Krugman: conservatives are turning against learning cos it's incompatible with conservative ideology

I disagree. Liberals can't seem to learn: They keep trying over and over and over, to institute socialism in this country and everyone else knows, socialism is a failure.

Liberals also haven't learned that the Clintons are not to be trusted.
Conservative idiocy is against civilized society that believes in everything that is bad for this nation.

-Uneducated population
-Caveman mindset
-Mistreatment of women, minority's
-Hates the ideas of shared responsibility of infrastructure, education, food, water and air quality that has been part of civilization since at least Athens times.
-Closed minded and demands the bible be the only book people read. You bitch about islam about this but you don't look in the mirror.

There's a reason social democracy is the leading system of government of the first world! The conservative movement can only whine as their entire belief system is based on only destructive shit and that will mean poverty for 90% of the society.
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Elitists, crybabies and junky degrees: America's political divide on higher education

actually, we're against liberal indoctrination. And the widely over-represented Leftist viewpoint on college campuses.
Not going to school will fix it.
Great strategy.

Critical thought isn't conservative ;) A few examples
1. Lets not do anything about that pollution...Well, what happens? Everything gets polluted and life spans go down for everyone.
2. I shouldn't have to pay for that road. Well, pretty soon all of our roads are shit and we look like Africa. There may come a time when businesses can't get goods from one place to another....Economy loses a lot of money.
3. I hate education! Lets all go to church! 20 years later America no longer can compete and everyone is far poorer for it. This means our middle class is gone and everyone is working at walmart or mcD's. lol

Expanding on 3 is the reality we have no doctors, no engineers to build roads or bridges and the downfall towards the third world continues.

It is all dumb...Conservative belief is the same as any third world shit holes belief that sitting with your finger in your ass will solve anything.
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Conservative idiocy is against civilized society that believes in everything that is bad for this nation.

-Uneducated population
-Caveman mindset
-Mistreatment of women, minority's
-Hates the ideas of shared responsibility of infrastructure, education, food, water and air quality that has been part of civilization since at least Athene times.
-Closed minded and demands the bible be the only book people read. You bitch about islam about this but you don't look in the mirror.

There's a reason social democracy is the leading system of government of the first world! The conservative movement can only whine as their entire belief system is based on only destructive shit and that will mean poverty for 90% of the society.

Conservatism is what brought civilized society to this country. It was you Democrats who disregarding the Constitutional rights of people, were slave the owners and Klan members.

An educated person usually votes for Republicans, the Democrat Party depends on those with lower than average intelligence to win elections. That's the main reason they're against immigration controls.

Mistreatment of women is primarily a liberal trait. The truth is, the GOP were the original supporters of voting rights for women. Democrats fought the ratification of the 19th Amendment tooth and nail. A little side note: It was a Democrat named Teddy Kennedy who had the first confirmed kill in the War Against Women.

It was also a Republican who emancipated the slaves and Republicans who passed the Civil Rights Act. Democrats were against both of those.

Now shall we talk "infrastructure"? One of the main reasons for Obama's $900 billion "Stimulus Package" was supposed to solve our crumbling roads, bridges, and highways infrastructure problem, but it didn't. Much of that money disappeared without a trace, and much went as payback for those who helped get Obama elected. Democrats never have been very good with infrastructure. In fact, it was a conservative Eisenhower who had our massive interstate highways built during his administration.

I could very easily pick apart your remaining points, but I really have better things to do with my time right now. Maybe I'll come back and finish later.
Conservative idiocy is against civilized society that believes in everything that is bad for this nation.

-Uneducated population
-Caveman mindset
-Mistreatment of women, minority's
-Hates the ideas of shared responsibility of infrastructure, education, food, water and air quality that has been part of civilization since at least Athens times.
-Closed minded and demands the bible be the only book people read. You bitch about islam about this but you don't look in the mirror.

There's a reason social democracy is the leading system of government of the first world! The conservative movement can only whine as their entire belief system is based on only destructive shit and that will mean poverty for 90% of the society.

Critical thought isn't conservative ;) A few examples
1. Lets not do anything about that pollution...Well, what happens? Everything gets polluted and life spans go down for everyone.
2. I shouldn't have to pay for that road. Well, pretty soon all of our roads are shit and we look like Africa. There may come a time when businesses can't get goods from one place to another....Economy loses a lot of money.
3. I hate education! Lets all go to church! 20 years later America no longer can compete and everyone is far poorer for it. This means our middle class is gone and everyone is working at walmart or mcD's. lol

Expanding on 3 is the reality we have no doctors, no engineers to build roads or bridges and the downfall towards the third world continues.

It is all dumb...Conservative belief is the same as any third world shit holes belief that sitting with your finger in your ass will solve anything.

Conservatives want to do what Hamas does to their children...Limit them and make them raving monsters that attack anyone that promotes freedom.

This is one of the greatest problems facing this world....
Hate science because science disproves their religion and proves them to be idiots.
Hates smart people because they don't fall for idiocy and normally want to be paid better.
Hate education because like science critical thinking is bad for conservatism.
Hate science because science disproves their religion and proves them to be idiots.
Hates smart people because they don't fall for idiocy and normally want to be paid better.
Hate education because like science critical thinking is bad for conservatism.

Bob go to Somalia or join Hamas so you can be a raving fucking savage and promote your stupidity. We don't want it here.
Conservative idiocy is against civilized society that believes in everything that is bad for this nation.

-Uneducated population
-Caveman mindset
-Mistreatment of women, minority's
-Hates the ideas of shared responsibility of infrastructure, education, food, water and air quality that has been part of civilization since at least Athens times.
-Closed minded and demands the bible be the only book people read. You bitch about islam about this but you don't look in the mirror.

There's a reason social democracy is the leading system of government of the first world! The conservative movement can only whine as their entire belief system is based on only destructive shit and that will mean poverty for 90% of the society.

When you get to high school, you will learn that none of this crap you pontificated in this post is remotely true. So, why are you lying about it now?

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