Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

But somebody has to make the money that the democrat socialists want to steal.
Tax, not steal. You make it here, you keep it here, you pay us our cut for allowing both of those to happen.

That is what our problem is today. Our Federal Government was never suppose to allow anything.
We were never suppose to have Federal Taxes paid by the people to the Government.
The 16th amendment has totally perverted and corrupted our government. and slowly turned it into Socialistic nightmare that's robbing us blind and wiping out the middle class.

Liberals of today has turned our government around, where the people have to ask permission to see if we can do something.

Our Federal Government is suppose to preserve liberty, be self regulated and have checks and balances.
Both Parties just ignore our Constitution and refuse to self regulate.
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.

Never has a better comparison been made. The Koch Brothers are like Romney on steriods, and make the NRA pocketbook look like a change purse.

Despite their philanthropic efforts (I like to respond to threads before reading all the posts so my thoughts are original so I'm sure there's a defensive mention of them from some right winger on here), their purpose of life is twofold:

a. Make as much money as possible.

b. Use that money to buy as much government as possible to pursue their goals.

Think of it this way. Muammar Gaddafi was worth about $75 to $80 billion - about the same as the Koch Brothers.

And their goals are much the same.

So the Kochs want to establish a dictatorship and impose Islam on America?

You realize, of course, that you're a complete fucking loony toons imbecile, don't you?
So the commies will again result to baseless propaganda because their ideas can't get the fucking job done. And they expect people to actually trust them. What's really funny is I bet every commie on this board have at least a half dozen Koch product in their house. Pathetic little hypocrites all.
The Koch brothers donate 100 million dollars to a hospital. The left protests until the hospital declines the donation. The left complains that the Koch brothers don't help others.

See how that works? It's about perfect.
You just described the guy masquerading as our President since January 20th, 2009.

I get really tired of reading stupid comments like the one above. How many times has our twice elected President been fined for polluting our environment? How many times has Koch Industries been fined for polluting our air, water and soil?

What a galactically stupid false straw man.

Obama has pretty much exempted himself from enforcing the rule of law and subjecting himself for any accountability whatsoever.

But somebody has to make the money that the democrat socialists want to steal.
Tax, not steal. You make it here, you keep it here, you pay us our cut for allowing both of those to happen.

That is what our problem is today. Our Federal Government was never suppose to allow anything.
We were never suppose to have Federal Taxes paid by the people to the Government.
The 16th amendment has totally perverted and corrupted our government. and slowly turned it into Socialistic nightmare that's robbing us blind and wiping out the middle class.

Liberals of today has turned our government around, where the people have to ask permission to see if we can do something.

Our Federal Government is suppose to preserve liberty, be self regulated and have checks and balances.
Both Parties just ignore our Constitution and refuse to self regulate.
You live in 1791. This is 2014. Catch up.
The Kochs toss a few crumbs from their overladen table and the uneducated masses are so pathetically grateful that they ignore the plundering of America by these rapacious crooks.

How are they "plundering" America? Their companies produce $billions in products that Americans want, and they provide about 60,000 high paying jobs to Americans.

Just so we understand your definition of the term, could you provide an example of a corporation that isn't "plundering" America?
Bripat thinks that Capitalists are just warm fuzzy bunnies who want to visit your garden, and plant carrots for you because they are just that close to Godliness.

They would never, ever, eat of your garden and you are a terrible mean awful person for ever criticizing a warm fuzzy bunny.

You didn't answer either question. You're a waste of bandwidth.
The Kochs are perfectly human, which is exactly the problem. They are short-sided, narcissistic, and filled with ethical rationalizations that justify what they destroy in the name of making a buck.

You just described the guy masquerading as our President since January 20th, 2009.

I get really tired of reading stupid comments like the one above. How many times has our twice elected President been fined for polluting our environment? How many times has Koch Industries been fined for polluting our air, water and soil?

Most of those allegations were over turned in the courts.
This about a war between ideologies of Freedom vs Total Government control.
The Social Dem's have had a war with the Koch's ever since the 1920's with Fred Koch.
How are they "plundering" America? Their companies produce $billions in products that Americans want, and they provide about 60,000 high paying jobs to Americans.

Just so we understand your definition of the term, could you provide an example of a corporation that isn't "plundering" America?
Bripat thinks that Capitalists are just warm fuzzy bunnies who want to visit your garden, and plant carrots for you because they are just that close to Godliness.

They would never, ever, eat of your garden and you are a terrible mean awful person for ever criticizing a warm fuzzy bunny.

You didn't answer either question. You're a waste of bandwidth.
Question? You mean DOGMA. That's all you ever have.

Tell us again how jumping into a river to save a drowning child you don't even know is a "purely selfish" act? I love that one.
The Koch brothers donate 100 million dollars to a hospital. The left protests until the hospital declines the donation. The left complains that the Koch brothers don't help others.

See how that works? It's about perfect.
What they do is buy Good Will. See how that works?

Ah, so that's what the Feds are doing with $3.7T this year.

The Kochs are pikers!
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It is a truth universally acknowledged that when Leftists accuse someone of doing something nefarious, it is actually the Lefitsts themselves who are guilty of said transgression.
Yeah that Hitler was a monster. Oh hey, that doesn't work. Now you have to love Hitler, as if you didn't already. He didn't like Liberals either.

In Europe liberals are people who believe in free enterprise, so you are actually correct.
The Kochs toss a few crumbs from their overladen table and the uneducated masses are so pathetically grateful that they ignore the plundering of America by these rapacious crooks.

How are they "plundering" America? Their companies produce $billions in products that Americans want, and they provide about 60,000 high paying jobs to Americans.

Just so we understand your definition of the term, could you provide an example of a corporation that isn't "plundering" America?
Bripat thinks that Capitalists are just warm fuzzy bunnies who want to visit your garden, and plant carrots for you because they are just that close to Godliness.

They would never, ever, eat of your garden and you are a terrible mean awful person for ever criticizing a warm fuzzy bunny.

Bripat and his ilk really need to get over their inferiority complex in face of people that have more money than them.

Just because they have a lot of money doesn't make them gods that are always right and good.
Bripat thinks that Capitalists are just warm fuzzy bunnies who want to visit your garden, and plant carrots for you because they are just that close to Godliness.

They would never, ever, eat of your garden and you are a terrible mean awful person for ever criticizing a warm fuzzy bunny.

You didn't answer either question. You're a waste of bandwidth.
Question? You mean DOGMA. That's all you ever have.

Tell us again how jumping into a river to save a drowning child you don't even know is a "purely selfish" act? I love that one.

It's consistent with valuing children and life in general. It's selfish to be true to one's values.
The Koch brothers donate 100 million dollars to a hospital. The left protests until the hospital declines the donation. The left complains that the Koch brothers don't help others.

See how that works? It's about perfect.
What they do is buy Good Will. See how that works?
Do you have a problem with buying good will? Or contributing millions to back your own personal political preferences? If so, why would you consider limiting the Koch brothers?
Bripat thinks that Capitalists are just warm fuzzy bunnies who want to visit your garden, and plant carrots for you because they are just that close to Godliness.

They would never, ever, eat of your garden and you are a terrible mean awful person for ever criticizing a warm fuzzy bunny.

You didn't answer either question. You're a waste of bandwidth.
Question? You mean DOGMA. That's all you ever have.

Questions are "dogma?" You are a mystery every moment. I thought a question was a request for information.

Tell us again how jumping into a river to save a drowning child you don't even know is a "purely selfish" act? I love that one.

Tell us how it's not.
How are they "plundering" America? Their companies produce $billions in products that Americans want, and they provide about 60,000 high paying jobs to Americans.

Just so we understand your definition of the term, could you provide an example of a corporation that isn't "plundering" America?
Bripat thinks that Capitalists are just warm fuzzy bunnies who want to visit your garden, and plant carrots for you because they are just that close to Godliness.

They would never, ever, eat of your garden and you are a terrible mean awful person for ever criticizing a warm fuzzy bunny.

Bripat and his ilk really need to get over their inferiority complex in face of people that have more money than them.

Just because they have a lot of money doesn't make them gods that are always right and good.

You are confused. You Barking Moonbats are the ones who deify people with power.
The Koch brothers donate 100 million dollars to a hospital. The left protests until the hospital declines the donation. The left complains that the Koch brothers don't help others.

See how that works? It's about perfect.
What they do is buy Good Will. See how that works?
Do you have a problem with buying good will? Or contributing millions to back your own personal political preferences? If so, why would you consider limiting the Koch brothers?

Because conservatives are EVIL!

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