Kroger to Strip Benefits of the Unvaccinated

"Last year, before coronavirus vaccines were available, the company began offering two weeks of paid time off to employees who contracted Covid-19. Kroger told employees last week that, beginning Jan. 1, that benefit would no longer be available to people who were unvaccinated, the spokeswoman said. The news was reported by The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday.

Unvaccinated employees will still be eligible for other forms of leave, but the special time off will now be open only to fully vaccinated employees.

Kroger also said it would charge salaried workers who are enrolled in a company health care plan $50 a month if they remained unvaccinated. That surcharge would not apply to unionized workers and hourly-wage associates enrolled in a company health care plan."

Seems pretty reasonable to me. Why should Krogers give 2 weeks paid time off for you to be irresponsible? Whatever happened to the old republican credo of "personal responsibility?" I guess the narrative has changed so that no longer applies, just like "law and order" no longer applies if you're storming the nation's capitol building.
I don't have an issue with the paid time off thing. The HC surcharge is BS. They aren't adding a surcharge to the infinite number of other risky behaviors their employees engage in that will likely cost the company and the insurance provider more than getting infected with COVID will. Especially if that employee is under 60, not obese, and otherwise generally healthy. I guess my problem is people who are making all the right choices to stay healthy, and not end up costing the insurance company money are being charged additional costs because they aren't doing one thing the company has deemed is the "right" choice in this particular case. What's even more ridiculous is that I know the insurance companies have done the math (it's what they do) so they know that young (who I assume are the lion's share of Kroger's employees) healthy people are basically zero risk as it pertains to COVID.
We have Kroger in my area. I will let them know why I am boycotting them

Fuck those who won't get vaccinated, and tell them to stay out of our hospitals. To hell with them.
Land of the free
Home of the brave

Land of the always healthy
Home of the frightened

which do You Want?
Ahh yes so very tolerant of people with views that dont align to your own or who wont do as you think they should. How so very totalitarian of you....
"Views?" WTF does that mean? You mean the view that let's one decide not to get vaccinated, so they can clog up the hospitals with covid patients, while other unrelated patients are left with no ICU beds? That kind of view? Do you have any idea how stupid it is, to even have a view, or to even think being unvaccinated doesn't harm the rest of us in some way? I'll say it again to all you selfish POS unvaccinated ass holes, to hell with you.
Land of the free
Home of the brave

Land of the always healthy
Home of the frightened

which do You Want?
There's nothing free or brave about being dead. But those who are dead, and were unvaccinated who used to enjoy their freedom and stupid bravery, quite likely fucked someone who isn't dead yet.
Another dip shit.

Listen idiot, you DO NOT need protection from an unvaccinated person. I shall repeat that. You DO NOT need protection from an vaccinated person. The vaccine protects you from the virus, so if you got the vaccine, then you are protected

So why the retarded comment? Low IQ, retarded brain, inbred?

I'm vaccinated, not to save me from unvaccinated people, but from the virus. I can only assume you're being thick as fuck on purpose.
I'll tell you what folks, retardation works in all kinds of ways I guess. Damn boy, and you want to talk about others being retarded? :auiqs.jpg:

Look here you stupid mf, vaccinated people are not immune to infection. Let's repeat, vaccinated people are not immune to infection. The vaccination ups your odds for survival. Get a fucking clue.
I'll tell you what folks, retardation works in all kinds of ways I guess. Damn boy, and you want to talk about others being retarded? :auiqs.jpg:

Look here you stupid mf, vaccinated people are not immune to infection. Let's repeat, vaccinated people are not immune to infection. The vaccination ups your odds for survival. Get a fucking clue.
Not another a retarded inbred ****. Of course vaccinated people are not immune to infection, you can still catch it off a vaccinated person. You stupid moronic thick arsehole. So the vaccine is to save you from the virus. Sounds like you would catch COVID from shagging your pet dog.

I take it you're the forum dumbass wanker around here.
There's nothing free or brave about being dead. But those who are dead, and were unvaccinated who used to enjoy their freedom and stupid bravery, quite likely fucked someone who isn't dead yet.
If you think it’s a function of government or society to rob liberty and productivity to enhance the chance that you don’t get sick then you live in the wrong country
Land of the free
Home of the brave

Land of the always healthy
Home of the frightened

which do You Want?
Why in your mind is it an either/or thing?

People that want good public health policy aren't frightened, we're pissed that you seem to think the past two years is so fun that you want to keep it going.

Do you think that our medical people enjoy seeing your unwashed unvaccinated pathetic asses clugging our hospitals with your dying asses?
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"Views?" WTF does that mean? You mean the view that let's one decide not to get vaccinated, so they can clog up the hospitals with covid patients, while other unrelated patients are left with no ICU beds? That kind of view? Do you have any idea how stupid it is, to even have a view, or to even think being unvaccinated doesn't harm the rest of us in some way? I'll say it again to all you selfish POS unvaccinated ass holes, to hell with you.
Yeah. Just like people have the right to smoke, drink, be fat, eat like shit, skateboard, ski, etc etc. All these things are choices that potentially put your health at risk. Many of them at far greater risk than not getting vaccinated. And we have zero issue with people choosing to do these things. Welcome to a free society. If you want to live somewhere where the Government gets to force a set of ideas, and views on the whole population I'd suggest China or NK. But beware they might have ideas and views that you don't like but guess what you don't get to choose anymore. And that's really the danger here. The idea that you or the Government gets to force another human being to do something against their will. It's people like you that foster and bring about totalitarian regimes and it's all in the name of the greater good.....
If you think it’s a function of government or society to rob liberty and productivity to enhance the chance that you don’t get sick then you live in the wrong country
There exists no productivity or liberty by being dead. And when you become dead, while at the same time losing your liberty and productivity, it won't be the governments fault. That's the part you don't seem smart enough to get.
Yeah. Just like people have the right to smoke, drink, be fat, eat like shit, skateboard, ski, etc etc. All these things are choices that potentially put your health at risk. Many of them at far greater risk than not getting vaccinated. And we have zero issue with people choosing to do these things. Welcome to a free society. If you want to live somewhere where the Government gets to force a set of ideas, and views on the whole population I'd suggest China or NK. But beware they might have ideas and views that you don't like but guess what you don't get to choose anymore. And that's really the danger here. The idea that you or the Government gets to force another human being to do something against their will. It's people like you that foster and bring about totalitarian regimes and it's all in the name of the greater good.....
Why in your mind is it an either/or thing?

People that want good public health policy aren't frightened, we're pissed that you seem to think the past two years is so fun that you want to keep it going.

Do you think that our medical people enjoy seeing your unwashed unvaccinated pathetic asses clugging our hospitals with your dying asses?
Diversion switch noticed and no response warranted
There exists no productivity or liberty by being dead. And when you become dead, while at the same time losing your liberty and productivity, it won't be the governments fault. That's the part you don't seem smart enough to get.
We all die, many prematurely from what exists on this planet. You are trying to sell hiding from the air and that it is everyone else’s responsibility to do so to “protect” you. That’s a no sale no go and no one else’s social responsibility.
Yeah. Just like people have the right to smoke, drink, be fat, eat like shit, skateboard, ski, etc etc. All these things are choices that potentially put your health at risk. Many of them at far greater risk than not getting vaccinated. And we have zero issue with people choosing to do these things. Welcome to a free society. If you want to live somewhere where the Government gets to force a set of ideas, and views on the whole population I'd suggest China or NK. But beware they might have ideas and views that you don't like but guess what you don't get to choose anymore. And that's really the danger here. The idea that you or the Government gets to force another human being to do something against their will. It's people like you that foster and bring about totalitarian regimes and it's all in the name of the greater good.....
You hit the nail directly on the head. They do not want a free society. They want one which must be taken care of by government.

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