Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

Soros: Worked with the Nazis, makes his money destroying economies and impoverishing people

Koch: make their money providing products and services that improve the lives of people

Yeah, identical I tell yas!

Here's your sign... :lame2:
While the Koch brothers supposedly grew by 43% and it was their fault that it grew.

Did you know that since Obama took office, Soros, an Obama contributed has over doubled his wealth. Over 100% increase, yet the left is going after the Koch brothers.

Have any of the Democrats refused any of the money the Koch brother have donated to them? Have any of the Democrats in Congress refused to take any of the lobbying money the Koch brothers gave?

Well, these Dems didn't but they did have a hissy fit over a Koch Bros gift to a NY hospital:

Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post
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By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.
Capitalism is amoral, and most rich Capitalists are Immoral, like the Brothers Koch.
So in other words you are a loser. A 'never-waser'. A failure. Never learned the value of hard work. Never earned an education. How n=many times have the 'makers' in your family bailed you out of a financial jam? How much money do you owe you and they know you'll never pay back?
We all understand you much better now.
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.

Capitalism is amoral, and most rich Capitalists are Immoral, like the Brothers Koch.
So in other words you are a loser. A 'never-waser'. A failure. Never learned the value of hard work. Never earned an education. How n=many times have the 'makers' in your family bailed you out of a financial jam? How much money do you owe you and they know you'll never pay back?
We all understand you much better now.
No. He isn't a loser. He just understands what has happened to the U.S. Economy and he knows what laissez-faire capitalism is about.

He also knows that anyone who believes vast money hoards are accumulated by "hard work" is a deluded fool.
Soros: Worked with the Nazis, makes his money destroying economies and impoverishing people

Koch: make their money providing products and services that improve the lives of people

Yeah, identical I tell yas!

Here's your sign... :lame2:

Here's yours

Capitalism is amoral, and most rich Capitalists are Immoral, like the Brothers Koch.
So in other words you are a loser. A 'never-waser'. A failure. Never learned the value of hard work. Never earned an education. How n=many times have the 'makers' in your family bailed you out of a financial jam? How much money do you owe you and they know you'll never pay back?
We all understand you much better now.
No. He isn't a loser. He just understands what has happened to the U.S. Economy and he knows what laissez-faire capitalism is about.

He also knows that anyone who believes vast money hoards are accumulated by "hard work" is a deluded fool.

There are a few "workers paradises" around the world you and PMS may want to consider rather than continue suffering here in this debauched capitalist country, comrade.
I'm afraid that unless and until someone finds a better way to generate the world's largest economy, America will continue to stumble down the road Adam Smith immortalized in "the Wealth of Nations" just about the time the US was established.
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Progs tend to Project their worldview on to everyone else. Since they are a Collective, they assume that everyone else works the same hence. Hence, the bizarre worldview that we work and live the Koch's the same way Progs live and work for the State

Just plain weird
The Koch's 'secret bank' takes another step out of the shadows

Why don't the Koch suckers understand they are supporting an Oligarchy, leading them like sheep into a Neo fascist form of governance?
They are not capable of understanding that because their minds have been bent by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and other propagandists in the employ of the financial aristocracy. They are toadies who comprise a nation of sheep -- which inevitably will beget a government of wolves.
So in other words you are a loser. A 'never-waser'. A failure. Never learned the value of hard work. Never earned an education. How n=many times have the 'makers' in your family bailed you out of a financial jam? How much money do you owe you and they know you'll never pay back?
We all understand you much better now.
No. He isn't a loser. He just understands what has happened to the U.S. Economy and he knows what laissez-faire capitalism is about.

He also knows that anyone who believes vast money hoards are accumulated by "hard work" is a deluded fool.

There are a few "workers paradises" around the world you and PMS may want to consider rather than continue suffering here in this debauched capitalist country, comrade.
I'm afraid that unless and until someone finds a better way to generate the world's largest economy, America will continue to stumble down the road Adam Smith immortalized in "the Wealth of Nations" just about the time the US was established.
America was a veritable workers paradise between the late 1940s and the early 1980s, when the laissez-faire capitalist system which brought about the Great Depression was brought under control by a number of prudent socialist regulations, a 91% tax rate on the super-rich, and an active union movement. Then came the union-busting bastard and his Reaganomics atrocity -- with methodical deregulation and "trickle down" that turned out to be siphon-up economics. And the rest is the history you've been conditioned to ignore.

It is right there before your eyes, friend. All you need to do is look at it.
Soros: Worked with the Nazis, makes his money destroying economies and impoverishing people.
If you would research the facts rather than allowing propagandists like Coulter, Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh to shape your thoughts you would learn that, much like Oskar Schindler's Jewish assistant, George Soros as a fourteen year-old boy did what he had to do to survive. Then ask yourself what you would have done in his place. But the bottom line to this bit of history is, much like Schindler's assistant, Soros ended up scamming the Nazis.

Koch: make their money providing products and services that improve the lives of people

Yeah, identical I tell yas!
If you are willing to go on believing that rather than learning the truth about these modern day Scrooges, it's your problem.
Soros: Worked with the Nazis, makes his money destroying economies and impoverishing people.
If you would research the facts rather than allowing propagandists like Coulter, Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh to shape your thoughts you would learn that, much like Oskar Schindler's Jewish assistant, George Soros as a fourteen year-old boy did what he had to do to survive. Then ask yourself what you would have done in his place. But the bottom line to this bit of history is, much like Schindler's assistant, Soros ended up scamming the Nazis.

Koch: make their money providing products and services that improve the lives of people

Yeah, identical I tell yas!
If you are willing to go on believing that rather than learning the truth about these modern day Scrooges, it's your problem.

It never seems to occur to the pompous loony leftist (read: socialist) types that because they get their knowledge, facts and experience from TV doesn't mean everyone does.
Pathetic idiots. :D
No. He isn't a loser. He just understands what has happened to the U.S. Economy and he knows what laissez-faire capitalism is about.

He also knows that anyone who believes vast money hoards are accumulated by "hard work" is a deluded fool.

There are a few "workers paradises" around the world you and PMS may want to consider rather than continue suffering here in this debauched capitalist country, comrade.
I'm afraid that unless and until someone finds a better way to generate the world's largest economy, America will continue to stumble down the road Adam Smith immortalized in "the Wealth of Nations" just about the time the US was established.
America was a veritable workers paradise between the late 1940s and the early 1980s, when the laissez-faire capitalist system which brought about the Great Depression was brought under control by a number of prudent socialist regulations, a 91% tax rate on the super-rich, and an active union movement. Then came the union-busting bastard and his Reaganomics atrocity -- with methodical deregulation and "trickle down" that turned out to be siphon-up economics. And the rest is the history you've been conditioned to ignore.

It is right there before your eyes, friend. All you need to do is look at it.

Typically simplistic loony leftist POV, proving once again that a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing. America was the only industrialized nation left standing during and after WW2 giving us a serious competitive edge for 3 decades and the 1970s gave us the multiple joys of double digit inflation coupled with a stagnant economy ... stagflation. Before rolling out your "knowledge" on a public forum you might want to actually know something more than the jingoistic mantra you mutter.
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Typically simplistic loony leftist POV, proving once again that a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing. America was the only industrialized nation left standing during and after WW2 giving us a serious competitive edge for 3 decades and the 1970s gave us the multiple joys of double digit inflation coupled with a stagnant economy ... stagflation. Before rolling out your "knowledge" on a public forum you might want to actually know something more than the jingoistic mantra you mutter.
America would have been the only industrialized nation left standing even if there were not a highly effective union movement, in which case the workers would still have been slaving for the coolie wages they'd earned during the Gilded Age. But there was a union movement, and it gave rise to the American Middle Class, which you and yours probably think has always existed.

America would have been the only industrialized nation left standing even without the 91% tax rate on the super rich, but there was such a tax rate and it operated to effect equitable horizontal distribution of the nation's wealth resources -- unlike today's vertically upward distribution which has created an emerging financial aristocracy.

And while you're focusing on the cyclical period of inflation during the seventies, are you suggesting the American working class is doing better today than during that period?

Again I urge you to stop allowing Rush Limbaugh to whisper in your ear. You've gotten to like it.

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