Krugman: a household is different because it cant print money!!!


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
So, if government debt is not a problem because the Feds can print money why not let households print money too? Life would be so much easier if we didn't have to worry about debt.
Gov't have Laws against print own money. If citizen allowed to print money then will undermine the US Dollar and send crashing.
The gov't printing it is doing the same thing

Gov't print money to put IN Economy.

When Economy expand, Gov't print money.

When Gov't STOP print money, THEN you should be worry.

dear, if a household were to print money it would be to put into economy too, not into toilet!!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow?
So, if government debt is not a problem because the Feds can print money why not let households print money too? Life would be so much easier if we didn't have to worry about debt.

You seriously need to study economics, civics and history.
So, if government debt is not a problem because the Feds can print money why not let households print money too? Life would be so much easier if we didn't have to worry about debt.

You seriously need to study economics, civics and history.

please tell us why a household should not print money too or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so??
:laugh2: EdwardBaiamonte wants to print his own money

What is it with people who do not understand the basics of any issue? If Krugman states the obvious: governments are not like households or businesses ,.. why do people like Ed run crazy with it? Should people like Ed be allowed to purchase and carry weapons?
:laugh2: EdwardBaiamonte wants to print his own money

What is it with people who do not understand the basics of any issue? If Krugman states the obvious: governments are not like households or businesses ,.. why do people like Ed run crazy with it? Should people like Ed be allowed to purchase and carry weapons?

please tell us why a household should not print money too or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so??

do you think it isn't obvious that you are dodging the topic and so reduced to violent liberal ad hominem attack???
Generally, a steady process of inflation is not considered a devaluation, although if a currency has a high level of inflation, its value will naturally fall against gold or foreign currencies. Especially where a country deliberately prints money (often a cause of hyperinflation) to cover a persistent budget deficit without borrowing, this may be considered a devaluation.

Devaluation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
:laugh2: EdwardBaiamonte wants to print his own money

What is it with people who do not understand the basics of any issue? If Krugman states the obvious: governments are not like households or businesses ,.. why do people like Ed run crazy with it? Should people like Ed be allowed to purchase and carry weapons?

please tell us why a household should not print money too or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so??

do you think it isn't obvious that you are dodging the topic and so reduced to violent liberal ad hominem attack???
giving credence to crazy people and their crazed thoughts? not Dante's style
So, if government debt is not a problem because the Feds can print money why not let households print money too? Life would be so much easier if we didn't have to worry about debt.

You seriously need to study economics, civics and history.

please tell us why a household should not print money too or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so??


You don't know?

First's in the Constitution. Check it out.

Secondly, the government fosters the economy and pegs value to currency based on the economy.

That's a start.

See if you can digest that.
First's in the Constitution. Check it out.

dear we're not talking about if its in the Constitution, just whether it would be smart or dumb!!!

Secondly, the government fosters the economy and pegs value to currency based on the economy.

illiterate gibberish. Sorry!! Why not take Econ 101 to get some basics rather than pretend to yourself you know something without ever having made an effort!!
First's in the Constitution. Check it out.

dear we're not talking about if its in the Constitution, just whether it would be smart or dumb!!!

Secondly, the government fosters the economy and pegs value to currency based on the economy.

illiterate gibberish. Sorry!! Why not take Econ 101 to get some basics rather than pretend to yourself you know something without ever having made an effort!! don't call other men, dear...unless of course you are a fruit.

Second? The gold standard is for the birds. It doesn't function anymore. don't call other men, dear...unless of course you are a fruit.

dear, as liberal you're supposed to be very very sensitive about offending gays. If there are any on here they will be put off at your
very illberal pejorative: fruit!

Second? The gold standard is for the birds. It doesn't function anymore.

If i said it functioned I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away once again with your liberal strawman between your legs.
Fox must talk about good ol' Krugman a lot because the rightists here hate him lol
I noticed a few weeks ago that the EdwardBaiamonte character will latch onto you like a tick :eek: if you make the mistake of quoting his zaney posts :lol:

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