Krishna/Shiva/Vishnu: Trump-Tiamat-Thailand


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a mock conversation involving two American celebrities (Tom Cruise/Tom Hanks) and an Internet-blogger named Ajay --- remanifest as the Hindu gods Krishna (god of negotiation), Shiva (god of destruction), and Vishnu (god of protection) --- about the dominion of the dystopian multi-headed Bolshevik dragon Tiamat.

Such a conversation points to the new political philosophy compass of our 'TrumpUSA' --- overt commerce propaganda.

Imagine therefore that such a conversation inspires modernism-symbolic dialogue regarding the 'ethical commercialization' of metaphysical/religious monuments (such as the gold statue of Buddha in Thailand) by the tourism industry...

Anyone see the films Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and Money Monster?


CRUISE (Krishna): Why are you invading our universe, mighty Tiamat?
AJAY (Shiva): Do you seek to teach us about priorities?
HANKS (Vishnu): Are you here only to breathe fire?
TIAMAT (the Dragon): I despise your 'Starbucks America.'


CRUISE: Are you cynical about American capitalism?
AJAY: Are you a supporter of Karl Marx?
HANKS: Do you like electronics?
TIAMAT: I'm not a customer at RadioShack!


CRUISE: We mean you no offense, great and immortal Tiamat!
AJAY: We only want to know the mystery of women...
HANKS: Do women like robots?
TIAMAT: Your fears about fertility and Facebook are of no concern to me!


CRUISE: Don't you find any poetry in the Pony Express?
AJAY: Yes, Facebook and email enable free wireless communication across the planet Earth...
HANKS: Why would a dragon such as yourself despise the elegance and efficiency of the cyber-species?
TIAMAT: Electronics are not respected enough to deter humanity's curiosity about nuclear weapons!


CRUISE: In fact, the emergence of Samsung (South Korea) as a dominant electronics company thrills!
AJAY: I can't believe we're talking to Tiamat about how Samsung protects Earth from purgatory...
HANKS: Well, there's no reason to assume that a dragon is ignorant about merchandising intelligence.
TIAMAT: I'm no fool! I breathe fire at the complacency of sentient beings!


CRUISE: Won't you let us say, "The God-Triad protected Earth from Tiamat who was angry with capitalism?"
AJAY: Yes, such a defiance monument would surely add to your already-impressive 'mythic' ire...
HANKS: All we ask for is the fair hand of beautiful women such as Nicole Kidman and Melania Trump!
TIAMAT: Very well. Revel in your 'theme-parks,' but I will surely remember your promise to be sane.









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Karthik (Addendum!)

Well, I'm using translations loosely to get across the general point that we can use folk-mythos avatars to talk about commerce/traffic idolization in the modern world, so excuse me for my gypsy neglectfulness and 'laissez-faire academics.'

Here's one about a Raiders cheerleader as Durga (Hindu goddess of dharma), our friend Ajay as Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) again, and actress Lori Loughlin as Parvati (Hindu goddess of fertility) talking about a demonic rendition of Karthik (Hindu youth-god of war).


DURGA (Raiders Cheerleader): Are you guys depressed about the Oakland Raiders moving to Las Vegas?
SHIVA (Ajay): Why not, we elected the owner of Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City as U.S. President!
PARVATI (Lori Loughlin): I'm depressed, because the Raiders belong in Oakland or Los Angeles...
KARTHIK (the Demon): Humanity has become a gambling enterprise.


DURGA: Are you not a fan of the film Honeymoon in Vegas (Nicolas Cage)?
SHIVA: There's nothing wrong with 'fortune-games.'
PARVATI: Parker Brothers' Monopoly real-estate fortune board-game is now a video-game app for the iPhone...
KARTHIK: Human beings are willing to commercialize misfortune!


DURGA: I say Shiva, Parvati, and I take a hiatus to a fancy Swiss hotel to forget about the woe of poverty...
SHIVA: I second that notion; I'll bring my laptop and my Netflix password!
PARVATI: We can watch Bonnie and Clyde (Arthur Penn).
KARTHIK: It's a popcorn church!


DURGA: Gambling in casinos is no different than athletes taking steroids.
SHIVA: It's the same Babylonian malady which can be addressed with TrumpUSA optimism!
PARVATI: All we need is a humbling cup of Starbucks coffee...
KARTHIK: There's vile blood in Starbucks coffee!


DURGA: Kids love Madden NFL video-games, and Madden was the celebrated coach of the Raiders.
SHIVA: It's not too difficult using media history to uplift the demoralization that comes from capitalism culture!
PARVATI: Kids also like the fortune-boy comic book and cartoon (and film!) character Richie Rich (Harvey Comics).
KARTHIK: Money can not rescue you from the bottomless pit of false promises (e.g., Orwellian bazaars).


DURGA: Karthik, I think you're cynical because the mafia had ties to Las Vegas casinos in the past.
SHIVA: You're also cynical about the commercial quality of 'TrumpUSA.'
PARVATI: Karthik, you should delight in some Monopoly video-games...
KARTHIK: Entertainment dulls the senses and distracts one from the glaring problem of greed!


DURGA: We should think about how animals compete just as much as humans (e.g., wolves and lions).
SHIVA: Let's not wax lyrical about primalism; poachers reveal the simple fact that animals deserve to live too...
PARVATI: We don't have to *behave* like sharks!
KARTHIK: Sometimes human beings remind me of snakes and lizards.


DURGA: Karthik, you remind me of Al Capone and Lex Luthor...
SHIVA: Karthik, you remind me of Kraven the Hunter (an anti-hero from Marvel Comics)!
PARVATI: Karthik, you remind me of Citizen Kane and Montana Max (two 'fortune-fatso' characters).
KARTHIK: My cynicism about capitalism frailties obviously disturbs your 'Dickensian sensibilities,' so I'll be quiet...








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