Krazy Kamala erupts, says that Wacky Mike Pence not meeting women alone is "outrageous, ridiculous"

She’s a busybody. How he decides to lead his life is none of her business
It is outrageous that he won't give women the opportunity to lie about him. It is ridiculous and disgusting that democrats can bring up decades old sexual attack claims. More, how DARE he not attend events where alcohol is served without his wife. This is the 21st century and women are afforded the opportunity to lie about men.
She probably thinks she can advance her career by blowing the VP and hes making it hard for her to give ahead, er I mean, get ahead
After the deceitful, sabatoge job she tried to pull off against Pence (and got caught), she shouldn't even be mentioning is name. it was total disqualifier. Wish I could remember the details. Maybe somebody does.
She’s a busybody. How he decides to lead his life is none of her business

He's a friggin' freak. Know anybody else that doesn't trust himself to this degree?

Do I think it’s a little peculiar? Sure, but who am I to judge. I certainly don’t thinks it outrageous or offensive. Ultimately it’s a unwarranted personal attack perpetrated by someone who’s running for President
She must have offered him the same thing she gave Willie Brown and got turned down.
She’s a busybody. How he decides to lead his life is none of her business

He's a friggin' freak. Know anybody else that doesn't trust himself to this degree?

Do I think it’s a little peculiar? Sure, but who am I to judge. I certainly don’t thinks it outrageous or offensive. Ultimately it’s a unwarranted personal attack perpetrated by someone who’s running for President

It is not peculiar in the slightest. It is a decision born of necessity. Pence has watched careers ruined by women lying for decades.
In the MeToo era, an uncorroberated accusation from 30 years ago was enough to nearly derail a Supreme Court nomination.

Better safe than sorry.
In the MeToo era, an uncorroberated accusation from 30 years ago was enough to nearly derail a Supreme Court nomination.

Better safe than sorry.

She must have offered him the same thing she gave Willie Brown and got turned down.
She’s a busybody. How he decides to lead his life is none of her business

He's a friggin' freak. Know anybody else that doesn't trust himself to this degree?

Do I think it’s a little peculiar? Sure, but who am I to judge. I certainly don’t thinks it outrageous or offensive. Ultimately it’s a unwarranted personal attack perpetrated by someone who’s running for President

It is not peculiar in the slightest. It is a decision born of necessity. Pence has watched careers ruined by women lying for decades.

Wrapping himself in a bubble isn't going to affect that.

Krazy Kamila? What is it with you assholes, that you have to label every female politician as "crazy", "whacky" and "loony", especially if that woman is black? Don't think we don't notice this shit, you mysogynistic jerks.

Donald Trump is unhinged. He makes up shit, lies to everyone, and talks about stuff he sees on TV as if it really happened. He talks at a 4th grade level, even though he graduated from top prep schools, and holds a degree from an Ivy League university. He cozies up to murders and despots as his best buddies and treats your allies and trading partners as your enemies.

You have no room to label other candidates Krazy. Especially women of colour.

I agree she has not earned the title 'crazy' like Bernie or AOC or quite a few others. It would be nice if she were just a candidate though, instead of a 'woman of color.' It would be nice if we got to a point where that was not necessary.
Jenine Pirro was fired for criticizing islam's misogynistic practices but boyscout mike Pence gets hammered daily by "impartial" media for not wanting to booze it up with strange women and not being a big fan of sodomy. Double standards much?
She's just pissed the opportunity to blow him for career credentials is not possible...


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