Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

Prior to and during the American Revolution there were Americans who stood on the side of the British aristocracy and spoke against the rebellious Colonials who sought independence. Those pro-British Americans were called Tories and their kind is common to all political conflicts. They are guided by their inherently submissive nature and always will defer to power. It is instinctual and they can't help themselves.

Yes - They were Conservatives [Right Wing]


Loyalists were American colonists who remained loyal to the British Empire and the British monarchy during the American Revolutionary War. At the time they were often called Tories, Royalists, or King's Men. They were opposed by the Patriots, those who supported the revolution. When their cause was defeated, about 15% of the Loyalists or 65-70,000 fled to other parts of the British Empire, in Britain or elsewhere in British North America. The southern colonists moved mostly to Florida, which had remained loyal to the Crown, and to British Caribbean possessions, while northern colonists largely migrated to Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, where they were called United Empire Loyalists. Most were compensated with Canadian land or British cash distributed through formal claims procedures.[1]

Historians have estimated that between 15 and 20 percent of the 2.5 million whites in the colonies were Loyalists, or about 500,000 men, women and children.[2]

Motivations of Loyalism[edit]

Yale historian Leonard Woods Larabee has identified eight characteristics of the Loyalists that made them essentially conservative and loyal to the king and Britain:[8]

They were older, better established, and resisted radical change.

how does that make them Conservatives?....how many people who were on the Conservative side stood with the Revolutionaries back then?.....how many of them wanted the British out?....how many of them came here to be away from the Brits?....you people act like the People of that time were like the people of today.....i got news for you Junky.....the "Revolutionaries" of that day would have sent the "Liberals" and "Conservatives" of today packing....you people would have made them sick......they were for the Country not the fucking party....

Well said so e people are just brain dead. I really dont think he gets the terms liberal and conservative at all.

he must not know that the conservatives......ie federalists were revolutionaries, yet wanted a national bank..... i doubt he can name any of these people or under stand they were far differnet than today. A national bank, something more akin to an antiliberal, progressive, ect than a conservative
Why don't you try growing the fuck up? Just because I don't agree with your right-wing nonsense, that you suck from the cocks of your masters, doesn't mean I'm not a rational capitalist, which I just happen to be. Unlike you, I'm not a blind fool licking the asses of the Koch brothers because they just happen to throw a few bucks from their ill-gotten gains at PBS. That doesn't make up for their exploitation of the workers or the damage they do to society and the environment.

so no rich Democrat assholes do this?...
Yes they do, and that is as it should be. Spending money is spreading your speech just as much as saying your words.

You're saying that rich people have more right to be heard than others.
for sure, the Democrat party of old and liberals back then did care about the country and the people they represented...

the one today only cares about POWER, growing government CONTROL over the people (they have permanent jobs that way) and spreading hate like this about American citizens

disgusting party of corrupted commie/socialist/progressive bastards is the Democrat party today
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for sure, the Democrat party of old and liberals back then did care about the country and the people they represented...

the one today only cares about POWER, growing government CONTROL over the people (they have permanent jobs that way) and spreading hate like this about American citizens

disgusting party of corrupted commie/socialist/progressive bastards

Excessive kindness like that will only encourage them.
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for sure, the Democrat party of old and liberals back then did care about the country and the people they represented...

the one today only cares about POWER, growing government CONTROL over the people (they have permanent jobs that way) and spreading hate like this about American citizens

disgusting party of corrupted commie/socialist/progressive bastards is the Democrat party today

Do you ever present a fact?
Really? Please provide a link to the founding documents which show that Article V had a 40 year expiration date.
It didn't. They were expecting us to be grown-ups and do what they did, create a government that worked for the people at the time. As you can see, we weren't and still aren't.

We had a government that worked - flawlessly. Then you Dumbocrats came along with hard-on's for communism and you fucked everything up. You people and your ideology is a cancer that we need to cut out of America. Until we do, we will continue to have a dysfunctional and failed government because that's what the Dumbocrats are.

When the federal government actually adheres to the law (something that hasn't happened in over 100 years of the lawless Dumbocrats), and is thus restricted to its 18 enumerated powers, our federal government works perfectly and flawlessly meets the needs it's citizenry.

our Government has never worked flawlessly....
for sure, the Democrat party of old and liberals back then did care about the country and the people they represented...

the one today only cares about POWER, growing government CONTROL over the people (they have permanent jobs that way) and spreading hate like this about American citizens

disgusting party of corrupted commie/socialist/progressive bastards is the Democrat party today

Do you ever present a fact?

she just did.....the first 2 sentences describe the Democratic Party of today.... and the Republican Party of today....
so no rich Democrat assholes do this?...
Yes they do, and that is as it should be. Spending money is spreading your speech just as much as saying your words.

You're saying that rich people have more right to be heard than others.

No, they just have a greater ability to do it. "Freedom of speech" doesn't mean other people have to listen. It only means the government can't stop you from speaking your mind.
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By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.

Kid rocks....clueless and incoherent while pursuing reps and thanks from LIBTARDS.
Patriotism is the only reason I can think of.

The only reason that victims of The Great Democrat Hate Machine don't pick up their marbles, close the businesses, lay off the entire staff and go bask in the sun somewhere.

Ayn Rand was onto something but her expectations were unrealistic.

Yeah, gotta be patriotism.

Unless there has been an epidemic of stupidity.
I'm under an Espionage Agreement. They are for life. Why do you think that kid is Russia is in so much trouble.

Because he released classified documents. That's not the same as being able to talk about being a defense contractor.
The prisons they put you in are the same so I beg to deffer. Either way, the agreement is in force, for life. The wife has one as well but we worked different projects mostly so we can't even talk to each other. That part of our lives is dead.
Did you get married at the Area 51 chapel? Was ET your best man?
No, they wouldn't. Liberal then is Liberal today, excepting for the fact that we know a hell of a lot more than they did.

PMH continues to illustrate his complete lack of knowledge about history.. Today, when conservatives echo John F. Kennedy's position that lower taxes create a more prosperous economy, a large tax base to draw revenue from, and a more sustainable market, they are accused of being "radical tea baggers".

Indisputable proof that the Dumbocrat party has been hijacked by radical communists, marxists, and socialists. They reject their own golden boy and refer to his position on taxes as "radical tea bagging".

JFK - the case for tax cuts
For a short while longer. And I don't hate the place, just most people here, and most Americans for that matter. Stupid, stupid people.

Oh give it up. You wear out your welcome. :D
I don't care to be welcomed. That's for you little morons who need all the support you can get. If I wanted that I'd go post where the Liberals do, which would bore me to death.

It's obvious the little boy within you was hurt long ago. It's okay to cry. Don't let your hurt cry out in hatred of others.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that when Leftists accuse someone of doing something nefarious, it is actually the Lefitsts themselves who are guilty of said transgression.
Yeah that Hitler was a monster. Oh hey, that doesn't work. Now you have to love Hitler, as if you didn't already. He didn't like Liberals either.

Hitler was a Leftist. Polar opposite of Stalin on the same side of the coin.
Of course- attack the very elements of what makes our nation great and our economy strong.
Commerce and enterprise.

The Left won't stop until we are utterly destroyed.

They want George Soros to be the only wealthy campaign donor.

I notice they admitted that they found a way to attack and that's by claiming the Koch brothers are callous and indifferent while pursuing profit. Nothing they claim is backed up by facts, other than the Koch brothers make a profit. Somehow, making money is something considered evil only when done by others than liberals.

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