Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

You live in 1791. This is 2014. Catch up.

The Basic form of how a Government is run has nothing to do with time.
You are mixing the form of Government with bills from the legislature which is for this time.
Two very different things.
The Founder's set up our Constitution for their time as well as ours and into our future.
No, it was for their time, and they expected us to do the same. Look it up and you'll find that I am correct.

And that's why they wrote Article Five into it!

Your selective honesty is disgusting!
Edit: I guess Westwall deleted his post about Soros being a Nazi sympathizer. Too late! I saw it! :)

Good Lord...you're proof positive that even mods can be fucking retards!

Beck falsely accuses Soros of Nazi collaboration on Kristallnacht anniversary | Blog | Media Matters for America

Toronto Sun corrects Soros-Nazi smear | Research | Media Matters for America

On September 5, 2010, a column by Ezra Levant contained false statements about George Soros and his conduct as a young teenager in Nazi-occupied Hungary.

Upon receiving a letter of complaint from Mr. Soros's legal counsel on September 13, 2010, Sun Media Corporation always intended to publish a retraction and apology for this column. Despite constant efforts on both sides, Sun Media and Mr. Soros's counsel were unable to reach agreement on the content of a retraction.

The management of Sun Media wishes to state that there is no basis for the statements in the column and they should not have been made.

Sun Media, this newspaper and Ezra Levant retract the statements made in the column and unreservedly apologize to Mr. Soros for the distress and harm this column may have caused to him.

A threat to sue by the richest motherfucker on Earth overrides truth every time.
Now we have it.
You are against God and moral laws.
Without these two, you then have to have a Government that controls the people.
Your god and they Constitution have one thing in common, they were both invented by men.

I think you mean their Constitution.
It is our Constitution.
You can believe that all you want to but it does not make it true.
There was a non believer who, at the time of when our Constitution was finalized, made a comment on maybe there was a God after all, based on what he witnessed.
Written by him in a letter later, that is in our Library of Congress.
I think there might be a god every time one of your right-wing heroes dies, like Breitbart. God flushing the toilet.
The Basic form of how a Government is run has nothing to do with time.
You are mixing the form of Government with bills from the legislature which is for this time.
Two very different things.
The Founder's set up our Constitution for their time as well as ours and into our future.
No, it was for their time, and they expected us to do the same. Look it up and you'll find that I am correct.

And that's why they wrote Article Five into it!

Your selective honesty is disgusting!
Article V was so we didn't have to toss it completely in case it was still valid in 40 years, not 220.
The Basic form of how a Government is run has nothing to do with time.
You are mixing the form of Government with bills from the legislature which is for this time.
Two very different things.
The Founder's set up our Constitution for their time as well as ours and into our future.
No, it was for their time, and they expected us to do the same. Look it up and you'll find that I am correct.

Now we have it.
You are against God and moral laws.
Without these two, you then have to have a Government that controls the people.
That is what he is saying...THAT is what HIS MASTERS command. And he can tell his MASTERS for me to FUCK OFF.
No, it was for their time, and they expected us to do the same. Look it up and you'll find that I am correct.

And that's why they wrote Article Five into it!

Your selective honesty is disgusting!
Article V was so we didn't have to toss it completely in case it was still valid in 40 years, not 220.

Really? Please provide a link to the founding documents which show that Article V had a 40 year expiration date.
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.

WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.

More power to them. Hope they make millions, trillions and gazzillions more. :lol:

And that's why they wrote Article Five into it!

Your selective honesty is disgusting!
Article V was so we didn't have to toss it completely in case it was still valid in 40 years, not 220.

Really? Please provide a link to the founding documents which show that Article V had a 40 year expiration date.
It didn't. They were expecting us to be grown-ups and do what they did, create a government that worked for the people at the time. As you can see, we weren't and still aren't.
Article V was so we didn't have to toss it completely in case it was still valid in 40 years, not 220.

Really? Please provide a link to the founding documents which show that Article V had a 40 year expiration date.
It didn't. They were expecting us to be grown-ups and do what they did, create a government that worked for the people at the time. As you can see, we weren't and still aren't.

Your god and they Constitution have one thing in common, they were both invented by men.

I think you mean their Constitution.
It is our Constitution.
You can believe that all you want to but it does not make it true.
There was a non believer who, at the time of when our Constitution was finalized, made a comment on maybe there was a God after all, based on what he witnessed.
Written by him in a letter later, that is in our Library of Congress.
I think there might be a god every time one of your right-wing heroes dies, like Breitbart. God flushing the toilet.

Right wing heroes are not Government servants or rightwing commentators on politics.
The Heroes of the right-wing are the people who risk their lives to save others.
Like our Military and our firefighters and the everyday guy and gal that helps others, not wanting any recognition.
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"We have always a right to correct ancient errors and to establish what is more conformable to reason and convenience." -- Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1801. FE 8:82

"We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." --Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 1816. ME 15:41

"[The European] monarchs instead of wisely yielding to the gradual change of circumstances, of favoring progressive accommodation to progressive improvement, have clung to old abuses, entrenched themselves behind steady habits and obliged their subjects to seek through blood and violence rash and ruinous innovations which, had they been referred to the peaceful deliberations and collected wisdom of the nation, would have been put into acceptable and salutary forms. Let us follow no such examples nor weakly believe that one generation is not as capable as another of taking care of itself and of ordering its own affairs. Let us... avail ourselves of our reason and experience to correct the crude essays of our first and unexperienced although wise, virtuous, and well-meaning councils." --Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 1816. ME 15:41

"[Algernon Sidney wrote in Discourses Concerning Government, Sect. II, Par 13,] 'All human constitutions are subject to corruption and must perish unless they are timely renewed and reduced to their first principles.'" --Thomas Jefferson: copied into his Commonplace Book.

"Happy for us that when we find our constitutions defective and insufficient to secure the happiness of our people, we can assemble with all the coolness of philosophers and set it to rights, while every other nation on earth must have recourse to arms to amend or to restore their constitutions." --Thomas Jefferson to C. W. F. Dumas, 1787. ME 6:295, Papers 12:113
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I think you mean their Constitution.
It is our Constitution.
You can believe that all you want to but it does not make it true.
There was a non believer who, at the time of when our Constitution was finalized, made a comment on maybe there was a God after all, based on what he witnessed.
Written by him in a letter later, that is in our Library of Congress.
I think there might be a god every time one of your right-wing heroes dies, like Breitbart. God flushing the toilet.

Right wing hero's are not Government servants or rightwing commentators on politics.
The Hero's of the right-wing are the people who risk their lives to save others.
Like our Military and our firefighters and the everyday guy and gal that helps others, not wanting any recognition.
Your Sunday School version of life is noted. Go play.
Really? Please provide a link to the founding documents which show that Article V had a 40 year expiration date.
It didn't. They were expecting us to be grown-ups and do what they did, create a government that worked for the people at the time. As you can see, we weren't and still aren't.


Some things are self evident: Read Article V; why would the authors and signers include a method to change the Constitution if they thought - like you apparently - that they knew everything under the sun. We know you don't, why don't you?
"We have always a right to correct ancient errors and to establish what is more conformable to reason and convenience." -- Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1801. FE 8:82

"We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." --Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 1816. ME 15:41

"[The European] monarchs instead of wisely yielding to the gradual change of circumstances, of favoring progressive accommodation to progressive improvement, have clung to old abuses, entrenched themselves behind steady habits and obliged their subjects to seek through blood and violence rash and ruinous innovations which, had they been referred to the peaceful deliberations and collected wisdom of the nation, would have been put into acceptable and salutary forms. Let us follow no such examples nor weakly believe that one generation is not as capable as another of taking care of itself and of ordering its own affairs. Let us... avail ourselves of our reason and experience to correct the crude essays of our first and unexperienced although wise, virtuous, and well-meaning councils." --Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 1816. ME 15:41

"[Algernon Sidney wrote in Discourses Concerning Government, Sect. II, Par 13,] 'All human constitutions are subject to corruption and must perish unless they are timely renewed and reduced to their first principles.'" --Thomas Jefferson: copied into his Commonplace Book.

"Happy for us that when we find our constitutions defective and insufficient to secure the happiness of our people, we can assemble with all the coolness of philosophers and set it to rights, while every other nation on earth must have recourse to arms to amend or to restore their constitutions." --Thomas Jefferson to C. W. F. Dumas, 1787. ME 6:295, Papers 12:113

None of this proves that there intent was for Article V to be a temporary measure.
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What they do is buy Good Will. See how that works?
Do you have a problem with buying good will? Or contributing millions to back your own personal political preferences? If so, why would you consider limiting the Koch brothers?
Yes, I have a problem "buying" good will. It's dishonest for one thing. What do you think Jesus meant when he taught don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing? With the Kochs not only know, they send out a press release.
Then it is your problem. It is free speech to contribute to a campaign or respond to a post on this forum. There is nothing dishonest about stating your preferences and putting your money where your mouth is. I don't care what you think Jesus said or what you think he meant.
I think there might be a god every time one of your right-wing heroes dies, like Breitbart. God flushing the toilet.

Right wing heroes are not Government servants or rightwing commentators on politics.
The Heroes of the right-wing are the people who risk their lives to save others.
Like our Military and our firefighters and the everyday guy and gal that helps others, not wanting any recognition.
Your Sunday School version of life is noted. Go play.

Sunday School or belief in God has nothing to do with having heroes that save lives.
Of course- attack the very elements of what makes our nation great and our economy strong.
Commerce and enterprise.

The Left won't stop until we are utterly destroyed.
Hummmmm....... This is news to me. I had no idea that attempting to buy the government of the US is what made this "nation great." I thought that this nation became great because we worked together for the general good of the people and not for just the richest of us
If the dumbest of us succeed in helping the Koch brothers achieve their goal they will one day wake up and realize that the US is no longer a democracy and that we have reverted to exactly what our forefathers wanted to avoid. They will find that they are basically servants to the wealthy, that they no longer have a vote, and that their voice means absolutely nothing. And then these dummies will do exactly what they always do, BLAME IT ON THE LIBERALS.
I get really tired of reading stupid comments like the one above. How many times has our twice elected President been fined for polluting our environment? How many times has Koch Industries been fined for polluting our air, water and soil?

What a galactically stupid false straw man.

Obama has pretty much exempted himself from enforcing the rule of law and subjecting himself for any accountability whatsoever.

Another stupid comment, not based on fact. You also have no idea what a straw man entails.

Koch Industries - SourceWatch

You notice how the Puppet Masters feed: "Koch Bad" into the Prog Collective and instantaneously all the Progs "think" the EXACT SAME THOUGHT


"I just realized the Koch Brothers are evil"

"I just realized the Koch Brothers are evil"

"I just realized the Koch Brothers are evil"

"I just realized the Koch Brothers are evil"

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