who possesses such a fortune can be considered philanthropic no matter how much he or she occasionally "donates." Philanthropy implies real sacrifice, a marked reduction of one's holdings, not an affected illusion. The Kochs hold as much money today as they did on the day before they made these "philanthropic" donations -- which amount to substantially less than the interest on their billions.

The Kochs know they have become conspicuous and they are effecting gestures to affect public opinion. They are tossing table crumbs to the masses.
The super rich are just what we thought: Heartless bastards who put profit above EVERYTHING.

They see employees as just units of labor. If even that. They don't see people. They don't see them as being any different than a machine on an assembly line. If they could find a computer to do the job, they'd get rid of the organic labor unit that needs healthcare.

Its a true religious sin, in my opinion, to live a life so obsessed with money and power.

The Koch Brothers....and George Soros...and most like them, will not get into God's kingdom.

And Dumbocrats see voters as dumb animals to loot, laugh at, and control. And that's why every time the Dumbocrats have control, misery, poverty, and unemployment occur.

Obama, Pelosi, and Reid have given us nothing but 8% - 10% unemployment, $7 trillion more to the national debt, and more people than ever in U.S. history on food stamps.

This isn't by mistake. They only way they can expand their voter base is by expanding the amount of people dependent on government.


No matter how you slice it, it's still baloney. You lose!

Wow - there was an intelligent response (typical Dumbocrat here). What part was "baloney" - the unemployment the Dumbocrats have given us? The nation-collapsing debt they've racked us with? Or the amount of people their policies have forced into welfare and food stamps? Because, while I agree that it is "baloney" that the Dumbocrats do this to all of us out of greed, it is also sadly a fact.

And I've got news for you junior - when the Dumbocrats are in charge, we all lose.
If it were not for Capitalism and Capitalists our social programs would have nothing to fund what they do for the needy. When I see ignorant people attack the rich because they choose to finance political issues they choose, I see it for what it is, penis envy.

So those is no shortage of penis-envy by conservatives because George Soros has been viciously attacked by r-wingers for years now.

You see it with your glasses only now days.
And Soros is IGNORED by YOU and your fellow travelers for DOING the very things YOU accuse the Koch Brothers of doing. But YOU won't belive it much less LOOK at it lest YOU upset your masters. :eusa_hand:

TRY again.

Ya that callous indifference must really make it hard when they write endowment checks to organizations like NPR,and NOVA.

Do you people ever stop blubbering,and pointing your bony little fingers?
What you perceive as charitable philanthropy is to the super-rich a tax write-off and an effort to disguise their greed and exploitative nature.

If a Koch donates a hundred million dollars it is proportionately equal to you or me donating a quarter (between the brothers they have hoarded over a hundred billion dollars). That's billion, with a B. Think about that kind of wealth. No one who possesses such a fortune can be considered philanthropic no matter how much he or she occasionally "donates." Philanthropy implies real sacrifice, a marked reduction of one's holdings, not an affected illusion. The Kochs hold as much money today as they did on the day before they made these "philanthropic" donations -- which amount to substantially less than the interest on their billions.

The Kochs know they have become conspicuous and they are effecting gestures to affect public opinion. They are tossing table crumbs to the masses.

So Amazon just donated $20,000,000 to research, so what terrible assholes trying to do to us?

And with the billions Bill Gates gives away, how is he trying to screw us over?
]And Soros is IGNORED by YOU and your fellow travelers for DOING the very things YOU accuse the Koch Brothers of doing. But YOU won't belive it much less LOOK at it lest YOU upset your masters. :eusa_hand:

TRY again.
The primary factor which separates George Soros from those multi-billionaires who began amassing their fortunes via the exploitative methods made available by Reaganomics and the long progression of deregulation that followed is Soros already had quietly made his money by the 1980s -- and he is known for his frequent acts of genuine philanthropy which date back to the early seventies. The fact that you are not aware of Soros' exceptional generosity is the absence of publicity that accompanies everything the Koch brothers do that appears to be philanthropy but is in fact public relations. Soros is a quiet philanthropist.

It should be noted that Soros has repeatedly stated he would have no problem with the return of the 91% tax rate that fueled recovery from the Great Depression. He also has advised that it will be necessary to impart balance to the presently inequitable distribution of wealth in order to preserve the middle class and America's economic supremacy.

Briefly stated, Soros is a comparatively honest billionaire who stands apart from those who are driven by inflexible avarice. He didn't make his money through usurious exploitation or devious schemes which stole from working class pensions, facilitated sub-prime mortgage foreclosures, and by massive military industrial profiteering through promoting such unnecessary actions as the Iraq invasion -- which is the most egregious criminal act in American history!

George Soros is rich but he is not a member of the financial neo-aristocracy which is clearly dedicated to the destruction of the American Middle Class.
]And Soros is IGNORED by YOU and your fellow travelers for DOING the very things YOU accuse the Koch Brothers of doing. But YOU won't belive it much less LOOK at it lest YOU upset your masters. :eusa_hand:

TRY again.
The primary factor which separates George Soros from those multi-billionaires who began amassing their fortunes via the exploitative methods made available by Reaganomics and the long progression of deregulation that followed is Soros already had quietly made his money by the 1980s -- and he is known for his frequent acts of genuine philanthropy which date back to the early seventies. The fact that you are not aware of Soros' exceptional generosity is the absence of publicity that accompanies everything the Koch brothers do that appears to be philanthropy but is in fact public relations. Soros is a quiet philanthropist.

It should be noted that Soros has repeatedly stated he would have no problem with the return of the 91% tax rate that fueled recovery from the Great Depression. He also has advised that it will be necessary to impart balance to the presently inequitable distribution of wealth in order to preserve the middle class and America's economic supremacy.

Briefly stated, Soros is a comparatively honest billionaire who stands apart from those who are driven by inflexible avarice. He didn't make his money through usurious exploitation or devious schemes which stole from working class pensions, facilitated sub-prime mortgage foreclosures, and by massive military industrial profiteering through promoting such unnecessary actions as the Iraq invasion -- which is the most egregious criminal act in American history!

George Soros is rich but he is not a member of the financial neo-aristocracy which is clearly dedicated to the destruction of the American Middle Class.

Honest Billionaire?
He is a crook.
Soros, was convicted in 2002 of insider trading and ordered to repay 2.2 million euros ($2.9 million) and he broke the Bank of England.

Soros Loses Case Against French Insider-Trading Conviction - Businessweek
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Ya that callous indifference must really make it hard when they write endowment checks to organizations like NPR,and NOVA.

Do you people ever stop blubbering,and pointing your bony little fingers?
What you perceive as charitable philanthropy is to the super-rich a tax write-off and an effort to disguise their greed and exploitative nature.

If a Koch donates a hundred million dollars it is proportionately equal to you or me donating a quarter (between the brothers they have hoarded over a hundred billion dollars). That's billion, with a B. Think about that kind of wealth. No one who possesses such a fortune can be considered philanthropic no matter how much he or she occasionally "donates." Philanthropy implies real sacrifice, a marked reduction of one's holdings, not an affected illusion. The Kochs hold as much money today as they did on the day before they made these "philanthropic" donations -- which amount to substantially less than the interest on their billions.

The Kochs know they have become conspicuous and they are effecting gestures to affect public opinion. They are tossing table crumbs to the masses.

Bill Gates is even richer. He has 75 Billion
Koch brothers have 40 billion each, they do not have a 100 Billion.
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]And Soros is IGNORED by YOU and your fellow travelers for DOING the very things YOU accuse the Koch Brothers of doing. But YOU won't belive it much less LOOK at it lest YOU upset your masters. :eusa_hand:

TRY again.
The primary factor which separates George Soros from those multi-billionaires who began amassing their fortunes via the exploitative methods made available by Reaganomics and the long progression of deregulation that followed is Soros already had quietly made his money by the 1980s -- and he is known for his frequent acts of genuine philanthropy which date back to the early seventies. The fact that you are not aware of Soros' exceptional generosity is the absence of publicity that accompanies everything the Koch brothers do that appears to be philanthropy but is in fact public relations. Soros is a quiet philanthropist.

It should be noted that Soros has repeatedly stated he would have no problem with the return of the 91% tax rate that fueled recovery from the Great Depression. He also has advised that it will be necessary to impart balance to the presently inequitable distribution of wealth in order to preserve the middle class and America's economic supremacy.

Briefly stated, Soros is a comparatively honest billionaire who stands apart from those who are driven by inflexible avarice. He didn't make his money through usurious exploitation or devious schemes which stole from working class pensions, facilitated sub-prime mortgage foreclosures, and by massive military industrial profiteering through promoting such unnecessary actions as the Iraq invasion -- which is the most egregious criminal act in American history!

George Soros is rich but he is not a member of the financial neo-aristocracy which is clearly dedicated to the destruction of the American Middle Class.

Honest Billionaire?
He is a crook.
Soros, was convicted in 2002 of insider trading and ordered to repay 2.2 million euros ($2.9 million) and he broke the Bank of England.

Soros Loses Case Against French Insider-Trading Conviction - Businessweek
No argument. I believe that behind every great fortune lies a great crime. But this discussion is about the Koch brothers supposed generosity.

Yes. Soros is a crook. But he also has a long history of generosity -- and not for the purpose of public relations.
The primary factor which separates George Soros from those multi-billionaires who began amassing their fortunes via the exploitative methods made available by Reaganomics and the long progression of deregulation that followed is Soros already had quietly made his money by the 1980s -- and he is known for his frequent acts of genuine philanthropy which date back to the early seventies. The fact that you are not aware of Soros' exceptional generosity is the absence of publicity that accompanies everything the Koch brothers do that appears to be philanthropy but is in fact public relations. Soros is a quiet philanthropist.

It should be noted that Soros has repeatedly stated he would have no problem with the return of the 91% tax rate that fueled recovery from the Great Depression. He also has advised that it will be necessary to impart balance to the presently inequitable distribution of wealth in order to preserve the middle class and America's economic supremacy.

Briefly stated, Soros is a comparatively honest billionaire who stands apart from those who are driven by inflexible avarice. He didn't make his money through usurious exploitation or devious schemes which stole from working class pensions, facilitated sub-prime mortgage foreclosures, and by massive military industrial profiteering through promoting such unnecessary actions as the Iraq invasion -- which is the most egregious criminal act in American history!

George Soros is rich but he is not a member of the financial neo-aristocracy which is clearly dedicated to the destruction of the American Middle Class.

Honest Billionaire?
He is a crook.
Soros, was convicted in 2002 of insider trading and ordered to repay 2.2 million euros ($2.9 million) and he broke the Bank of England.

Soros Loses Case Against French Insider-Trading Conviction - Businessweek
No argument. I believe that behind every great fortune lies a great crime. But this discussion is about the Koch brothers supposed generosity.

Yes. Soros is a crook. But he also has a long history of generosity -- and not for the purpose of public relations.
You obviously envy those with great fortunes so you demonize them by accusing them of crimes. Now that is penis envy to the max.

Your jealousy will get you nowhere in spite of the fact that the rich/1% do not prevent anyone from acquiring wealth.
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The primary factor which separates George Soros from those multi-billionaires who began amassing their fortunes via the exploitative methods made available by Reaganomics and the long progression of deregulation that followed is Soros already had quietly made his money by the 1980s -- and he is known for his frequent acts of genuine philanthropy which date back to the early seventies. The fact that you are not aware of Soros' exceptional generosity is the absence of publicity that accompanies everything the Koch brothers do that appears to be philanthropy but is in fact public relations. Soros is a quiet philanthropist.

I bet the people who are gainfully employed in good jobs working for the Kochs value their jobs and would rather not be dependent upon Soros' "philanthrophy".

And Soros made his money via currency manipulation, not making anything useful nor creating jobs.
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TRY again.
The primary factor which separates George Soros from those multi-billionaires who began amassing their fortunes via the exploitative methods made available by Reaganomics and the long progression of deregulation that followed is Soros already had quietly made his money by the 1980s -- and he is known for his frequent acts of genuine philanthropy which date back to the early seventies. The fact that you are not aware of Soros' exceptional generosity is the absence of publicity that accompanies everything the Koch brothers do that appears to be philanthropy but is in fact public relations. Soros is a quiet philanthropist.

I bet the people who are gainfully employed in good jobs working for the Kochs value their jobs and would rather not be dependent upon Soros' "philanthrophy".

And Soros made his money via currency manipulation, not making anything useful nor creating jobs.
Soros learned well from his Nazi Masters that HE was proud to be associated with.
Ya that callous indifference must really make it hard when they write endowment checks to organizations like NPR,and NOVA.

Do you people ever stop blubbering,and pointing your bony little fingers?
What you perceive as charitable philanthropy is to the super-rich a tax write-off and an effort to disguise their greed and exploitative nature.

If a Koch donates a hundred million dollars it is proportionately equal to you or me donating a quarter (between the brothers they have hoarded over a hundred billion dollars). That's billion, with a B. Think about that kind of wealth. No one who possesses such a fortune can be considered philanthropic no matter how much he or she occasionally "donates." Philanthropy implies real sacrifice, a marked reduction of one's holdings, not an affected illusion. The Kochs hold as much money today as they did on the day before they made these "philanthropic" donations -- which amount to substantially less than the interest on their billions.

The Kochs know they have become conspicuous and they are effecting gestures to affect public opinion. They are tossing table crumbs to the masses.

Typical ungrateful, greedy, Dumbocrat asshat. Won't donate even a quarter to a hungry person but has the audacity to complain about billions donated by people like Bill Gates and the Koch's.
]And Soros is IGNORED by YOU and your fellow travelers for DOING the very things YOU accuse the Koch Brothers of doing. But YOU won't belive it much less LOOK at it lest YOU upset your masters. :eusa_hand:

TRY again.
The primary factor which separates George Soros from those multi-billionaires who began amassing their fortunes via the exploitative methods made available by Reaganomics and the long progression of deregulation that followed is Soros already had quietly made his money by the 1980s -- and he is known for his frequent acts of genuine philanthropy which date back to the early seventies. The fact that you are not aware of Soros' exceptional generosity is the absence of publicity that accompanies everything the Koch brothers do that appears to be philanthropy but is in fact public relations. Soros is a quiet philanthropist.

It should be noted that Soros has repeatedly stated he would have no problem with the return of the 91% tax rate that fueled recovery from the Great Depression. He also has advised that it will be necessary to impart balance to the presently inequitable distribution of wealth in order to preserve the middle class and America's economic supremacy.

Briefly stated, Soros is a comparatively honest billionaire who stands apart from those who are driven by inflexible avarice. He didn't make his money through usurious exploitation or devious schemes which stole from working class pensions, facilitated sub-prime mortgage foreclosures, and by massive military industrial profiteering through promoting such unnecessary actions as the Iraq invasion -- which is the most egregious criminal act in American history!

George Soros is rich but he is not a member of the financial neo-aristocracy which is clearly dedicated to the destruction of the American Middle Class.

What a hairy crock of crap. I begrudge no one, including Soros, their success but beatifying Soros - a pioneer in the hedge fund game - is just silly. He readily admits he's made his money by exploiting the imperfections in economic systems and he has done so without concern for the damage he does to them. Sometimes he has correctly played the system but other times he has preyed on markets small enough to be influenced (and damaged) by a big player. In other words, his "investing" was, at times, a market's motivating factor, often to the detriment to its people.
The primary factor which separates George Soros from those multi-billionaires who began amassing their fortunes via the exploitative methods made available by Reaganomics and the long progression of deregulation that followed is Soros already had quietly made his money by the 1980s -- and he is known for his frequent acts of genuine philanthropy which date back to the early seventies. The fact that you are not aware of Soros' exceptional generosity is the absence of publicity that accompanies everything the Koch brothers do that appears to be philanthropy but is in fact public relations. Soros is a quiet philanthropist.

It should be noted that Soros has repeatedly stated he would have no problem with the return of the 91% tax rate that fueled recovery from the Great Depression. He also has advised that it will be necessary to impart balance to the presently inequitable distribution of wealth in order to preserve the middle class and America's economic supremacy.

Briefly stated, Soros is a comparatively honest billionaire who stands apart from those who are driven by inflexible avarice. He didn't make his money through usurious exploitation or devious schemes which stole from working class pensions, facilitated sub-prime mortgage foreclosures, and by massive military industrial profiteering through promoting such unnecessary actions as the Iraq invasion -- which is the most egregious criminal act in American history!

George Soros is rich but he is not a member of the financial neo-aristocracy which is clearly dedicated to the destruction of the American Middle Class.

Honest Billionaire?
He is a crook.
Soros, was convicted in 2002 of insider trading and ordered to repay 2.2 million euros ($2.9 million) and he broke the Bank of England.

Soros Loses Case Against French Insider-Trading Conviction - Businessweek
No argument. I believe that behind every great fortune lies a great crime. But this discussion is about the Koch brothers supposed generosity.

Yes. Soros is a crook. But he also has a long history of generosity -- and not for the purpose of public relations.

Soros funded the whole Occupy Wall Street protests, had it catered in N.Y. and was printing a news paper.

The Koch's also have a long history of generosity.

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