Krauthammer warns of congress irrelevancy if obama keeps writing his own laws


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Krauthammer Warns of Congress Irrelevancy if Obama Keeps Writing His Own Laws

From the SCOTUS. to George Will who wrote the Op ed on suing the Exec Branch, now to Charles Krauthammer, the red light of warning is finally flashing as the people's angry voice is permeating the air on K St. Perhaps we will actually see more done to reign in the Tyrant sitting in the White House. The Legislative Branch suing the Executive is a step in the right direction.. Let's see the Courts strike down the US Constitution on Separation of Powers.
Krauthammer Warns of Congress Irrelevancy if Obama Keeps Writing His Own Laws

From the SCOTUS. to George Will who wrote the Op ed on suing the Exec Branch, now to Charles Krauthammer, the red light of warning is finally flashing as the people's angry voice is permeating the air on K St. Perhaps we will actually see more done to reign in the Tyrant sitting in the White House. The Legislative Branch suing the Executive is a step in the right direction.. Let's see the Courts strike down the US Constitution on Separation of Powers. fave intellectual, also speaks the truth more than once in this excerpt of the article you linked:

When compared to other presidents and their executive orders:

“It’s a completely irrelevant statistic,” Krauthammer said. “The statistic that matters is the breadth and the scope of each of these executive orders. Obama has essentially rewritten the laws on immigration, on drugs and then he rewrites his own Affordable Care Act after it passes. You cannot do this. The Constitution says the laws are passed by Congress have to be carried out by the executive. Everybody knows what Obama did with the employer mandate and individually canceled plans with deadlines he decrees just on his own are going to be postponed. It's called implementation latitude. That’s not what is coming on here. He’s essentially having a blank slate and writing his laws.”

Krauthammer Warns of Congress Irrelevancy if Obama Keeps Writing His Own Laws
I agree that Obama has overstepped his bounds. In particular, delaying or rewriting provisions in the ACA.

But the GOP's motives are far less than pure. They want those provisions to go into effect so that a great deal of harm will come to pass. They could easily have passed legislation by now which would have accomplished the same things Obama's rewriting has done. But you know they never will. They want harm to happen.

So don't kid yourself. Both sides reek of shit. Neither has the best interests of America in their hearts.
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Don't compare executive orders of Bush to Obama, or you might have to change your principals.

I'm surprised that Obama doesn't sign more exec orders because the GOP has decided to filibuster government to a halt. They even filibuster legislation first proposed by Republicans.

Why did a republican president, a republican senate and a republican house raise the debt ceiling 5 times? Why didn't Fox News cover it?

Why didn't Fox News not cover all of Bush's executive orders.

(Past: you need to get information from a broader range of sources)
Obama does with Executive Orders what Bush did with signing statements. Bush would sign legislation enacted by Congress but would add a statement saying he would decide if he would follow the law or not, regardless of Congress's opinion on the matter.
And staff has the right to request all posters, post a link to their assertions, if they want them to stay.
I have no problem in stating Bush overstepped his Presidential authority as stated in the US Constitution.. Throw his ass in jail .. I don't care.. this isn't about partisanship which the left wants to try to do.. It's about upholding the oath of Office and maintaining the provisions set forth in our Founding Document, not shitting all over it- that applies to any politician, person- regardless of race, creed, party affiliation.
LGS is not only dull herself; but is the cause of dullness in others." -

Some few folks are angry indeed, but it is not a tidal wave.

If the GOP in the House would work toward governance as they did last fall instead of the general obstructionism, this country would be far better off.

The overwhelming majority of America has no desire to have TeaP peep creeps running our governments.
Past is indeed prologue. Quite a tempest we have brought upon ourselves in electing this scoundrel.
LGS is not only dull herself; but is the cause of dullness in others." -

Some few folks are angry indeed, but it is not a tidal wave.

If the GOP in the House would work toward governance as they did last fall instead of the general obstructionism, this country would be far better off.

The overwhelming majority of America has no desire to have TeaP peep creeps running our governments.

WTF are you groaning about Snarkley?
Krauthammer Warns of Congress Irrelevancy if Obama Keeps Writing His Own Laws

From the SCOTUS. to George Will who wrote the Op ed on suing the Exec Branch, now to Charles Krauthammer, the red light of warning is finally flashing as the people's angry voice is permeating the air on K St. Perhaps we will actually see more done to reign in the Tyrant sitting in the White House. The Legislative Branch suing the Executive is a step in the right direction.. Let's see the Courts strike down the US Constitution on Separation of Powers.

Where has Krauthammer been lately? Seems like he's getting his horse and cart mixed up. Congress has rendered itself irrelevant by their own actions. Here, I'll even let far rightwing Rasmussen spell it out for you:

""A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that eight percent (8%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe Congress is doing a good or excellent job. """
Congressional Performance - Rasmussen Reports?

Obama's reaction to Congress is the result, right or wrong. Got it now?
I agree that Obama has overstepped his bounds. In particular, delaying or rewriting provisions in the ACA.

But the GOP's motives are far less than pure. They want those provisions to go into effect so that a great deal of harm will come to pass. They could easily have passed legislation by now which would have accomplished the same things Obama's rewriting has done. But you know they never will. They want harm to happen.

So don't kid yourself. Both sides reek of shit. Neither has the best interests of America in their hearts.

Actually, one of things that caused the democrat shutdown of parts of the government last year was democrat refusal to even consider delaying all of Oh-crap! care for one year.
LGS is not only dull herself; but is the cause of dullness in others." -

Some few folks are angry indeed, but it is not a tidal wave.

If the GOP in the House would work toward governance as they did last fall instead of the general obstructionism, this country would be far better off.

The overwhelming majority of America has no desire to have TeaP peep creeps running our governments.

WTF are you groaning about Snarkley?

Rasmussen agrees with him, GumSlinger.
What the fuck does Rasmussen have to do with violating the United States Constitution??????
America overwhelmingly despises the TeaPs, creepy party of older white evangelicals.

GLS reminds of Wilde's statement, she "has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by [her]friends.."
What the fuck does Rasmussen have to do with violating the United States Constitution??????

You once again display your delusion to cognitive competency.

We agree with the ruling generally but not the construction of it.

The court just took a step that Justice John Marshall, the uber nationalist, would have found appalling.
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America overwhelmingly despises the TeaPs, creepy party of older white evangelicals.

GLS reminds of Wilde's statement, she "has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by [her]friends.."

Once more, you old fat fuck- what does "America despising the Tea Party" have to do with this Presidents violation of the US Constitution???

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