Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

Wait a minute. Weren't union thugs in a city protesting the Koch brothers for giving a million bucks to a hospital? I think it was David. And these asswipes were actually protesting the donation.
TD, you are correct. The Progs would rather see the Kochs pay $100M in taxes so they can plunder it, instead of the money going to a good cause.

The Koch brothers are at it again. Their right-wing political Panzer Division descended on a New York City hospital over the weekend to protest (!) the addition of a new ambulatory care center. What the hell, Koch bros? Why not pro-America?

Sorry. That’s not quite right. In fact, it was the New York State Nurses’ Association, the NAACP New York State Conference, and SEIU Local 1199, among others, who marched on the soon-to-be-built David H. Koch Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, which was funded in part by a $100 million donation from the man one prominent liberal recently predicted would go down in history as a “famously evil person.”

The donation was the largest in the hospital’s history, and will presumably create a fair number of new nursing jobs. ...

The crystallized definition of capitalism is deriving profit from the lending of money (capital) and the collecting of rents (capital). Trading and bartering material things is trading and bartering. It is not capitalism.
Crystalized where? The Communist Manifesto? I supplied the crystalized dictionary definition a while ago. It means privately controlled. Period. Not what you want it to mean.

noun \ˈka-pə-tə-ˌliz-əm, ˈkap-tə-, British also kə-ˈpi-tə-\

: a way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) are owned by individual people and companies rather than by the government

Capitalism is a good system provided its mechanisms are controlled by socialist regulations which prevent exploitation. When those regulations are removed, as they have been beginning with Reaganomics, the result is precisely what we are witnessing now -- exploitation. Laissez-Faire capitalism. The capturing and hoarding of the Nation's wealth by a small number of dominant capitalists; Sheldon Adelson, the Koch brothers, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Jamie Dimon, to name just a few.

These people, and others like them, represent an emerging financial aristocracy. They are the true capitalists.
Economic regulations often hurt small business while big business can make deals with government to tilt the scales in their favor. The evidence is reality. As government has grown in size and scope wealth has been concentrated to fewer and fewer. I honestly don't know why so many can't figure that out, what more evidence do you need?

I think mostly it's bullshit and those passing along this crap know very well what the deal is, they want socialism so they send propaganda out over the net and media outlets.
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For a short while longer. And I don't hate the place, just most people here, and most Americans for that matter. Stupid, stupid people.

Oh give it up. You wear out your welcome. :D
I don't care to be welcomed. That's for you little morons who need all the support you can get. If I wanted that I'd go post where the Liberals do, which would bore me to death.

I know who you are. I know where you post. Tcch tcch. And sadly you do wear out your welcome. I've seen you on more than a few boards and you are intelligent albeit annoying with your arrogance.

And it's a pity actually. Because I think you could actually add to the mix. I think you are smart. But you always bail to soon.

TD, you are correct. The Progs would rather see the Kochs pay $100M in taxes so they can plunder it, instead of the money going to a good cause.

The Koch brothers are at it again. Their right-wing political Panzer Division descended on a New York City hospital over the weekend to protest (!) the addition of a new ambulatory care center. What the hell, Koch bros? Why not pro-America?

Sorry. That’s not quite right. In fact, it was the New York State Nurses’ Association, the NAACP New York State Conference, and SEIU Local 1199, among others, who marched on the soon-to-be-built David H. Koch Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, which was funded in part by a $100 million donation from the man one prominent liberal recently predicted would go down in history as a “famously evil person.”

The donation was the largest in the hospital’s history, and will presumably create a fair number of new nursing jobs. ...

Koch Brother Donates Money to Hospital, Liberals Protest (Not a Parody) | Washington Free Beacon
Indeed...the PROGS didn't have a chance to STEAL IT...be in control...so naturally they would protest a gift from the heart...It MIGHT send the wrong message, and one they don't want out there.
Your understanding of Capitalism is very limited. Define Value? Good luck, it's a dead concept because no one can beyond what you have has value to me so I'll pay you for it. It's entirely subjective. A stack of $20's has value if the US is still here. When it's gone you can use them to wipe your ass. That's Value for you, not something economists even bother with anymore.

You're understanding of Capitalism is what is limited.
I do agree that money will be worthless if the USA goes down.
The people who do have water and food, sewing and building skills, plus many other things, will be of great value to you, but only if you have something other than money to trade & barter with.
I'm guessing you have zilch stored up.
Your version of Capitalism was defeated by another who did a perfectly fine job. Read his response, and learn damn it.

Which was nothing but lefty B.S.
By the way, it's not my version, it's our Founder's.
Oh give it up. You wear out your welcome. :D
I don't care to be welcomed. That's for you little morons who need all the support you can get. If I wanted that I'd go post where the Liberals do, which would bore me to death.

I know who you are. I know where you post. Tcch tcch. And sadly you do wear out your welcome. I've seen you on more than a few boards and you are intelligent albeit annoying with your arrogance.

And it's a pity actually. Because I think you could actually add to the mix. I think you are smart. But you always bail to soon.

Damning with faint praise. Noted, even appreciated.
Your understanding of Capitalism is very limited. Define Value? Good luck, it's a dead concept because no one can beyond what you have has value to me so I'll pay you for it. It's entirely subjective. A stack of $20's has value if the US is still here. When it's gone you can use them to wipe your ass. That's Value for you, not something economists even bother with anymore.

You're understanding of Capitalism is what is limited.
I do agree that money will be worthless if the USA goes down.
The people who do have water and food, sewing and building skills, plus many other things, will be of great value to you, but only if you have something other than money to trade & barter with.
I'm guessing you have zilch stored up.
Your version of Capitalism was defeated by another who did a perfectly fine job. Read his response, and learn damn it.
Do youself a favour and READ the Founding documents like the Federalists/Anti-Federalists and STOP embarrassing yourself son. You are a real know-nothing JACKASS.:eusa_hand:
TD, you are correct. The Progs would rather see the Kochs pay $100M in taxes so they can plunder it, instead of the money going to a good cause.

The Koch brothers are at it again. Their right-wing political Panzer Division descended on a New York City hospital over the weekend to protest (!) the addition of a new ambulatory care center. What the hell, Koch bros? Why not pro-America?

Sorry. That’s not quite right. In fact, it was the New York State Nurses’ Association, the NAACP New York State Conference, and SEIU Local 1199, among others, who marched on the soon-to-be-built David H. Koch Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, which was funded in part by a $100 million donation from the man one prominent liberal recently predicted would go down in history as a “famously evil person.”

The donation was the largest in the hospital’s history, and will presumably create a fair number of new nursing jobs. ...

Koch Brother Donates Money to Hospital, Liberals Protest (Not a Parody) | Washington Free Beacon

I thought it was a joke at first. I'm not sure if you know it but I did start out my life as one of the biggest left wingers on the planet.

I'm telling you right now those sons of bitches at the "kill the Koch brothers donation" would have had Jerry, Abbie and the likes of me beating the shit out of those little bastards.

You call yourself a fucking liberal or a progressive and try to block a donation to a hospital.

FUCK THE LITTLE BASTARDS. It is time we smoked little pricks like this. It's time we rocked.

Sorries. Stuff like this gets me fired up. :eusa_angel:
You're understanding of Capitalism is what is limited.
I do agree that money will be worthless if the USA goes down.
The people who do have water and food, sewing and building skills, plus many other things, will be of great value to you, but only if you have something other than money to trade & barter with.
I'm guessing you have zilch stored up.
Your version of Capitalism was defeated by another who did a perfectly fine job. Read his response, and learn damn it.

Which was nothing but lefty B.S.
By the way, it's not my version, it's our Founder's.
No, it isn't, and the Wealth of Nations came out in 1776. Few, who know anything, would say anything like Capitalism even existed before then, which it didn't. It didn't need to and taking a profit was about as highly looked upon as raping your daughters. You need a much better background in Economics and History to understand what you don't. Seek it.
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.

The Dums must really be fearful of these guys to be doing this.
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.
Capitalism is amoral, and most rich Capitalists are Immoral, like the Brothers Koch.

So is the Koch Brothers givng $100 Million to a hospital immoral too?
Of course- attack the very elements of what makes our nation great and our economy strong.
Commerce and enterprise.

The Left won't stop until we are utterly destroyed.

Bottom line and profit are all that the power-hungry fat-cat Koch brothers are interested in as they cut jobs, run companies into the ground at the drop of a hat or stock market.

Sounds like something George Soros does.
But somebody has to make the money that the democrat socialists want to steal.
Tax, not steal. You make it here, you keep it here, you pay us our cut for allowing both of those to happen.
NO...it's STEALING. Learn it, Know it, LIVE it...(YOUR CUT, Really)? and it isn't YOURS or the Government's..:eusa_hand:


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