Kristie Noem In Trouble

Sherry Bren's testimony before a legislative panel was the first time that she has spoken in depth in public about Kassidy Peters' application and about a meeting that her mother called last year to discuss the appraisal process. The panel began looking into the July 2020 meeting at the governor's mansion after The Associated Press first reported on it in September.
Noem called the meeting a week after the state's Appraiser Certification Program notified her daughter that her application was headed for denial. Peters ultimately obtained the certification four months later, in November 2020, and Bren said she was subsequently “forced to retire" from a program that she had led since its inception in 1991.
Bren testified that she felt “intimidated” at the July meeting, where she said Peters’ unsuccessful application was discussed in detail and a plan was formulated that gave her another chance to apply.

Democrats are morally stunted. A Republican gets a speeding ticket and they are howling or blood, but if their own guy is running across town killing hookers no problem.
Herein lies the problem…
Politicians of both parties do this all the time and I hope this leads to hundreds of such investigations throughout the US.
The problem is there is ONE PARTY who runs the DOJ and that would be the Democrats. Do you notice the complete absence of investigations on Democrats even though as you correctly state they practice nepotism AND WORSE all the time?
Herein lies the problem…
Politicians of both parties do this all the time and I hope this leads to hundreds of such investigations throughout the US.
Agree and disagree, because these ethics investigations don’t ever produce results
You're a clown and a nazi. The Biden crime family deals in nepotism for decades, and you keep your little bitch mouth shut.
Whataboutism is always the first excuse.

Investigate All of the Politicians. Put me in charge in the interim. What could go wrong?
Blatant corruption is so normal to Republicans that they just can't speak to this.


Also things you believe:

Bull shit.
Biden got Hunter a bunch of jobs..
So you can blow this shit out of your ass.
I don't argue that Biden got the job in Ukraine based on his name...that's legal.

But Biden never called a meeting and demanded a job for his son. THAT is corrupt

What Noem did was blatantly corrupt
I don't argue that Biden got the job in Ukraine based on his name...that's legal.

But Biden never called a meeting and demanded a job for his son. THAT is corrupt

What Noem did was blatantly corrupt
The more damning evidence there is the more MAGAnuts lose their shit in defense of whatever Repub is being accused of malfeasance. Their replies are essentially whataboutisms and usual.

It seems that using your office to get your daughter a job is "sorta" frowned on even in South Dakota
An appraisers license? That’s the fucking crime? LMAO!

Oh and your star pushing for these investigations is an EX-AG who holds a grudge against Noem because, get this, he ran over and killed a pedestrian! And she thought maybe he shouldn’t be AG after that.

The only trouble I see Noem having is if she wins re-election by 75% or just 74.

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