Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

As an old JFK democrat I renounce the left wing extremism which has moved my party away from reason.
And the evidence for that is, where are the conservative Democrats? Zell Miller was the last one I heard about and back then he couldn't get the time of day from his own party.
Stating Facts is not vicious attacks on the poor kidrocks.
If we don't get these programs under some sort of spending control, no money will be there for the poor that really do need a hand up.
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Left wing attacks on the rich are but mere reactions to the r-wing's vicious attacks on the poor.
If you actually believe that, you need to find a psychiatrist immediately.

I stand by my post that left wing attacks on the wealthy is penis envy. (Pssst! there are many wealthy l-wingrs)

You're the that's crazy if you haven't heard the vicious attacks on the poor by r-wingers calling them lazy illiterate moochers seeking free-stuff hand outs such as food-stamps, Social Security, Obamacare, welfare, medicare etc, etc, etc.

BTW... penis envy is owning a gun.
Some RW freaks hate the poor. All leftwingers attacking the rich have penis envy.
I hope president Jeb Bush appoints the Koch Brothers to head up the IRS and NSA

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
As an old JFK democrat I renounce the left wing extremism which has moved my party away from reason.
And the evidence for that is, where are the conservative Democrats? Zell Miller was the last one I heard about and back then he couldn't get the time of day from his own party.
Zell, Rivers, Claude Pepper, Sam Nunn and JFK were cut from the same bolt of cloth.
If you actually believe that, you need to find a psychiatrist immediately.

I stand by my post that left wing attacks on the wealthy is penis envy. (Pssst! there are many wealthy l-wingrs)

You're the that's crazy if you haven't heard the vicious attacks on the poor by r-wingers calling them lazy illiterate moochers seeking free-stuff hand outs such as food-stamps, Social Security, Obamacare, welfare, medicare etc, etc, etc.

BTW... penis envy is owning a gun.
Some RW freaks hate the poor. All leftwingers attacking the rich have penis envy.

Do you own a gun? Never mind, rhetorical question... of course you do.
You're the that's crazy if you haven't heard the vicious attacks on the poor by r-wingers calling them lazy illiterate moochers seeking free-stuff hand outs such as food-stamps, Social Security, Obamacare, welfare, medicare etc, etc, etc.

BTW... penis envy is owning a gun.
Some RW freaks hate the poor. All leftwingers attacking the rich have penis envy.

Do you own a gun? Never mind, rhetorical question... of course you do.
There are some criminally insane people who don't believe left wing envy of the rich is penis envy, but not many.
No, they wouldn't. Liberal then is Liberal today, excepting for the fact that we know a hell of a lot more than they did.

PMH continues to illustrate his complete lack of knowledge about history.. Today, when conservatives echo John F. Kennedy's position that lower taxes create a more prosperous economy, a large tax base to draw revenue from, and a more sustainable market, they are accused of being "radical tea baggers".

Indisputable proof that the Dumbocrat party has been hijacked by radical communists, marxists, and socialists. They reject their own golden boy and refer to his position on taxes as "radical tea bagging".

JFK - the case for tax cuts

You talking about the Taliban-Tea Party again?

Yep, the one's whose tax policies aligned exactly with liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy's. You know, before the Dumbocrats were hijacked by useless, lazy, and greedy asshats such as the one's here on USMB.

By kidrocks own admission, Kennedy and the Dumbocrats were Taliban-like. Straight from a leftists mouth folks!
PMH continues to illustrate his complete lack of knowledge about history.. Today, when conservatives echo John F. Kennedy's position that lower taxes create a more prosperous economy, a large tax base to draw revenue from, and a more sustainable market, they are accused of being "radical tea baggers".

Indisputable proof that the Dumbocrat party has been hijacked by radical communists, marxists, and socialists. They reject their own golden boy and refer to his position on taxes as "radical tea bagging".

JFK - the case for tax cuts

You talking about the Taliban-Tea Party again?

Yep, the one's whose tax policies aligned exactly with liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy's. You know, before the Dumbocrats were hijacked by useless, lazy, and greedy asshats such as the one's here on USMB.

By kidrocks own admission, Kennedy and the Dumbocrats were Taliban-like. Straight from a leftists mouth folks!

You trying to steal Kennedy from us? Ok, we'll claim Reagan in a fair exchange. Reagan was a Democrat to begin with anyway. :lol:
You talking about the Taliban-Tea Party again?

Yep, the one's whose tax policies aligned exactly with liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy's. You know, before the Dumbocrats were hijacked by useless, lazy, and greedy asshats such as the one's here on USMB.

By kidrocks own admission, Kennedy and the Dumbocrats were Taliban-like. Straight from a leftists mouth folks!

You trying to steal Kennedy from us? Ok, we'll claim Reagan in a fair exchange. Reagan was a Democrat to begin with anyway. :lol:
I don't know whether to laugh at you or pity you.
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.

In other words Democrats have no platform to run on that people will support, so use fear of the 'genie behind the curtain' to scare them into voting Dem.

With all the threads being started around here about how successful Obamacare is, and how great the economy has been under the Hussein, you'd think the Dems wouldn't have anything to worry about come next election. :eusa_whistle:
If the Democrat Hate Machine could print money instead of bullshit the national debt could be eliminated entirely in under one hour! AND....a near-majority of Americans would thing that's a good thing....the funny-money, that is.
If the Democrat Hate Machine could print money instead of bullshit the national debt could be eliminated entirely in under one hour! AND....a near-majority of Americans would thing that's a good thing....the funny-money, that is.

The Dem's have been printing money.
This is why the value of our dollar is falling.
You can thank the reckless money printing that the Federal Reserve has been doing for the incredible bull market that we have seen in recent months. When the Federal Reserve does more "quantitative easing", it is the financial markets that benefit the most. The Dow and the S&P 500 have both hit levels not seen since 2007.

Just because the Federal Reserve has inflated another false stock market bubble with a bunch of funny money does not mean that the U.S. economy is in great shape. In fact, the truth is that things just keep getting worse for average Americans. The percentage of working age Americans with a job has fallen from 60.6% to 58.6% while Barack Obama has been president, 40 percent of all American workers are making $20,000 a year or less, median household income has declined for four years in a row, and poverty in the United States is absolutely exploding. So quantitative easing has definitely not made things better for the middle class. But all of the money printing that the Fed has been doing has worked out wonderfully for Wall Street. Profits are soaring at Goldman Sachs and luxury estates in the Hamptons are selling briskly. Unfortunately, this is how things work in America these days.

The more they print the less value of our dollar.

Dem's are creating another bubble that will burst just like they did with the Housing bubble

Many of you keep saying the Dems of for the people. NO THEY AREN"T, they are the ones that is for the rich.
Despite their philanthropic efforts (I like to respond to threads before reading all the posts so my thoughts are original so I'm sure there's a defensive mention of them from some right winger on here), their purpose of life is twofold:

a. Make as much money as possible

What's wrong with that? Isn't that kinda what the American dream is all about?

Oh wait...i forgot i was talking to a Liberal. They believe in everyone being dirt poor so they can control them through government welfare benefits.

b. Use that money to buy as much government as possible to pursue their goals.

George Soros is just as guilty of this. And many others too.
Try again Howey.
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.

Never has a better comparison been made. The Koch Brothers are like Romney on steriods, and make the NRA pocketbook look like a change purse.

Despite their philanthropic efforts (I like to respond to threads before reading all the posts so my thoughts are original so I'm sure there's a defensive mention of them from some right winger on here), their purpose of life is twofold:

a. Make as much money as possible.

b. Use that money to buy as much government as possible to pursue their goals.

Think of it this way. Muammar Gaddafi was worth about $75 to $80 billion - about the same as the Koch Brothers.

And their goals are much the same.
When someone says, "You are so stupid" or something similar to a left winger... It's an understatement.

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