Krugman: GOP Austerity Causing Unemployment

Really? The state of MN went through a shutdown because the governor would not accept budget cuts. Now we're stuck with only cuts to INCREASES in a budget we can't afford. Cuts in increases is austerity?

MN is one of many jurisdictions. In aggregate, absolute spending by cities, counties and states has been declining.
No, that was just one of many examples of the shell games being played with budgets. "Give us more money or we'll put the children out on the streets with the crackheads and no police and fire protection!".

State and local government spending has been declining. That has been shown from data compiled by the St Louis Fed. Hundreds of thousands of state and local employees have been laid off. Whether or not shell games are being played does not obviate this.

Unless you can show otherwise.
This just in from our "No, Really?" file. ;)
Every nation in that chart that possesses nuclear weapons should automatically be removed from a list of countries we are responsible for defending.
I'm game for removing all foreign bases we have. Revert the property to pre-base existence like they did to Subic Bay and get out. The world thinks we're being pushy thugs, fine, defend your own ass. We'll revert to a washingtonian defense and foreign policy and tell the neo-wilsonians who've been running the show to shove it up their ass sideways and be concerned about ourselves for a while.

that may sound gratifying in the short term, but long term it would cost us, in blood and treasure.

Now, whether it would cost more in treasure than just dealing with what pops up when the times come, as opposed to keeping those bases under hand and active etc. is a question I agree can be parsed, but I guarantee you it will cost us blood.

Then you are okay with government cutting off it's addiction to the miltary industrial complex.

A little radical..but it's for the best. :lol:

What is funny is the defense of this nation is one of the few area's that are within the federal governments power, but you went that area cut. WHY?

Ever read the Constitution, ace?

It's really cool.

Check out section 8..the first clause. It's a doozy! :lol:

please tell us what you see there :eusa_eh:

Then how come someone doesn't 'own' all these other countries, who spend tiny fractions of what we spend on defense?


ask Truman and Acheson....and I would not go inbto areas in which you have ZERO, and I mean ZERO expertise or inate knowledge, 30 seconds of googling doesn't count.

You know it was only the other day that I became aware you're a girl.

and as I thought, you're clueless.
iF IT WASN'T FOR DEFENSE WE WOULDN'T OWN OUR OWN WEALTH AS ANOTHER NATION WOULD OWN US. Hell, as we have open borders another nation will be owning us pretty fucking soon. Maybe :eek:by 2040


Then how come someone doesn't 'own' all these other countries, who spend tiny fractions of what we spend on defense?


Our military complex is a complicated thing. Understanding its budget is the beginning of understanding- For instance, are you aware that when it comes to foreign aid, that the US ranks quite low in our contribution per capita, according to UN tracking of nations? The only reason for this is that they, the UN, refuse to include how much we spend militarily? That's right, our military that fly and protect and deliver foreign aid sent not only by ourselves, but by those other nations, is not figured into foreign aid giving by the UN. The reason those other nations can afford to have such small military budgets is because they depend on us to do so- and in their gratitude, they, don't acknowledge that cost in our favor.

What do these other nations do with their budgets- they spend it on social programs. How nice of them and how modern of them you may say. Except their nations are failing to thrive- They have social unrest; falling populations; and are left with no future path to keep funding these programs. So now they have a dependent population of mediocre ambitions who are growing angry because all those free social programs have turned out to be not free at all.

I support massive military reductions in foreign aid and foreign protection unless it serves the people of the US.
I think much of the military protection we give to foreign countries is in our best interest. Consider South Korea and Japan. They are among our most important trading partners and strong supporters of the US. I'm sure the Defense and State Dept. have looked at reducing troops in a number of places and we probably should. However, there are places in the world where we should maintain a military presents.
MN is one of many jurisdictions. In aggregate, absolute spending by cities, counties and states has been declining.
No, that was just one of many examples of the shell games being played with budgets. "Give us more money or we'll put the children out on the streets with the crackheads and no police and fire protection!".

State and local government spending has been declining. That has been shown from data compiled by the St Louis Fed. Hundreds of thousands of state and local employees have been laid off. Whether or not shell games are being played does not obviate this.

Unless you can show otherwise.

Ya--think? What did you expect??-- that unemployment in this country--should only be happening in the private sector?

The 868 billion dollar stimulus bill that was promised to create millions of private sector jobs--turned into saving government workers jobs. It temporarily worked for a time--but now that money has run out--and YES those government workers jobs that were saved by borrowed and spent taxpayer dollars are now getting their pink slips.

You aren't suggesting that we borrow more from China to keep government workers employed are you?

$BO economic policies.jpg
I don't know why we are suppose to listen or CARE what Krugman says. His "ideas" are as out there as the other PROGRESSIVES-Obama, and should be locked up in the same rubber room with Albert (bore) Gore.

Krugman has went off the deep end with each tick off the Obama's approval numbers and him seeing them PROBABLY losing the 2012 elections...tsk tsk.
Every nation in that chart that possesses nuclear weapons should automatically be removed from a list of countries we are responsible for defending.
I'm game for removing all foreign bases we have. Revert the property to pre-base existence like they did to Subic Bay and get out. The world thinks we're being pushy thugs, fine, defend your own ass. We'll revert to a washingtonian defense and foreign policy and tell the neo-wilsonians who've been running the show to shove it up their ass sideways and be concerned about ourselves for a while.

that may sound gratifying in the short term, but long term it would cost us, in blood and treasure.

Now, whether it would cost more in treasure than just dealing with what pops up when the times come, as opposed to keeping those bases under hand and active etc. is a question I agree can be parsed, but I guarantee you it will cost us blood.
We don't need land bases around the world when we can put one anywhere we want it with the deployment of a carrier group. Close all bases around the world and put millions of people to work building carriers and support ships. Just think about the money we put into foreign economy's from foreign based troops that we could put into OUR economy, and still have the worlds strongest military. Billions of dollars spent by our military in our country would put a lot of people to work.
How many of those nations rely on us coming to their rescue instead of being able to really defend themselves? Nearly all of them.
Then we should stop.
The "Base Structure Report" for fiscal year 2003, which itemizes foreign and domestic U.S. military real estate, the Pentagon currently owns or rents 702 overseas bases in about 130 countries and has another 6,000 bases in the United States and its territories. I'm sure they're counting any property owned or rented by the US military. Surely among these 6,000 bases there are many that are not needed to defend American interest.

History News Network
How many of those nations rely on us coming to their rescue instead of being able to really defend themselves? Nearly all of them.
Then we should stop.
The "Base Structure Report" for fiscal year 2003, which itemizes foreign and domestic U.S. military real estate, the Pentagon currently owns or rents 702 overseas bases in about 130 countries and has another 6,000 bases in the United States and its territories. I'm sure they're counting any property owned or rented by the US military. Surely among these 6,000 bases there are many that are not needed to defend American interest.

History News Network

you mean we don't need to defend Germany from some old Russian who still wants to avenge the siege of Leningrad?
No, that was just one of many examples of the shell games being played with budgets. "Give us more money or we'll put the children out on the streets with the crackheads and no police and fire protection!".

State and local government spending has been declining. That has been shown from data compiled by the St Louis Fed. Hundreds of thousands of state and local employees have been laid off. Whether or not shell games are being played does not obviate this.

Unless you can show otherwise.

Ya--think? What did you expect??-- that unemployment in this country--should only be happening in the private sector?

The 868 billion dollar stimulus bill that was promised to create millions of private sector jobs--turned into saving government workers jobs. It temporarily worked for a time--but now that money has run out--and YES those government workers jobs that were saved by borrowed and spent taxpayer dollars are now getting their pink slips.

You aren't suggesting that we borrow more from China to keep government workers employed are you?

View attachment 15072
There is still is 100 to 150 billion in stimulus money that is unspent.
State and local government spending has been declining. That has been shown from data compiled by the St Louis Fed. Hundreds of thousands of state and local employees have been laid off. Whether or not shell games are being played does not obviate this.

Unless you can show otherwise.

Ya--think? What did you expect??-- that unemployment in this country--should only be happening in the private sector?

The 868 billion dollar stimulus bill that was promised to create millions of private sector jobs--turned into saving government workers jobs. It temporarily worked for a time--but now that money has run out--and YES those government workers jobs that were saved by borrowed and spent taxpayer dollars are now getting their pink slips.

You aren't suggesting that we borrow more from China to keep government workers employed are you?

View attachment 15072
There is still is 100 to 150 billion in stimulus money that is unspent.

Could Unspent Stimulus Money Be Used to Fend Off a New Recession? - ProPublica

That money is reserved for the Obama reelection campaign.
I only wish our country would practice Austerity. I don't know where Krugman's been. He's criticizing Austerity but there is none. It just hasn't happened yet. I think he's just covering for his Hopey Changey failure again. I'm willing to criticize Austerity when or if i see it. But i haven't seen it yet.

There has been "Austerity" in government. State and local government spending (which accounts for about 18-20% of GDP) have cut back on spending and employees. 46 of the 50 states have made budget cuts. The budget pressures that make these cuts necessary have not abated. Because unemployment rates remain high — and are projected to stay high well into next year — revenues are likely to remain at or near their current depressed levels. This has caused a new round of spending cuts and that trend will likely continue.....

The Feds haven't cut back. Yet.

Don’t forget that some sates have also raised taxes, ala Illinois and California, now as to cali as I am sure you know the ‘temporary’ cuts that Brown wants extended ( that have been in effect for 3 years and wants to keep for 3 more, hello that’s temporary) has taken its toll and thank got appear to have been put donw.

In addition they passed the horrid climate bill in cali too, and that will costs bus. Who will then pass it on to us, the cycle will continue to this all shakes out, the artificial enhancements ala stimulus disappear as they are, hence the state layoffs etc.
We have a big long term problem, deficit spending and we have a big short term problem, unemployment. We must solve the unemployment problem first because it will increase revenues and help solve the deficit spending problem. If we try to solve the deficit problem first, it will lead to higher unemployment and reduced revenue.
Every nation in that chart that possesses nuclear weapons should automatically be removed from a list of countries we are responsible for defending.
I'm game for removing all foreign bases we have. Revert the property to pre-base existence like they did to Subic Bay and get out. The world thinks we're being pushy thugs, fine, defend your own ass. We'll revert to a washingtonian defense and foreign policy and tell the neo-wilsonians who've been running the show to shove it up their ass sideways and be concerned about ourselves for a while.

that may sound gratifying in the short term, but long term it would cost us, in blood and treasure.

Now, whether it would cost more in treasure than just dealing with what pops up when the times come, as opposed to keeping those bases under hand and active etc. is a question I agree can be parsed, but I guarantee you it will cost us blood.
Sorry, but repeating the same mistakes of projecting power to protect interests and colonies that destroyed the Greek, Roman, Babylonian, Mongol, Arabian, Portugese, Spanish, Dutch English, Napoleonic, and German models of global power expansion is not going to yield any different results.
I don't know why we are suppose to listen or CARE what Krugman says. His "ideas" are as out there as the other PROGRESSIVES-Obama, and should be locked up in the same rubber room with Albert (bore) Gore.

Krugman has went off the deep end with each tick off the Obama's approval numbers and him seeing them PROBABLY losing the 2012 elections...tsk tsk.

He won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on international trade theory. That obviously makes him an expert on all things that have anything to do with economics, which explains why he writes opeds for the New York Times instead of making real money by trading stocks.
I don't know why we are suppose to listen or CARE what Krugman says. His "ideas" are as out there as the other PROGRESSIVES-Obama, and should be locked up in the same rubber room with Albert (bore) Gore.

Krugman has went off the deep end with each tick off the Obama's approval numbers and him seeing them PROBABLY losing the 2012 elections...tsk tsk.

He won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on international trade theory. That obviously makes him an expert on all things that have anything to do with economics, which explains why he writes opeds for the New York Times instead of making real money by trading stocks.
Those who can, Do
Those who can't, Teach
Those who can't teach, Report
Those who can't report, Organize
Those who can't organize, Complain.
MN is one of many jurisdictions. In aggregate, absolute spending by cities, counties and states has been declining.
No, that was just one of many examples of the shell games being played with budgets. "Give us more money or we'll put the children out on the streets with the crackheads and no police and fire protection!".

State and local government spending has been declining. That has been shown from data compiled by the St Louis Fed. Hundreds of thousands of state and local employees have been laid off. Whether or not shell games are being played does not obviate this.

Unless you can show otherwise.
Too damn bad.

We've had gross overemployment in the bureaucratic sector for far too long.

Am I supposed to feel sorry for the tick when it gets pulled off of my neck?
No, that was just one of many examples of the shell games being played with budgets. "Give us more money or we'll put the children out on the streets with the crackheads and no police and fire protection!".

State and local government spending has been declining. That has been shown from data compiled by the St Louis Fed. Hundreds of thousands of state and local employees have been laid off. Whether or not shell games are being played does not obviate this.

Unless you can show otherwise.
Too damn bad.

We've had gross overemployment in the bureaucratic sector for far too long.

Am I supposed to feel sorry for the tick when it gets pulled off of my neck?
Speaking as one of those government ticks... no, not really. But you should see how the other ticks in the building freak at the thought of a price cut flea bath.

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