Krauthammer: Moment of Moral Clarity/ Israel

Oh how nice of Israel to roof knock people before killing them. Obviously that justifies the countless number of civilians killed.

To bad Hamas and Hezbullah don't give a warning. They just lob missles and hope to kill as many as they can.

Your an idiot.

If you're going to insult someone, use correct grammar. So I believe that you're an idiot.

from article

The rockets can’t even inflict serious damage, being almost uniformly intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system. Even West Bank leader Mahmoud Abbas has asked: “What are you trying to achieve by sending rockets?”

What the heck are they doing with the tanks in Palestine for then, and why are they killing kids on the beaches.

I use to try and give Israel the benefit of the doubt, but no more, enough is enough, I will never see or even try to see anything good about Israel anymore. Its full of organized crime, and slave white prostitute girls which the secular government overlooks, and I wish the heck that we get those Zionist out of our US government.

Now remember that LGS said the article contained 100% facts. Watch how quickly she drops that to make the missles from Palestine super duper uber scary and uses that to justify Israels heavy handedness
The same mouth spewing Terrorist sympathizers swarming the thread like dung beetles :) Ignore them..

Keep telling yourself that. There are a lot of us who were once diehard supporters of Israel, thanks to the unceasing media propaganda that they are "our greatest ally". There are many conservative thinkers who no longer buy the swill. It doesn't make us "terrorist sympathizers".

Your hostile attitude full of buzz phrases is a sign of ignorance and intellectual weakness on the issue.
Oh how nice of Israel to roof knock people before killing them. Obviously that justifies the countless number of civilians killed.

To bad Hamas and Hezbullah don't give a warning. They just lob missles and hope to kill as many as they can.

Your an idiot.

Israel did everything humanly possible to protect her people hiding in bomb shelters. How nice we have it, here, as of THIS post in time.


Israel accepts an Egyptian-proposed Gaza cease-fire; Hamas keeps firing. Hamas deliberately aims rockets at civilians; Israel painstakingly tries to avoid them, actually telephoning civilians in the area and dropping warning charges, so-called roof knocking.

“Here’s the difference between us,” explains the Israeli prime minister. “We’re using missile defense to protect our civilians, and they’re using their civilians to protect their missiles.”

Rarely does international politics present a moment of such moral clarity.
Yet we routinely hear this Israel-Gaza fighting described as a morally equivalent “cycle of violence.” This is absurd. What possible interest can Israel have in cross-border fighting? Everyone knows Hamas set off this mini-war. And everyone knows the proudly self-declared raison d’etre of Hamas: the eradication of Israel and its Jews.

Apologists for Hamas attribute the blood lust to the Israeli occupation and blockade. Occupation? Does no one remember anything? It was less than 10 years ago that worldwide television showed the Israeli army pulling die-hard settlers off synagogue roofs in Gaza as Israel uprooted its settlements, expelled its citizens, withdrew its military and turned every inch of Gaza over to the Palestinians. There was not a soldier, not a settler, not a single Israeli left in Gaza.

And there was no blockade. On the contrary. Israel wanted this new Palestinian state to succeed. To help the Gaza economy, Israel gave the Palestinians its 3,000 greenhouses that had produced fruit and flowers for export. It opened border crossings and encouraged commerce.

The whole idea was to establish the model for two states living peacefully and productively side by side. No one seems to remember that,-----[more]

Moral clarity in Gaza - The Washington Post
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Calling people Terrorist Sympathizers got us Homeland Security, NSA spying, Warrentless wiretaps etc.

No one is falling for that anymore
BiBi- when the towers fell "this is good, this is very good."

Yes what a great man.
The same mouth spewing Terrorist sympathizers swarming the thread like dung beetles :) Ignore them..

Keep telling yourself that. There are a lot of us who were once diehard supporters of Israel, thanks to the unceasing media propaganda that they are "our greatest ally". There are many conservative thinkers who no longer buy the swill. It doesn't make us "terrorist sympathizers".

Your hostile attitude full of buzz phrases is a sign of ignorance and intellectual weakness on the issue.

so you'd rather sacrifice the Jews just because you don't believe in zionism....? Islam doesn't mix well with any other religion or haven't you noticed...?

Hamas is sacrificing its OWN people for glory and money....Islam is a religion of death and destruction....:mad:
The same mouth spewing Terrorist sympathizers swarming the thread like dung beetles :) Ignore them..

Keep telling yourself that. There are a lot of us who were once diehard supporters of Israel, thanks to the unceasing media propaganda that they are "our greatest ally". There are many conservative thinkers who no longer buy the swill. It doesn't make us "terrorist sympathizers".

Your hostile attitude full of buzz phrases is a sign of ignorance and intellectual weakness on the issue.

so you'd rather sacrifice the Jews just because you don't believe in zionism....? Islam doesn't mix well with any other religion or haven't you noticed...?

Hamas is sacrificing its OWN people for glory and money....Islam is a religion of death and destruction....:mad:

Don't read more into what I write than what I write.

This hostile "all or nothing" attitude about the issue does little more than increase the division among people who likely share many ideals beyond the US stance with Israel. So, you misinterpret my perspective either willfully or unintentionally. Most zionists embrace the former.
The same mouth spewing Terrorist sympathizers swarming the thread like dung beetles :) Ignore them..

Keep telling yourself that. There are a lot of us who were once diehard supporters of Israel, thanks to the unceasing media propaganda that they are "our greatest ally". There are many conservative thinkers who no longer buy the swill. It doesn't make us "terrorist sympathizers".

Your hostile attitude full of buzz phrases is a sign of ignorance and intellectual weakness on the issue.

so you'd rather sacrifice the Jews just because you don't believe in zionism....? Islam doesn't mix well with any other religion or haven't you noticed...?

Hamas is sacrificing its OWN people for glory and money....Islam is a religion of death and destruction....:mad:

Israel has the right to defend Israel, and on this issue I see eye to eye with Krauthammer.
Keep telling yourself that. There are a lot of us who were once diehard supporters of Israel, thanks to the unceasing media propaganda that they are "our greatest ally". There are many conservative thinkers who no longer buy the swill. It doesn't make us "terrorist sympathizers".

Your hostile attitude full of buzz phrases is a sign of ignorance and intellectual weakness on the issue.

so you'd rather sacrifice the Jews just because you don't believe in zionism....? Islam doesn't mix well with any other religion or haven't you noticed...?

Hamas is sacrificing its OWN people for glory and money....Islam is a religion of death and destruction....:mad:

Don't read more into what I write than what I write.

This hostile "all or nothing" attitude about the issue does little more than increase the division among people who likely share many ideals beyond the US stance with Israel. So, you misinterpret my perspective either willfully or unintentionally. Most zionists embrace the former.

yeah right.....those Hamas guys are so willing to heal the division....and you think people like me are 'hostile'......:rolleyes:

it's 'all or nothing' when we are talking about 'life or death' you can take your anti-zionist attitude elsewhere...
so you'd rather sacrifice the Jews just because you don't believe in zionism....? Islam doesn't mix well with any other religion or haven't you noticed...?

Hamas is sacrificing its OWN people for glory and money....Islam is a religion of death and destruction....:mad:

Don't read more into what I write than what I write.

This hostile "all or nothing" attitude about the issue does little more than increase the division among people who likely share many ideals beyond the US stance with Israel. So, you misinterpret my perspective either willfully or unintentionally. Most zionists embrace the former.

yeah right.....those Hamas guys are so willing to heal the division....and you think people like me are 'hostile'......:rolleyes:

it's 'all or nothing' when we are talking about 'life or death' you can take your anti-zionist attitude elsewhere...

Awesome to see another sheep incapable of looking at the issue beyond their comfort zone. Not many years ago I was right there with you. I really can't blame you, considering the media blitz that we all have been fed throughout our lives.
Jew haters will never have a moment of moral clarity. Even the UN had a moment of moral clarity when they found that hamas put bombs in a UN school.
Don't read more into what I write than what I write.

This hostile "all or nothing" attitude about the issue does little more than increase the division among people who likely share many ideals beyond the US stance with Israel. So, you misinterpret my perspective either willfully or unintentionally. Most zionists embrace the former.

yeah right.....those Hamas guys are so willing to heal the division....and you think people like me are 'hostile'......:rolleyes:

it's 'all or nothing' when we are talking about 'life or death' you can take your anti-zionist attitude elsewhere...

Awesome to see another sheep incapable of looking at the issue beyond their comfort zone. Not many years ago I was right there with you. I really can't blame you, considering the media blitz that we all have been fed throughout our lives.

Awesome to see another Islam-lover incapable of facing the facts....
yeah right.....those Hamas guys are so willing to heal the division....and you think people like me are 'hostile'......:rolleyes:

it's 'all or nothing' when we are talking about 'life or death' you can take your anti-zionist attitude elsewhere...

Awesome to see another sheep incapable of looking at the issue beyond their comfort zone. Not many years ago I was right there with you. I really can't blame you, considering the media blitz that we all have been fed throughout our lives.

Awesome to see another Islam-lover incapable of facing the facts....

Unfortunately, as is always the case, you shills reach the point of go fuck yourself.

The intellectual capacity of the Rabid Zionist, cannot discern the difference between a person who does not blindly tow the Israel line, versus Islam lovers or terrorist supporters. You are a moron. A high ranking moron at that. Congratulations. :eusa_clap:

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