Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

Your version of Capitalism was defeated by another who did a perfectly fine job. Read his response, and learn damn it.

Which was nothing but lefty B.S.
By the way, it's not my version, it's our Founder's.
No, it isn't, and the Wealth of Nations came out in 1776. Few, who know anything, would say anything like Capitalism even existed before then, which it didn't. It didn't need to and taking a profit was about as highly looked upon as raping your daughters. You need a much better background in Economics and History to understand what you don't. Seek it.
YOU are out of your fucking mind.:cuckoo:
Mr. H thinks the Brothers Koch shit don't stink. Neg'd me just for saying so.

Are we butt hurt?

And here is the associated comment: I would tend to disagree.

As I stated earlier, look deeper and you will find a myriad of philanthropic efforts from these individuals. Consider the economic benefits to our Nation as a result of their efforts.

Then... get a job, run a business, and get back to me.
Let's see, pollute the country, exploit the workers ,and get rich doing so (with money from dear old Daddy), then buy a little good-will on PBS. That's how it's done alright and it still makes them fit for nothing but Hell.

That's the American way! Don't like it? Maybe you'd enjoy the "Workers Paradise" of China.
Of course- attack the very elements of what makes our nation great and our economy strong.
Commerce and enterprise.

The Left won't stop until we are utterly destroyed.

It's an opinion, based on evidence of pollution and disdain for working men and women. I suppose you actually believe their use of money is an example of free speech. Any honest person of average intelligence understands bribery has been made legal by the shameful five on the Supreme Court, and public corruption is here to stay (at least until men of goodwill reverse the damage created by Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia and Kennedy).
The Kochs are perfectly human, which is exactly the problem. They are short-sided, narcissistic, and filled with ethical rationalizations that justify what they destroy in the name of making a buck.

You just described the guy masquerading as our President since January 20th, 2009.
Since Democrats feel those boys are so evil they surely must also feel compelled to turn themselves to authorities confessing their child abuse from having allowed their git to watch so many PBS programs sponsored by the Koch family.

Of course if they have turned off PBS entirely then they might be allowed to keep those children - under proper supervision.

The Kochs toss a few crumbs from their overladen table and the uneducated masses are so pathetically grateful that they ignore the plundering of America by these rapacious crooks.
Since Democrats feel those boys are so evil they surely must also feel compelled to turn themselves to authorities confessing their child abuse from having allowed their git to watch so many PBS programs sponsored by the Koch family.

Of course if they have turned off PBS entirely then they might be allowed to keep those children - under proper supervision.

The Kochs toss a few crumbs from their overladen table and the uneducated masses are so pathetically grateful that they ignore the plundering of America by these rapacious crooks.

The Kochs are perfectly human, which is exactly the problem. They are short-sided, narcissistic, and filled with ethical rationalizations that justify what they destroy in the name of making a buck.

You just described the guy masquerading as our President since January 20th, 2009.

I get really tired of reading stupid comments like the one above. How many times has our twice elected President been fined for polluting our environment? How many times has Koch Industries been fined for polluting our air, water and soil?
The Kochs are perfectly human, which is exactly the problem. They are short-sided, narcissistic, and filled with ethical rationalizations that justify what they destroy in the name of making a buck.

You just described the guy masquerading as our President since January 20th, 2009.

I get really tired of reading stupid comments like the one above. How many times has our twice elected President been fined for polluting our environment? How many times has Koch Industries been fined for polluting our air, water and soil?

What a galactically stupid false straw man.

Obama has pretty much exempted himself from enforcing the rule of law and subjecting himself for any accountability whatsoever.
Since Democrats feel those boys are so evil they surely must also feel compelled to turn themselves to authorities confessing their child abuse from having allowed their git to watch so many PBS programs sponsored by the Koch family.

Of course if they have turned off PBS entirely then they might be allowed to keep those children - under proper supervision.

The Kochs toss a few crumbs from their overladen table and the uneducated masses are so pathetically grateful that they ignore the plundering of America by these rapacious crooks.


Heres' one:

Koch Industries - SourceWatch
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.

Never has a better comparison been made. The Koch Brothers are like Romney on steriods, and make the NRA pocketbook look like a change purse.

Despite their philanthropic efforts (I like to respond to threads before reading all the posts so my thoughts are original so I'm sure there's a defensive mention of them from some right winger on here), their purpose of life is twofold:

a. Make as much money as possible.

b. Use that money to buy as much government as possible to pursue their goals.

Think of it this way. Muammar Gaddafi was worth about $75 to $80 billion - about the same as the Koch Brothers.

And their goals are much the same.

It's nice to see the AttackWatch folks have a new gig.
Since Democrats feel those boys are so evil they surely must also feel compelled to turn themselves to authorities confessing their child abuse from having allowed their git to watch so many PBS programs sponsored by the Koch family.

Of course if they have turned off PBS entirely then they might be allowed to keep those children - under proper supervision.

The Kochs toss a few crumbs from their overladen table and the uneducated masses are so pathetically grateful that they ignore the plundering of America by these rapacious crooks.

How are they "plundering" America? Their companies produce $billions in products that Americans want, and they provide about 60,000 high paying jobs to Americans.

Just so we understand your definition of the term, could you provide an example of a corporation that isn't "plundering" America?
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You just described the guy masquerading as our President since January 20th, 2009.

I get really tired of reading stupid comments like the one above. How many times has our twice elected President been fined for polluting our environment? How many times has Koch Industries been fined for polluting our air, water and soil?

What a galactically stupid false straw man.

Obama has pretty much exempted himself from enforcing the rule of law and subjecting himself for any accountability whatsoever.

Another stupid comment, not based on fact. You also have no idea what a straw man entails.

Koch Industries - SourceWatch
It is a truth universally acknowledged that when Leftists accuse someone of doing something nefarious, it is actually the Lefitsts themselves who are guilty of said transgression.
I get really tired of reading stupid comments like the one above. How many times has our twice elected President been fined for polluting our environment? How many times has Koch Industries been fined for polluting our air, water and soil?

What a galactically stupid false straw man.

Obama has pretty much exempted himself from enforcing the rule of law and subjecting himself for any accountability whatsoever.

Another stupid comment, not based on fact. You also have no idea what a straw man entails.

Koch Industries - SourceWatch

I know that yours is burning to cinders, hun.
Since Democrats feel those boys are so evil they surely must also feel compelled to turn themselves to authorities confessing their child abuse from having allowed their git to watch so many PBS programs sponsored by the Koch family.

Of course if they have turned off PBS entirely then they might be allowed to keep those children - under proper supervision.

The Kochs toss a few crumbs from their overladen table and the uneducated masses are so pathetically grateful that they ignore the plundering of America by these rapacious crooks.

How are they "plundering" America? Their companies produce $billions in products that Americans want, and they provide about 60,000 high paying jobs to Americans.

Just so we understand your definition of the term, could you provide an example of a corporation that isn't "plundering" America?
Bripat thinks that Capitalists are just warm fuzzy bunnies who want to visit your garden, and plant carrots for you because they are just that close to Godliness.

They would never, ever, eat of your garden and you are a terrible mean awful person for ever criticizing a warm fuzzy bunny.
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Anyone who Barters and Trades is Capitalism.
Anyone who owns a goat and sells cheese is Capitalism.
Anyone who makes teddy bears and sells them in stores or at swap meets is Capitalism.
The last two mentioned is individual entrepreneurs which is Capitalism.
The crystallized definition of capitalism is deriving profit from the lending of money (capital) and the collecting of rents (capital). Trading and bartering material things is trading and bartering. It is not capitalism.

Capitalism is a good system provided its mechanisms are controlled by socialist regulations which prevent exploitation. When those regulations are removed, as they have been beginning with Reaganomics, the result is precisely what we are witnessing now -- exploitation. Laissez-Faire capitalism. The capturing and hoarding of the Nation's wealth by a small number of dominant capitalists; Sheldon Adelson, the Koch brothers, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Jamie Dimon, to name just a few.

These people, and others like them, represent an emerging financial aristocracy. They are the true capitalists.
You must be under the illusion that capital is still the excess production of the individual worker. That went out with the industrial age at the end of the agrarian age. Capitalism is nothing more than an economic system designed to earn money for capital. Without capitalism there would be insufficient funds to aid those in need. Socialism is every form ever attempted has failed miserably. Capitalism which accepts reasonable regulation is still capitalism and has no relationship to socialism. Social programs are not socialism. Socialism is basically defined as government owned or controlled production, distribution and pricing.

When one discusses collecting rents rents, so long as it is in the context of the owner collecting just compensation for the use of his property that would be included in the definition of capitalism. Rent seeking is generally defined as seeking advantage without reciprocation. That has mostly gone out with the robber barons of old and is not applicable to "rents" any more than any other seeking of advantage.

"capturing and hoarding" of capital is based on the human behavior trait which tends to unlimited desire for wealth and is not limited to specific wealthy individuals. Both ends of the political spectrum harbors examples of "hoarding" wealth and if that wealth is used to advantage of the market there is nothing inherently evil about it.

Your comment about hoarding wealth suggests you even believe that the wealthy somehow prevent others from acquiring wealth. That is flat our baloney. The wealth, or the "1%" do not limit anyone from acquiring more wealth.
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The Kochs are perfectly human, which is exactly the problem. They are short-sided, narcissistic, and filled with ethical rationalizations that justify what they destroy in the name of making a buck.

You just described the guy masquerading as our President since January 20th, 2009.

I get really tired of reading stupid comments like the one above. How many times has our twice elected President been fined for polluting our environment? How many times has Koch Industries been fined for polluting our air, water and soil?

There isn't a company in this country involved in material extraction and processing industries that hasn't been fined by the EPA. If that's the only criteria for being "short-sided, narcissistic, and filled with ethical rationalizations that justify what they destroy in the name of making a buck," it's pretty damn stupid. Obama destroyed an entire industry (healthcare) and he's in the process of destroying several others (coal mining, oil, gas) just so he can keep the enviromental wackos happy. That fits the descirption to a 'T.'
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It is a truth universally acknowledged that when Leftists accuse someone of doing something nefarious, it is actually the Lefitsts themselves who are guilty of said transgression.
Yeah that Hitler was a monster. Oh hey, that doesn't work. Now you have to love Hitler, as if you didn't already. He didn't like Liberals either.

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