Koch Bothers: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power.

ROLMAO! Hating an anonymous poster on a message board!
You go, girl!
Hate is easy, and necessary. The fact that I'll never meet him in real life means I get to tell him the truth. Your enemies will, your friends lie.
The Koch brothers' father founded the John Birch Society, and his boys fund the Tea Party, which is the same thing with a different name.

So, they can't fund who they want, but 100 times wealthier George Soros can?


Liberals need a demon, someone they can attack, the Koch brothers and their millions are evil, George Soros is an angel, a gift from God.

It's the liberal way, find a demon, attack, attack, attack! Don't worry they will shortly move to another demon, they now never utter Halliburton or high gas prices, those are past demons, and now liberal friends.
The Koch brothers' father founded the John Birch Society, and his boys fund the Tea Party, which is the same thing with a different name.

So, they can't fund who they want, but 100 times wealthier George Soros can?


Liberals need a demon, someone they can attack, the Koch brothers and their millions are evil, George Soros is an angel, a gift from God.

It's the liberal way, find a demon, attack, attack, attack! Don't worry they will shortly move to another demon, they now never utter Halliburton or high gas prices, those are past demons, and now liberal friends.

Liberals need and work it very well to their advantage I might add "Snowball".

It's so classic it's almost funny.
PMH trying to win the internets, and failing miserably:

There's no win anywhere on the Internet. Like this site, it's crap no one with any sense gives a damn about.
But YET here you are...if it's crap? LEAVE. It's that simple unless YOU are into self-abuse. SON YOU are OWNED around here.:eusa_hand:
You couldn't manage to own a piece of me if I took a shit in your hands, which aren't worthy.
PMH has over 3,000 posts in 40 days on this site.

He must really hate this place.
The place is fine, the Mods very good. It just doesn't matter a damn and the people I hate are you and those like you. Stupid, undereducated, and cocky little shits.

And yet you said you hated this place. And now you're saying you hate the people. Yet you keep coming back... :cuckoo:

For a short while longer. And I don't hate the place, just most people here, and most Americans for that matter. Stupid, stupid people.
I suppose since most children that are on the board these days have never read a book I should explain who "Snowball" is.

Pick up a book. Read Animal Farm and you will see how easily convinced those pathetic souls who actually refer to themselves as liberals when they are anything but believe in "Snowball". Bush is Snowball. Now the Koch Brothers are Snowball.
The place is fine, the Mods very good. It just doesn't matter a damn and the people I hate are you and those like you. Stupid, undereducated, and cocky little shits.

And yet you said you hated this place. And now you're saying you hate the people. Yet you keep coming back... :cuckoo:

For a short while longer. And I don't hate the place, just most people here, and most Americans for that matter. Stupid, stupid people.

Oh give it up. You wear out your welcome. :D
The Koch brothers' father founded the John Birch Society, and his boys fund the Tea Party, which is the same thing with a different name.

So, they can't fund who they want, but 100 times wealthier George Soros can?


Liberals need a demon, someone they can attack, the Koch brothers and their millions are evil, George Soros is an angel, a gift from God.

It's the liberal way, find a demon, attack, attack, attack! Don't worry they will shortly move to another demon, they now never utter Halliburton or high gas prices, those are past demons, and now liberal friends.

No matter what, they can count on their base to respond
By the time the Democrats get through with the fat-cat Koch brothers... in comparison Mitt Romney will have looked like a boy scout.


WASHINGTON — After months of wincing in the face of negative ads funded by the industrialists David and Charles Koch, Democrats believe they have finally found a way to fight back: attacking the brothers’ sprawling business conglomerate as callous and indifferent to the lives of ordinary people while pursuing profit and power.
Anyone who accepts Buffet or Soros and objects to the Koch brothers are super hypocrits.
And yet you said you hated this place. And now you're saying you hate the people. Yet you keep coming back... :cuckoo:

For a short while longer. And I don't hate the place, just most people here, and most Americans for that matter. Stupid, stupid people.

Oh give it up. You wear out your welcome. :D
I don't care to be welcomed. That's for you little morons who need all the support you can get. If I wanted that I'd go post where the Liberals do, which would bore me to death.
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Anyone who Barters and Trades is Capitalism.
Anyone who owns a goat and sells cheese is Capitalism.
Anyone who makes teddy bears and sells them in stores or at swap meets is Capitalism.
The last two mentioned is individual entrepreneurs which is Capitalism.
The crystallized definition of capitalism is deriving profit from the lending of money (capital) and the collecting of rents (capital). Trading and bartering material things is trading and bartering. It is not capitalism.

Capitalism is a good system provided its mechanisms are controlled by socialist regulations which prevent exploitation. When those regulations are removed, as they have been beginning with Reaganomics, the result is precisely what we are witnessing now -- exploitation. Laissez-Faire capitalism. The capturing and hoarding of the Nation's wealth by a small number of dominant capitalists; Sheldon Adelson, the Koch brothers, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Jamie Dimon, to name just a few.

These people, and others like them, represent an emerging financial aristocracy. They are the true capitalists.
OK, comrade. Your use of OUR computer is over and it's time to turn the keyboard over to someone who can't afford one.

Fat chance of that?
The place is fine, the Mods very good. It just doesn't matter a damn and the people I hate are you and those like you. Stupid, undereducated, and cocky little shits.

And yet you said you hated this place. And now you're saying you hate the people. Yet you keep coming back... :cuckoo:

For a short while longer. And I don't hate the place, just most people here, and most Americans for that matter. Stupid, stupid people.
Then GO to North Korea, ANY totalitarian Socialist/Marxist state and YOU will fit in and LEAVE US the HELL alone. AND DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOUR SORRY ASS on the way out.:eusa_hand:

And yet you said you hated this place. And now you're saying you hate the people. Yet you keep coming back... :cuckoo:

For a short while longer. And I don't hate the place, just most people here, and most Americans for that matter. Stupid, stupid people.
Then GO to North Korea, ANY totalitarian Socialist/Marxist state and YOU will fit in and LEAVE US the HELL alone. AND DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOUR SORRY ASS on the way out.:eusa_hand:

Temper, temper little man. You don't want Political Chic to get mad at you. She has threads closed because she can't take the heat.
Keep up the posting pal! You just might break 100 posts per day!
That's Barter, not Capitalism. Capitalism is about using Capital to make a Profit.

So is Bartering
Bartering is still capitalism – I have capital value i.e. a fruit which I exchange for your thing with capital value.
Man oh Man this is a perfect example of what have they not been teaching for the last 40 or 50 years!
Anyone who Barters and Trades is Capitalism.
Anyone who owns a goat and sells cheese is Capitalism.
Anyone who makes teddy bears and sells them in stores or at swap meets is Capitalism.
The last two mentioned is individual entrepreneurs which is Capitalism.
Your understanding of Capitalism is very limited. Define Value? Good luck, it's a dead concept because no one can beyond what you have has value to me so I'll pay you for it. It's entirely subjective. A stack of $20's has value if the US is still here. When it's gone you can use them to wipe your ass. That's Value for you, not something economists even bother with anymore.

You're understanding of Capitalism is what is limited.
I do agree that money will be worthless if the USA goes down.
The people who do have water and food, sewing and building skills, plus many other things, will be of great value to you, but only if you have something other than money to trade & barter with.
I'm guessing you have zilch stored up.
So is Bartering
Bartering is still capitalism – I have capital value i.e. a fruit which I exchange for your thing with capital value.
Man oh Man this is a perfect example of what have they not been teaching for the last 40 or 50 years!
Anyone who Barters and Trades is Capitalism.
Anyone who owns a goat and sells cheese is Capitalism.
Anyone who makes teddy bears and sells them in stores or at swap meets is Capitalism.
The last two mentioned is individual entrepreneurs which is Capitalism.
Your understanding of Capitalism is very limited. Define Value? Good luck, it's a dead concept because no one can beyond what you have has value to me so I'll pay you for it. It's entirely subjective. A stack of $20's has value if the US is still here. When it's gone you can use them to wipe your ass. That's Value for you, not something economists even bother with anymore.

You're understanding of Capitalism is what is limited.
I do agree that money will be worthless if the USA goes down.
The people who do have water and food, sewing and building skills, plus many other things, will be of great value to you, but only if you have something other than money to trade & barter with.
I'm guessing you have zilch stored up.
Your version of Capitalism was defeated by another who did a perfectly fine job. Read his response, and learn damn it.

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