One Million Moms 'moving on' from Ellen Christmas commercial protest

What in the fuck?

What on earth is wrong with that commercial to them? They even say Merry Christmas America at the end.

God damn, the whiniest fucking bitches ever.

It's scary that they're Moms -- meaning they have kids.

Poor kids.
Social conservatives are attempting to marginalize gays and lesbians, force them ‘back into the closet,’ as it were, by intimidating businesses. In essence social conservatives are seeking to enact discrimination against homosexuals in the private sector where they’ve failed in the public.

Wishing to discriminate against fellow Americans solely because of their sexual orientation, regardless the venue or process, is a problem.

There is no way to stop it though is there? If a business loses customers because of an expressed policy the business deserves to fail. Liberals try to marginalize businesses all the time. They tried it with Chik Fil A. People are allowed to discriminate in their personal lives. They just need to do more of it.

You're just like those people that think there's something wrong with me because I'm a mixed-race human, aren't you?

There's nothing wrong with being of mixed race. I'm mixed race myself, but if someone said "I'm not patronizing your business because you are of mixed race" there is absolutely nothing wrong with that either.

If a Chik Fil A store was forced to close because of anti gay policies would that be wrong? If customers just said "I'm not giving them my money any more" wouldn't that be a proper expenditure of money? Of course it would. Therefore it is a proper expenditure of money to refuse to spend it at a business who has pro gay policies.
i am pretty sure that the 50 members of the one million moms don't have the influence of ellen's daily audience in the multi million viewer range...
One million kids are being raised by ignorant homophobes like you.

Where's child protective services when you need them.

This backwards hateful version of "christianity" (one that has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ) is being shoved down childrens' throats.

They'd be better off camping with Catholic priests than living with these horrible mothers.

What liberals need is a law mandating equality of popularity. That way conservatives would be forced to like Ellen Degeneres enough to make her popular. Then we could have equality of shopping where the profits of Wal Mart are redistributed to Penney to make up for the fact that they are losing customers.

Or perhaps get it down to basics, pass a law that states that customers have to spend a certain portion of their shopping dollars at Penneys and file the proper IRS form to prove it.

What America needs is for bigots and homophobes to move to a leper colony.

White trash homophobes can't afford to shop anywhere but JCP. It eats them up that wealthy homosexuals and lesbians will be buying presents for each other and their kids at Neiman Marcus.

I can tell you from personal experience that when I told that lesbian couple to take their money and shove it up their collective asses they didn't take it well. JCP will eventually close. It decided to engage in a marketing strategy that isn't working for them. Whether it's because they are targeting a homosexual marketing group or something else entirely, what they are doing isn't working.
One million kids are being raised by ignorant homophobes like you.

Where's child protective services when you need them.

This backwards hateful version of "christianity" (one that has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ) is being shoved down childrens' throats.

They'd be better off camping with Catholic priests than living with these horrible mothers.

What liberals need is a law mandating equality of popularity. That way conservatives would be forced to like Ellen Degeneres enough to make her popular. Then we could have equality of shopping where the profits of Wal Mart are redistributed to Penney to make up for the fact that they are losing customers.

Or perhaps get it down to basics, pass a law that states that customers have to spend a certain portion of their shopping dollars at Penneys and file the proper IRS form to prove it.

What America needs is for bigots and homophobes to move to a leper colony.

White trash homophobes can't afford to shop anywhere but JCP. It eats them up that wealthy homosexuals and lesbians will be buying presents for each other and their kids at Neiman Marcus.

Are you saying that homosexuals and lesbians won't shop at JCP either? Well, no wonder it's failing. It's marketing to a group that won't even shop there themselves!
There is no way to stop it though is there? If a business loses customers because of an expressed policy the business deserves to fail. Liberals try to marginalize businesses all the time. They tried it with Chik Fil A. People are allowed to discriminate in their personal lives. They just need to do more of it.

You're just like those people that think there's something wrong with me because I'm a mixed-race human, aren't you?

There's nothing wrong with being of mixed race. I'm mixed race myself, but if someone said "I'm not patronizing your business because you are of mixed race" there is absolutely nothing wrong with that either.

If a Chik Fil A store was forced to close because of anti gay policies would that be wrong? If customers just said "I'm not giving them my money any more" wouldn't that be a proper expenditure of money? Of course it would. Therefore it is a proper expenditure of money to refuse to spend it at a business who has pro gay policies.

But why lose potential customers by alienating a group?
"Today J.C.Penney reported 3Q12 results and held its quarterly update meeting with the investment community. The financial results were nothing short of horrendous and way below my expectations. Sales fell by a stunning $1.1 billion to $2.9 billion from $4.0 billion in 3Q11, a decline of 26.6% on a drop of 26.1% in same store sales."

"The core customer has abandoned J.C.Penney."

"I believe that the first half of fiscal; 2013 will see sales fall even more despite a stepped up promotional program."

J.C.Penney - Ugly Result leave more Doubt for 2013 - Forbes

People don't seem to like JCP's new direction.
People just dont like having shit shoved in their face, dumb-fuck.

These people would be just as pissed off if JC Penny had hired a Grand Wizard of the KKK to do their commercials. Most people do not want to see perversion normalized and so they dislike things associated with the spoke-its who champion said normalization.

I can remember Liberatchi on commercials and tv alot years ago. Not to mention other gay stars. But now it's a big deal?
"Today J.C.Penney reported 3Q12 results and held its quarterly update meeting with the investment community. The financial results were nothing short of horrendous and way below my expectations. Sales fell by a stunning $1.1 billion to $2.9 billion from $4.0 billion in 3Q11, a decline of 26.6% on a drop of 26.1% in same store sales."

"The core customer has abandoned J.C.Penney."

"I believe that the first half of fiscal; 2013 will see sales fall even more despite a stepped up promotional program."

J.C.Penney - Ugly Result leave more Doubt for 2013 - Forbes

People don't seem to like JCP's new direction.

They dropped their % sales and free JC Penny bucks from previous years and tried a new strategy, one of everyday low prices, it bomb.
SO the low sales are from that bad step, not having Ellen as a commercial star.
"Today J.C.Penney reported 3Q12 results and held its quarterly update meeting with the investment community. The financial results were nothing short of horrendous and way below my expectations. Sales fell by a stunning $1.1 billion to $2.9 billion from $4.0 billion in 3Q11, a decline of 26.6% on a drop of 26.1% in same store sales."

"The core customer has abandoned J.C.Penney."

"I believe that the first half of fiscal; 2013 will see sales fall even more despite a stepped up promotional program."

J.C.Penney - Ugly Result leave more Doubt for 2013 - Forbes

People don't seem to like JCP's new direction.

They dropped their % sales and free JC Penny bucks from previous years and tried a new strategy, one of everyday low prices, it bomb.
SO the low sales are from that bad step, not having Ellen as a commercial star.

The boutique stores within stores and new pricing strategy were certainly important factors. However it is impossible to say that their lifestyle message didn't play a part in their terrible results.
People just dont like having shit shoved in their face, dumb-fuck.

These people would be just as pissed off if JC Penny had hired a Grand Wizard of the KKK to do their commercials. Most people do not want to see perversion normalized and so they dislike things associated with the spoke-its who champion said normalization.

I can remember Liberatchi on commercials and tv alot years ago. Not to mention other gay stars. But now it's a big deal?

Yes, but everyone pretended he wasn’t ‘gay’ back then, the same with Rock Hudson; it was the age of ignorance and denial – the age most on the right wish to return to.

They also didn’t have their ‘agenda,’ in those days, either.
That commercial offended me. Now I need to listen to Rush in the morning to find out exactly why it offended me.
People just dont like having shit shoved in their face, dumb-fuck.

These people would be just as pissed off if JC Penny had hired a Grand Wizard of the KKK to do their commercials. Most people do not want to see perversion normalized and so they dislike things associated with the spoke-its who champion said normalization.

I can remember Liberatchi on commercials and tv alot years ago. Not to mention other gay stars. But now it's a big deal?

Yes, but everyone pretended he wasn’t ‘gay’ back then, the same with Rock Hudson; it was the age of ignorance and denial – the age most on the right wish to return to.

They also didn’t have their ‘agenda,’ in those days, either.

Back then people still thought homosexuality was a defect and a 'life choice'.

We now know that homophobia and bigotry is the defect and a choice and that God made homosexuals the way that they are.
People are voting with their wallets. It is right and good that people make a point of shopping at Penneys because they are pro gay. It is right and good that people make a point of NOT shopping at Penneys because they are pro gay. Penney's survival will depend on whether there are more pro gay than not pro gay. So far, that survival is in jeopardy. Liberals just cannot control where others spend their money. They'd like to. They want to. But so far, it's not happening. JC Penney will fail and Walmart will survive no matter how ferverently liberals would have it otherwise.

No we don't.

Interestingly, when I suggested the same thing - that we vote with our wallets, this same poster screeched and screamed that consumer spending means little in the grand scheme of things.

Penny's will fail. That is true. But, not because they stood by their decision to have Ellen as their spokeswoman.

Again, rw's had a little hissy fit, saying it was all Obama's fault that this or that business is failing. They're wrong as usual but when it does fail, they'll get right back on that rant.

One of the more disturbing things I've read here is this -

It is right and good that people make a point of NOT shopping at Penneys because they are pro gay.

It seems like, no matter what other factors enter into the differences between the right and left, hate always wins the rw over. This sick cancerous and mindless hate is ultimately what drives the rw.

They don't see it as "sick". They see it as "moral" and feel if they can't express that hate, their rights are being infringed upon.
Ellen was hired because JCP thought she was popular, very popular. She's not turning out to be as popular as JCP thought she was.

One million kids are being raised by ignorant homophobes like you.

Where's child protective services when you need them.

This backwards hateful version of "christianity" (one that has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ) is being shoved down childrens' throats.

They'd be better off camping with Catholic priests than living with these horrible mothers.

What liberals need is a law mandating equality of popularity. That way conservatives would be forced to like Ellen Degeneres enough to make her popular. Then we could have equality of shopping where the profits of Wal Mart are redistributed to Penney to make up for the fact that they are losing customers.

Or perhaps get it down to basics, pass a law that states that customers have to spend a certain portion of their shopping dollars at Penneys and file the proper IRS form to prove it.

How many times are you going to talk about passing "new laws"? Fuck that.
What liberals need is a law mandating equality of popularity. That way conservatives would be forced to like Ellen Degeneres enough to make her popular. Then we could have equality of shopping where the profits of Wal Mart are redistributed to Penney to make up for the fact that they are losing customers.

Or perhaps get it down to basics, pass a law that states that customers have to spend a certain portion of their shopping dollars at Penneys and file the proper IRS form to prove it.

What America needs is for bigots and homophobes to move to a leper colony.

White trash homophobes can't afford to shop anywhere but JCP. It eats them up that wealthy homosexuals and lesbians will be buying presents for each other and their kids at Neiman Marcus.

I can tell you from personal experience that when I told that lesbian couple to take their money and shove it up their collective asses they didn't take it well. JCP will eventually close. It decided to engage in a marketing strategy that isn't working for them. Whether it's because they are targeting a homosexual marketing group or something else entirely, what they are doing isn't working.

You told a couple of women you didn't know to "shove it up their collective asses'? How brave. You must be a "hero".
"Today J.C.Penney reported 3Q12 results and held its quarterly update meeting with the investment community. The financial results were nothing short of horrendous and way below my expectations. Sales fell by a stunning $1.1 billion to $2.9 billion from $4.0 billion in 3Q11, a decline of 26.6% on a drop of 26.1% in same store sales."

"The core customer has abandoned J.C.Penney."

"I believe that the first half of fiscal; 2013 will see sales fall even more despite a stepped up promotional program."

J.C.Penney - Ugly Result leave more Doubt for 2013 - Forbes

People don't seem to like JCP's new direction.

Republicans policies have devastated American consumer business. Not just at that one company, but across the board when it comes to the middle class. Business on the other hand has done very well indeed.

The Big Boys Rack Up Record-Setting Profits - DailyFinance

The Fortune 500 generated a total of $824.5 billion in earnings last year, up 16.4% over 2010. That beats the previous record of $785 billion, set in 2006 during a roaring economy. The 2011 profits are outsized based on two key historical metrics. They represent 7% of total sales, vs. an average of 5.14% over the 58-year history of the Fortune 500. Companies are also garnering exceptional returns on their capital. The 500 achieved a return-on-equity of 14.3%, far above the historical norm of 12%.

It's the middle class that's suffering.

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008 | The Economic Populist

All because of Republican economic policies.
People just dont like having shit shoved in their face, dumb-fuck.

These people would be just as pissed off if JC Penny had hired a Grand Wizard of the KKK to do their commercials. Most people do not want to see perversion normalized and so they dislike things associated with the spoke-its who champion said normalization.

Because gays and the KKK are just the same?

Speaking of the KKK:

Pulaski, Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan officially disbanded today claiming that the Republican Party has co-opted all of their ideas concerning race, immigration and religion and that there was no longer any need for their existence.
el oh el :p
What America needs is for bigots and homophobes to move to a leper colony.

White trash homophobes can't afford to shop anywhere but JCP. It eats them up that wealthy homosexuals and lesbians will be buying presents for each other and their kids at Neiman Marcus.

I can tell you from personal experience that when I told that lesbian couple to take their money and shove it up their collective asses they didn't take it well. JCP will eventually close. It decided to engage in a marketing strategy that isn't working for them. Whether it's because they are targeting a homosexual marketing group or something else entirely, what they are doing isn't working.

You told a couple of women you didn't know to "shove it up their collective asses'? How brave. You must be a "hero".

Katzndogs is full of it as usual.
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That was a Pro Gay commercial? The "Odd People" comment was directed at Gays? I thought it was refering to the Elves?

How funny. That's what I thought too.

Can someone explain how that rather silly commercial was "pro-gay"?

Its true there are a few ignorant bigots who object to Ellen but when this non-issue first hit, I opened a charge account, used it and make it a point to shop there.

I also made a point of contacting the main office to tell them we would be shopping with them BECAUSE they didn't back down because of the hate. When we were in the store, we talked to others and found that most people really didn't care.

I wonder ... could it be that most people know its none of their effing business what other consenting adults are doing in their bedrooms? Could it be that most people don't want bigger and bigger government, more and more laws the way the rabid right does?

sure you did.......

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