Krazy Kamala Harris to call for federal spending to raise teacher salaries

You should try standing in front of 25+ children and have to teach them all day every day, and then go home, grade papers, set tests and get ready for another day. I had Brownies one day a week for 2 hours and I was exhausted at the end of it. It taught me enormous respect for teachers who have to be "on" and leading the class from the time they arrive at school, until they go home.

Teachers are hardly "classroom monitors", having to present the material in a way that engages and interests the student, as well as imparting the information they need.

Agreed. I've volunteered at schools several times through programs like Junior Achievement in a Day, for example, and there is no way I could do that job. I don't have the patients or the temperament.

And it has gotten worse in the past 3 decades or so. When I was in Grade school if you got in trouble, you were asked by your parents what you did to piss off the teacher.

Now the parents go after the teachers for disciplining their "little angels"

Still, the salary of teachers is based on what the market will bear, the talent pool availible, and the resources of the school boards in question.
Kamala Harris to call for federal spending to raise teacher salaries

In America, public school teachers are paid about $13,000 a year less than other college graduates. That could be mortgage payments or the cost of groceries for a family for a year. It’s a national failure. It’s time we give America’s teachers a raise.
Why are we wasting money on a drug war the right wing refuses to take seriously and pay really really serious, wartime tax rates for.
just cause your 4 crappy teachers make you sad doesn’t mean every single teacher who dedicated years to teaching are
Our high school had an opening for a teacher.
300 qualified candidates applied.
Teacher compensation is already too high.
The federal government should get OUT of the public school business and leave it COMPLETELY up to the states (and reduce the Department of Education budget by about 95%). Other then setting nationally, recognized, scholastic standards for various diplomas to be federally recognized - that is all the feds should say/do about schooling.

Public schooling is HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE. I have been to lots of public and private schools. The worst private one was about 10 times better then the best public one.

American public schools are just pathetic.

Remember, EVERYTHING the federal government does they do wastefully, corruptly and FAR worse then the private sector could.
All the public schools around here are Awesome, successful. Kids are doing very well. Our community just passed a 7 million dollar referendum to build on. It passed by an 87 to 13 landslide.
"Our youth are our nation’s future. Diane Nash was 22 when she started leading sit-ins in Nashville. My friend, John Lewis, was only 23 when he spoke at the March on Washington. Let’s continue to look to them" - Krazy Kamala
The children are definitely the future. Two nights ago, My son drew a picture of himself at a podium. Made me beyond proud that he believes that he can DO ANYTHING and become ANYONE!
One of the greatest expressions of love a society can give to its children is investing in their education and their teachers.
One of the greatest expressions of love a society can give to its children is investing in their education and their teachers.
We have not been doing this for years. But for decades. Excuses....excuses....excuses! We all make them and you know the rest.
Krazy Kamala trails Biden and Bernie in her own home state

she pays for it by adjust the estate tax. right now only 11 million dollars is the threshold
nobody wants a salary increase if it means their taxes are gonna get raised. nobody wants a salary increase if it means their pensions are gonna get cut.
People should want to become teachers because they have a passion for changing lives. An income gap should not be a barrier to entry. Kamala will help close that gap.
"Teachers are the backbone of our education system. However, nationwide nearly 80% of parents say their children’s teachers are underpaid and, adjusted for inflation, the national average teacher salary has decreased 4.5% over the last decade. ⏩

My #PeopleFirstEducation plan strengthens programs that incentivize teaching and attracting quality teachers that are representative of the diversity of our country, and pays teachers what they deserve. " - K

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