Krazy Kamala erupts, says that Wacky Mike Pence not meeting women alone is "outrageous, ridiculous"

Krazy Kamila? What is it with you assholes, that you have to label every female politician as "crazy", "whacky" and "loony", especially if that woman is black? Don't think we don't notice this shit, you mysogynistic jerks.

Donald Trump is unhinged. He makes up shit, lies to everyone, and talks about stuff he sees on TV as if it really happened. He talks at a 4th grade level, even though he graduated from top prep schools, and holds a degree from an Ivy League university. He cozies up to murders and despots as his best buddies and treats your allies and trading partners as your enemies.

You have no room to label other candidates Krazy. Especially women of colour.

I agree she has not earned the title 'crazy' like Bernie or AOC or quite a few others. It would be nice if she were just a candidate though, instead of a 'woman of color.' It would be nice if we got to a point where that was not necessary.

The attacks of "crazy" and "low IQ" are made more frequently against women of colour.

AOC is well educated, and far from crazy. Her ideas are very well thought out. The right is attacking them as "crazy", misquoting and mischaracterizing what she's proposing, precisely because she's articulate and coming out with very good ideas.

She took a lot of flack for not wanting the Amazon jobs in her District and I understand exactly where she was coming from. Creating 50,000 jobs in the District is great, but it creates a whole lot of demand for housing and infrastructure, and instead of contributing to those costs, Amazon is actually getting tax breaks for locating there. The taxpayers in New York are going to have to pay for the billions of dollars of infrastructure needed to get these people back and forth to that campus on a daily basis. The roadways, public transit, and resources needed to create a small city where 50,000 people work.

Why should the working people of her District give Amazon $3 billion in tax breaks AND pay for their infrastructure. The people moving into the District will drive up the price of housing and soon the people who paid for all of this will have to move elsewhere. Amazon is the most profitable corporation in the world. They should be paying for the own infrastructure!!! The working people of New York need that money for their families. Jeff Bezos has no need of their money.

This is just wrong on every level.

IOW, Amazon locating there would have increased economic activity quite significantly and increased property values. You complain about 3 billion in tax incentives but have no problem losing 24 billion in increased revenue. Odd.
I can hardly blame women if they wanted to throw themselves at Vice President Pence once alone. The man just oozes masculinity and sexual prowess. It is smart of him to avoid such circumstances.

He wouldn't even have to. The power of his position is enough.
I can hardly blame women if they wanted to throw themselves at Vice President Pence once alone. The man just oozes masculinity and sexual prowess. It is smart of him to avoid such circumstances.

He wouldn't even have to. The power of his position is enough.

Of course it is. I am being flip b/c it isn’t really anyone’s business if he wishes not to be alone with a member of the opposite sex without his wife. Is it a little odd? Sure, but it’s none of my concern how their marriage operates.
I am being flip b/c it isn’t really anyone’s business if he wishes not to be alone with a member of the opposite sex without his wife. Is it a little odd? Sure, but it’s none of my concern how their marriage operates.


Krazy Kamila? What is it with you assholes, that you have to label every female politician as "crazy", "whacky" and "loony", especially if that woman is black? Don't think we don't notice this shit, you mysogynistic jerks.

Donald Trump is unhinged. He makes up shit, lies to everyone, and talks about stuff he sees on TV as if it really happened. He talks at a 4th grade level, even though he graduated from top prep schools, and holds a degree from an Ivy League university. He cozies up to murders and despots as his best buddies and treats your allies and trading partners as your enemies.

You have no room to label other candidates Krazy. Especially women of colour.

I agree she has not earned the title 'crazy' like Bernie or AOC or quite a few others. It would be nice if she were just a candidate though, instead of a 'woman of color.' It would be nice if we got to a point where that was not necessary.

The attacks of "crazy" and "low IQ" are made more frequently against women of colour.

AOC is well educated, and far from crazy. Her ideas are very well thought out. The right is attacking them as "crazy", misquoting and mischaracterizing what she's proposing, precisely because she's articulate and coming out with very good ideas.

She took a lot of flack for not wanting the Amazon jobs in her District and I understand exactly where she was coming from. Creating 50,000 jobs in the District is great, but it creates a whole lot of demand for housing and infrastructure, and instead of contributing to those costs, Amazon is actually getting tax breaks for locating there. The taxpayers in New York are going to have to pay for the billions of dollars of infrastructure needed to get these people back and forth to that campus on a daily basis. The roadways, public transit, and resources needed to create a small city where 50,000 people work.

Why should the working people of her District give Amazon $3 billion in tax breaks AND pay for their infrastructure. The people moving into the District will drive up the price of housing and soon the people who paid for all of this will have to move elsewhere. Amazon is the most profitable corporation in the world. They should be paying for the own infrastructure!!! The working people of New York need that money for their families. Jeff Bezos has no need of their money.

This is just wrong on every level.

IOW, Amazon locating there would have increased economic activity quite significantly and increased property values. You complain about 3 billion in tax incentives but have no problem losing 24 billion in increased revenue. Odd.

The three billion in tax incentives to get this place started is “free shit” for corporations. And it comes out of pockets of the tax payers in the District.

I can hardly blame women if they wanted to throw themselves at Vice President Pence once alone. The man just oozes masculinity and sexual prowess. It is smart of him to avoid such circumstances.

He won’t dine alone with a woman in a public restaurant. Not just that he won’t be alone with her. That means he can never hire a woman for any position which would require him to have private meetings with which most senior jobs entail.

Mike Pence is incapable of treating or hiring men and women equally, and yet he is the Vice -President of the USA. A true 19th Century Man.
He won’t dine alone with a woman in a public restaurant. Not just that he won’t be alone with her. That means he can never hire a woman for any position which would require him to have private meetings with which most senior jobs entail.

Mike Pence is incapable of treating or hiring men and women equally, and yet he is the Vice -President of the USA. A true 19th Century Man.

He seems to doing just fine in his role as Vice President.

Krazy Kamila? What is it with you assholes, that you have to label every female politician as "crazy", "whacky" and "loony", especially if that woman is black? Don't think we don't notice this shit, you mysogynistic jerks.

Donald Trump is unhinged. He makes up shit, lies to everyone, and talks about stuff he sees on TV as if it really happened. He talks at a 4th grade level, even though he graduated from top prep schools, and holds a degree from an Ivy League university. He cozies up to murders and despots as his best buddies and treats your allies and trading partners as your enemies.

You have no room to label other candidates Krazy. Especially women of colour.

I agree she has not earned the title 'crazy' like Bernie or AOC or quite a few others. It would be nice if she were just a candidate though, instead of a 'woman of color.' It would be nice if we got to a point where that was not necessary.

The attacks of "crazy" and "low IQ" are made more frequently against women of colour.

AOC is well educated, and far from crazy. Her ideas are very well thought out. The right is attacking them as "crazy", misquoting and mischaracterizing what she's proposing, precisely because she's articulate and coming out with very good ideas.

She took a lot of flack for not wanting the Amazon jobs in her District and I understand exactly where she was coming from. Creating 50,000 jobs in the District is great, but it creates a whole lot of demand for housing and infrastructure, and instead of contributing to those costs, Amazon is actually getting tax breaks for locating there. The taxpayers in New York are going to have to pay for the billions of dollars of infrastructure needed to get these people back and forth to that campus on a daily basis. The roadways, public transit, and resources needed to create a small city where 50,000 people work.

Why should the working people of her District give Amazon $3 billion in tax breaks AND pay for their infrastructure. The people moving into the District will drive up the price of housing and soon the people who paid for all of this will have to move elsewhere. Amazon is the most profitable corporation in the world. They should be paying for the own infrastructure!!! The working people of New York need that money for their families. Jeff Bezos has no need of their money.

This is just wrong on every level.

IOW, Amazon locating there would have increased economic activity quite significantly and increased property values. You complain about 3 billion in tax incentives but have no problem losing 24 billion in increased revenue. Odd.

The three billion in tax incentives to get this place started is “free shit” for corporations. And it comes out of pockets of the tax payers in the District.

I can hardly blame women if they wanted to throw themselves at Vice President Pence once alone. The man just oozes masculinity and sexual prowess. It is smart of him to avoid such circumstances.

He won’t dine alone with a woman in a public restaurant. Not just that he won’t be alone with her. That means he can never hire a woman for any position which would require him to have private meetings with which most senior jobs entail.

Mike Pence is incapable of treating or hiring men and women equally, and yet he is the Vice -President of the USA. A true 19th Century Man.

The incentives were bargaining chips to lure a highly lucrative company into the area. The move would have generated tens of billions in new revenue, now there will be none. It was a short sighted move to save a little that cost them a lot in the long term.

Krazy Kamila? What is it with you assholes, that you have to label every female politician as "crazy", "whacky" and "loony", especially if that woman is black? Don't think we don't notice this shit, you mysogynistic jerks.

Donald Trump is unhinged. He makes up shit, lies to everyone, and talks about stuff he sees on TV as if it really happened. He talks at a 4th grade level, even though he graduated from top prep schools, and holds a degree from an Ivy League university. He cozies up to murders and despots as his best buddies and treats your allies and trading partners as your enemies.

You have no room to label other candidates Krazy. Especially women of colour.

I agree she has not earned the title 'crazy' like Bernie or AOC or quite a few others. It would be nice if she were just a candidate though, instead of a 'woman of color.' It would be nice if we got to a point where that was not necessary.

The attacks of "crazy" and "low IQ" are made more frequently against women of colour.

AOC is well educated, and far from crazy. Her ideas are very well thought out. The right is attacking them as "crazy", misquoting and mischaracterizing what she's proposing, precisely because she's articulate and coming out with very good ideas.

She took a lot of flack for not wanting the Amazon jobs in her District and I understand exactly where she was coming from. Creating 50,000 jobs in the District is great, but it creates a whole lot of demand for housing and infrastructure, and instead of contributing to those costs, Amazon is actually getting tax breaks for locating there. The taxpayers in New York are going to have to pay for the billions of dollars of infrastructure needed to get these people back and forth to that campus on a daily basis. The roadways, public transit, and resources needed to create a small city where 50,000 people work.

Why should the working people of her District give Amazon $3 billion in tax breaks AND pay for their infrastructure. The people moving into the District will drive up the price of housing and soon the people who paid for all of this will have to move elsewhere. Amazon is the most profitable corporation in the world. They should be paying for the own infrastructure!!! The working people of New York need that money for their families. Jeff Bezos has no need of their money.

This is just wrong on every level.

IOW, Amazon locating there would have increased economic activity quite significantly and increased property values. You complain about 3 billion in tax incentives but have no problem losing 24 billion in increased revenue. Odd.

The three billion in tax incentives to get this place started is “free shit” for corporations. And it comes out of pockets of the tax payers in the District.

I can hardly blame women if they wanted to throw themselves at Vice President Pence once alone. The man just oozes masculinity and sexual prowess. It is smart of him to avoid such circumstances.

He won’t dine alone with a woman in a public restaurant. Not just that he won’t be alone with her. That means he can never hire a woman for any position which would require him to have private meetings with which most senior jobs entail.

Mike Pence is incapable of treating or hiring men and women equally, and yet he is the Vice -President of the USA. A true 19th Century Man.

Protecting himself from political attack is just smart. AOC's striking ignorance on economics is the least of her crazy credentials. All the doomsday stuff in ten years should be enough to get her on the short bus. Becoming the next Al Gore is not exactly pointing towards competency.
Why would anyone give a fuck how Pence conducts the details of his marriage in the first place? It doesn't affect me or anyone else. These are the same liberals who had psychotic episodes over Trump eating a well-done steak ("He wants to see every trace of life burned out of something!") and stating that the red and pink Starburst are his favorite (WAAAAAAYYYYCIST against the orange and yellow ones) and the red and pink ones happen to be my favorite, too. Yes, liberals had a baby tantrum over CANDY that even 5-year-old children don't have!
Why would anyone give a fuck how Pence conducts the details of his marriage in the first place? It doesn't affect me or anyone else. These are the same liberals who had psychotic episodes over Trump eating a well-done steak ("He wants to see every trace of life burned out of something!") and stating that the red and pink Starburst are his favorite (WAAAAAAYYYYCIST against the orange and yellow ones) and the red and pink ones happen to be my favorite, too. Yes, liberals had a baby tantrum over CANDY that even 5-year-old children don't have!

Democrats are obsessed with what other people do in their bedrooms.
Why would anyone give a fuck how Pence conducts the details of his marriage in the first place? It doesn't affect me or anyone else. These are the same liberals who had psychotic episodes over Trump eating a well-done steak ("He wants to see every trace of life burned out of something!") and stating that the red and pink Starburst are his favorite (WAAAAAAYYYYCIST against the orange and yellow ones) and the red and pink ones happen to be my favorite, too. Yes, liberals had a baby tantrum over CANDY that even 5-year-old children don't have!

Never heard of any of that steak / Starburst (what the fuck is a Starburst?) shit, but congrats on actually USING Rump to deflect off a topic when the topic wasn't Rump. That's different.

What makes Pence's peccadillo peculiar is that it reveals he's got a sick set of values. And therefore, bears watching.

Krazy Kamila? What is it with you assholes, that you have to label every female politician as "crazy", "whacky" and "loony", especially if that woman is black? Don't think we don't notice this shit, you mysogynistic jerks.

Donald Trump is unhinged. He makes up shit, lies to everyone, and talks about stuff he sees on TV as if it really happened. He talks at a 4th grade level, even though he graduated from top prep schools, and holds a degree from an Ivy League university. He cozies up to murders and despots as his best buddies and treats your allies and trading partners as your enemies.

You have no room to label other candidates Krazy. Especially women of colour.

I agree she has not earned the title 'crazy' like Bernie or AOC or quite a few others. It would be nice if she were just a candidate though, instead of a 'woman of color.' It would be nice if we got to a point where that was not necessary.

The attacks of "crazy" and "low IQ" are made more frequently against women of colour.

AOC is well educated, and far from crazy. Her ideas are very well thought out. The right is attacking them as "crazy", misquoting and mischaracterizing what she's proposing, precisely because she's articulate and coming out with very good ideas.

She took a lot of flack for not wanting the Amazon jobs in her District and I understand exactly where she was coming from. Creating 50,000 jobs in the District is great, but it creates a whole lot of demand for housing and infrastructure, and instead of contributing to those costs, Amazon is actually getting tax breaks for locating there. The taxpayers in New York are going to have to pay for the billions of dollars of infrastructure needed to get these people back and forth to that campus on a daily basis. The roadways, public transit, and resources needed to create a small city where 50,000 people work.

Why should the working people of her District give Amazon $3 billion in tax breaks AND pay for their infrastructure. The people moving into the District will drive up the price of housing and soon the people who paid for all of this will have to move elsewhere. Amazon is the most profitable corporation in the world. They should be paying for the own infrastructure!!! The working people of New York need that money for their families. Jeff Bezos has no need of their money.

This is just wrong on every level.

IOW, Amazon locating there would have increased economic activity quite significantly and increased property values. You complain about 3 billion in tax incentives but have no problem losing 24 billion in increased revenue. Odd.

The three billion in tax incentives to get this place started is “free shit” for corporations. And it comes out of pockets of the tax payers in the District.

I can hardly blame women if they wanted to throw themselves at Vice President Pence once alone. The man just oozes masculinity and sexual prowess. It is smart of him to avoid such circumstances.

He won’t dine alone with a woman in a public restaurant. Not just that he won’t be alone with her. That means he can never hire a woman for any position which would require him to have private meetings with which most senior jobs entail.

Mike Pence is incapable of treating or hiring men and women equally, and yet he is the Vice -President of the USA. A true 19th Century Man.

I'm thinkin' more like 14th century.
Krazy Kamila? What is it with you assholes, that you have to label every female politician as "crazy", "whacky" and "loony", especially if that woman is black? Don't think we don't notice this shit, you mysogynistic jerks.

Donald Trump is unhinged. He makes up shit, lies to everyone, and talks about stuff he sees on TV as if it really happened. He talks at a 4th grade level, even though he graduated from top prep schools, and holds a degree from an Ivy League university. He cozies up to murders and despots as his best buddies and treats your allies and trading partners as your enemies.

You have no room to label other candidates Krazy. Especially women of colour.

I agree she has not earned the title 'crazy' like Bernie or AOC or quite a few others. It would be nice if she were just a candidate though, instead of a 'woman of color.' It would be nice if we got to a point where that was not necessary.

The attacks of "crazy" and "low IQ" are made more frequently against women of colour.

AOC is well educated, and far from crazy. Her ideas are very well thought out. The right is attacking them as "crazy", misquoting and mischaracterizing what she's proposing, precisely because she's articulate and coming out with very good ideas.

She took a lot of flack for not wanting the Amazon jobs in her District and I understand exactly where she was coming from. Creating 50,000 jobs in the District is great, but it creates a whole lot of demand for housing and infrastructure, and instead of contributing to those costs, Amazon is actually getting tax breaks for locating there. The taxpayers in New York are going to have to pay for the billions of dollars of infrastructure needed to get these people back and forth to that campus on a daily basis. The roadways, public transit, and resources needed to create a small city where 50,000 people work.

Why should the working people of her District give Amazon $3 billion in tax breaks AND pay for their infrastructure. The people moving into the District will drive up the price of housing and soon the people who paid for all of this will have to move elsewhere. Amazon is the most profitable corporation in the world. They should be paying for the own infrastructure!!! The working people of New York need that money for their families. Jeff Bezos has no need of their money.

This is just wrong on every level.

IOW, Amazon locating there would have increased economic activity quite significantly and increased property values. You complain about 3 billion in tax incentives but have no problem losing 24 billion in increased revenue. Odd.

The three billion in tax incentives to get this place started is “free shit” for corporations. And it comes out of pockets of the tax payers in the District.

I can hardly blame women if they wanted to throw themselves at Vice President Pence once alone. The man just oozes masculinity and sexual prowess. It is smart of him to avoid such circumstances.

He won’t dine alone with a woman in a public restaurant. Not just that he won’t be alone with her. That means he can never hire a woman for any position which would require him to have private meetings with which most senior jobs entail.

Mike Pence is incapable of treating or hiring men and women equally, and yet he is the Vice -President of the USA. A true 19th Century Man.

I'm thinkin' more like 14th century.
With you I am thinking thousands of years ago when everything goes and massive exterminations happen. And the Bible was written to warn about it whether secular or religious.

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