Kristie Noem In Trouble

But an 87-page report summing up the findings, released jointly on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees, contained no evidence that the elder Mr. Biden improperly manipulated American policy toward Ukraine or committed any other misdeed. In fact, investigators heard witness testimony that rebutted those charges.
Yes. I think Hunter is a dick who took advantage of his name. It's unseemly, but not illegal. And it doesn't implicate Joe in wrongdoing.
Okay but it goes deeper. Dumb old Joe was also taking part.
Dude, your fantasy is your problem. I think you're an idiot... take a poll on here, you'll find out
I have no doubt all you clowns who believe in the mountain of lies pushed by right wing media think I'm an idiot. It's a badge of honor for shoving the truth in your faces.
I have no doubt all you clowns who believe in the mountain of lies pushed by right wing media think I'm an idiot. It's a badge of honor for shoving the truth in your faces.

I still think you're an idiot. How's that TDSer?
You're a clown and a nazi. The Biden crime family deals in nepotism for decades, and you keep your little bitch mouth shut.

Tell us Marvin, what "crimes" have the Biden family been charged with???? You did this with the Clintons for years. Calling them the Clinton Crime Family, but none of the Clintons have ever been charged with a crime, much less convicted, while the guy who called her "Crooked Hillary" has been up to his hips in "settled" cases all through his adult life.

Trump had his daughter and son-in-law working in the White House. He ran Rudy Guilliani's son for Governor of New York so the kid could pardon him when, not "if", he's convicted of any state crimes. He's only ever worked with family.

Instead of putting his assets into a "blind trust", Trump transferred control to his sons, while continuing to hold stock, being a part time President, and spending weekends at his golf clubs, lining his pockets.
I still think you're an idiot.
I don't care.

In their own competing document challenging the report, Democrats accused Republicans of cherry-picking their findings. All 10 witnesses interviewed by investigators, they noted, had testified that neither Mr. Biden nor anyone else had altered American policy because of his son.

“Every witness stated that Hunter Biden and his associates had no role in the formulation of U.S. policy, that Hunter Biden’s role did not influence U.S. foreign policy decisions, and that Vice President Biden carried out U.S. foreign policy in the interest of the United States,” the Democrats wrote.

The lack of meaningful new information and the overlap with a Russian disinformation campaign that American intelligence officials have said is designed to denigrate Mr. Biden only fed charges by Democrats and Mr. Biden’s campaign that Mr. Johnson had abused his Senate powers to aid Mr. Trump’s re-election campaign — and in so doing, had aided Moscow.
I have no doubt all you clowns who believe in the mountain of lies pushed by right wing media think I'm an idiot. It's a badge of honor for shoving the truth in your faces.
Males in our nation have been emasculated. Good men are neutered because of the diversity, extreme feminism, quotas and equity. That is the truth. Most males cannot even qualify for the military anymore.
One thing sissie lefties can't stand is a pretty articulate woman. You can bet your ass(ets) they will go after her with every dirty trickster they have. Meanwhile the Speaker's husband is getting a sweet deal with his DUI.
One thing sissie lefties can't stand is a pretty articulate woman. You can bet your ass(ets) they will go after her with every dirty trickster they have. Meanwhile the Speaker's husband is getting a sweet deal with his DUI.

He's also getting millions forgiven in PPP loans

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