Kraft Zesty Dressing Ad Offends 'One Million Moms,' Sparks Debate

Kraft & General Foods - the World's largest "food manufacturers" - are owned by Phillip Morris of tobacco fame. If PM thinks nothing of inflicting emphysema, high blood pressure, carcinogens, impaired lung function & so on on its not-long-for-this-life addictees, you can pretty much imagine their take on the salt, sugar & fat they're inflicting on us in their salad dressing. A little soft food porn to help the Scheiss go down? - hey, a two-fer!

Read Salt Sugar Fat - how the food giants hooked us by Michael Moss. Or Freud (Sigmund's nephew, I think it was) on advertising. Then go throw up. When you come up for air, find worthier topics to think about - like the longterm health effects of pouring sugar in ever-increasing amounts & forms down the throats of your family, the people you cherish above all else ...
Kraft & General Foods - the World's largest "food manufacturers" - are owned by Phillip Morris of tobacco fame. If PM thinks nothing of inflicting emphysema, high blood pressure, carcinogens, impaired lung function & so on on its not-long-for-this-life addictees, you can pretty much imagine their take on the salt, sugar & fat they're inflicting on us in their salad dressing. A little soft food porn to help the Scheiss go down? - hey, a two-fer!

Read Salt Sugar Fat - how the food giants hooked us by Michael Moss. Or Freud (Sigmund's nephew, I think it was) on advertising. Then go throw up. When you come up for air, find worthier topics to think about - like the longterm health effects of pouring sugar in ever-increasing amounts & forms down the throats of your family, the people you cherish above all else ...

It is better to eat organically, and in moderation. Very few people understand the science of food, and the ramifications of ignorant feeding.
Kraft Zesty Dressing Ad Offends 'One Million Moms,' Sparks Debate

A new ad for Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing is a little too spicy for one group of "concerned" women.

A "let's get zesty" ad showing a naked man with a strategically placed picnic blanket protecting his modesty allegedly ran as a print ad in a recent issue of People, causing conservative group "One Million Moms" to write a press release calling the ad "disgusting" and saying that the company has "gone too far."

Also, note the line, "silverware optional, let's zesty".

What do y'all think?


My opinion - That salad dressing doesn't go well with the wine, bread, bruschetta, grapes and thou menu.

I actually like the TV ad's which have a totally different feel to them than the print ad's. The TV ad's are campy and are making fun of the idea that "sex sells". The print ad's not so much....totally different vibe. My opinion of the picnic pic? Dude just needs to put his clothes on now...he is just seeking attention....and cocky men are a turn off to me. Less is more people.
I never said talking politics freezes anyone. If we don't do things because bad things might happen we will freeze in our tracks.

So what's the danger of a toddler seeing the ad in the OP ?

The very act of discussing politics is practically speculation. Much of the time you see people who—while discussing politics—also speculate and wonder over the results of actions and legislations, etc. People do not freeze in their tracks when they consider the ramifications of actions and events. It is not a slippery slope to be mindful.

To your last sentence, context is everything. If a toddler holds a firearm, one can reason that some bad things could happen. However, people who call things slippery slopes would likely call that person's worrying "slippery slope thinking." It is not a slippery slope to consider that a toddler with a gun could kill itself or someone else, nor is it a slippery slope to consider that moral decadence could lead to even more moral decadence. Keeping things in context, toddlers can rarely read nor understand things as adults can at their young ages. A toddler doesn't really have the mental faculties that an adult has. Adults can understand the decadence of the advertisement, but an infant can't.

I'm not talking about politics. I'm talking about actually doing things. If we speculated about all the negative consequences that could arise from taking a certain action it would freeze us UNLESS we took some risks and were willing to accept consequences.
Thank you for making my point. Toddlers have to be taught by adults what is "decadent". Decadence is a purely subjective man made concept.
Wtf is this irrelevant tangent on spying??

The original comment was off topic trolling. Treat it like an advertisement.
It is after all the same thing -- getting your attention to sell you something you don't need.

Sometimes you just have to go :lalala:

Ultimately is there anything moral about manipulating people to spend money of dumb shit ?
I'm not talking about politics. I'm talking about actually doing things. If we speculated about all the negative consequences that could arise from taking a certain action it would freeze us UNLESS we took some risks and were willing to accept consequences.
Thank you for making my point. Toddlers have to be taught by adults what is "decadent". Decadence is a purely subjective man made concept.

Dillo, the very nature of talking about actually doing things can routinely be found in political discussion. That and speculation, by themselves, can also be found quite heavily in political discourse.

And to be sure, this isn't about people speculating on all the negative consequences in one sitting. That'd be unreasonable, wouldn't it? People do discuss and speculate over things, but they don't go into hyper-mode and think about every little thing to the last minutiae. As humans we do take risks, and we do take consequences; that is one reason America is in the state it's currently in.

If you really want to get onto a tangent about man-made concepts, it is like you are talking to an adept about it. Decadence is indeed a purely man-made philosophical structure... but so is everything else. Race, justice, good, evil, equality, you name it. We humans are complex and troublesome mammals, aren't we?
It's a pretty safe bet if Kraft features The Last Supper or Moses parting the Red Sea in a commercial, LuddlyNumbNuts would have an aneurysm.

And I bet Christmas commericals making him very unhappy.
I'm not talking about politics. I'm talking about actually doing things. If we speculated about all the negative consequences that could arise from taking a certain action it would freeze us UNLESS we took some risks and were willing to accept consequences.
Thank you for making my point. Toddlers have to be taught by adults what is "decadent". Decadence is a purely subjective man made concept.

Dillo, the very nature of talking about actually doing things can routinely be found in political discussion. That and speculation, by themselves, can also be found quite heavily in political discourse.

And to be sure, this isn't about people speculating on all the negative consequences in one sitting. That'd be unreasonable, wouldn't it? People do discuss and speculate over things, but they don't go into hyper-mode and think about every little thing to the last minutiae. As humans we do take risks, and we do take consequences; that is one reason America is in the state it's currently in.

If you really want to get onto a tangent about man-made concepts, it is like you are talking to an adept about it. Decadence is indeed a purely man-made philosophical structure... but so is everything else. Race, justice, good, evil, equality, you name it. We humans are complex and troublesome mammals, aren't we?

Mostly when we get really cocky and think we know what is morally correct for everyone else.
Mostly when we get really cocky and think we know what is morally correct for everyone else.

That, too, is a part of humanity, and an explanation for the existence of politics.

As are ads that use nudity to attract attention. It's one big gestalt. Did you want to continue to argue that this ad is leading to the moral downfall of man ?
for those of you who didn't take marketing 101, Rule #1 is: "sex sells". Its people who aren't gettin' any like koshergirl & Katzndogz, The Miss Lovejoys of the forum , who bray the most about these ads.

Helen Lovejoy - Simpsons Wiki
Growing up in a little house on the prairie, where the only pastimes a young woman had were baling hay and fixing the hay baling machine, Helen fought off boredom by keeping herself up to date on the personal affairs of her neighbours. When a dashing young bible salesman from Springfield named Timothy Lovejoy showed up at her door, she found herself entranced by his Protestant good looks and his thrilling stories of the big city.
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It's a pretty safe bet if Kraft features The Last Supper or Moses parting the Red Sea in a commercial, LuddlyNumbNuts would have an aneurysm.

And I bet Christmas commericals making him very unhappy.

Why do ignorant rw's ALWAYs have to resort to trolling and childish name calling?

Oh yeah, because that's all they got.

This is actually an interesting subject. Why don't you try for a real comment.

As to Kraft - I'm off to the Mennonite community to buy organic produce. Have a nice day, troll.
Mostly when we get really cocky and think we know what is morally correct for everyone else.

That, too, is a part of humanity, and an explanation for the existence of politics.

As are ads that use nudity to attract attention. It's one big gestalt. Did you want to continue to argue that this ad is leading to the moral downfall of man ?

I think the ad itself is a byproduct of man's worsening moral downfall. The ad itself isn't causing it, but it's a symptom of the larger problem. At times I wonder what may happen once the downfall has passed through deeper depths. Maybe humans are the problem, or maybe there is hope that humankind as a whole could learn to respect their bodies and their dignities?
I still don't have an answer to how this ad is "morally decadent". How is an ad for donuts, or a violent video game, or alcohol, fine and dandy but as soon as somebody suggests (however inanely) that their product might lead to an act of love, suddenly we're on to "moral decadence"...? :confused:
If you frame your comments more fairly, I may give them consideration, Pogo.
That, too, is a part of humanity, and an explanation for the existence of politics.

As are ads that use nudity to attract attention. It's one big gestalt. Did you want to continue to argue that this ad is leading to the moral downfall of man ?

I think the ad itself is a byproduct of man's worsening moral downfall. The ad itself isn't causing it, but it's a symptom of the larger problem. At times I wonder what may happen once the downfall has passed through deeper depths. Maybe humans are the problem, or maybe there is hope that humankind as a whole could learn to respect their bodies and their dignities?

Maybe humans are the problem ? Humans are the only creature that even use that word. How are things supposed to be and according to what standard?
As are ads that use nudity to attract attention. It's one big gestalt. Did you want to continue to argue that this ad is leading to the moral downfall of man ?

I think the ad itself is a byproduct of man's worsening moral downfall. The ad itself isn't causing it, but it's a symptom of the larger problem. At times I wonder what may happen once the downfall has passed through deeper depths. Maybe humans are the problem, or maybe there is hope that humankind as a whole could learn to respect their bodies and their dignities?

Maybe humans are the problem ? Humans are the only creature that even use that word. How are things supposed to be and according to what standard?

Humans are an anomaly. They're animals, mammals, with nails and hair and the ability to produce milk, among other things. If it's true that Earth is the only rock in existence to contain life, then we're abnormal, and the norm is cold, lifeless death. We create standards, laws, morals, etc. Laws and such are just words written on paper, that are expected to be followed by other humans.

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