Kool Kamala Harris calls for US to take in Venezuelan refugees under TPS...good luck with your bid!

I'll take a few of the women, as long as they're hot, ready, and willing. Bet they'd be ready to gobble the goop for a bowl of soup right about now.
I'll take a few of the women, as long as they're hot, ready, and willing. Bet they'd be ready to gobble the goop for a bowl of soup right about now.
Latin American women are the only hot women. Oh, Gisele! (Brady's wife)
contrast Kamala with Trump, who said: "The people of Venezuela stand at the threshold of history, ready to reclaim their country – and their future"
"Whoever helped Harris select “My Shot” from a Hamilton as her walk-off music should open a business consulting MLB players on their walk-up music and never look back."
How can we say our fundamental beliefs are freedom and self-determination and then turn a cold shoulder to people struggling to achieve it? Send in the US military. Free Venezuela.
We shouldn't take any. We should arm the people so they can overtake the commies.
guess who praised Trump on Venezuela? CRAZY BERNIE AND LOW ENERGY JEB! Crazy Bernie is taking mad heat from his supporters.

(yes, i'm a hipster so i can credibly say "mad heat")
The media has already chosen Kamala Harris. Not saying there couldn't be an upset, but its an uphill battle for the rest of the Democrats
"Venezuela (a country that's not ours) voted for a socialist, virulently anti-American govt. So naturally, we're going to pour taxpayer dollars into Venezuela (a country that's not ours), rather than fund a border wall."
"Maduro is a failed dictator who violates human rights. But US intervention would just help him rally support and lead to more bloodshed. Can we listen to Pope Francis, let the Vatican lead diplomacy, and not get America into another war." - Kamala
Obama foreign policy advisor Ben Rhodes and Sen Chris Murphy have both come out in favor of Kamala's plan

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