Krugman Hides The Truth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
In the interests of full disclosure, I despise NYTimes economist Paul Krugman.
I believe him to be dishonest,
....and far less knowledgeable in the area of economics than his credentials would lead one to believe.

This 'economist' recently wrote about the demise of Detroit, and his piece documents exactly what I said above.

1. "Detroit is “just an innocent victim of market forces.” There is no bigger lesson here, said New York Times economist Paul Krugman. “For the most part, it’s just one of those things that happens now and then in an ever changing economy” (July 21). What garbage.

2. .... Detroit filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. The filing, if approved, would make it the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history, and probably the biggest municipal bankruptcy of any advanced nation ever.
But according to [Krugman], there is no lesson to be learned here!

3. The city has lost close to two thirds of its population...., Detroit high schools had a dismal 65 percent graduation rate. ....The children of Detroit have a better chance of going to prison than graduating on time. Almost half of Detroit adults are considered functionally illiterate....Detroit has become a city of single mothers and delinquent dads. It is a tale of welfare addiction, family breakdown and social disintegration. No lesson?

4. Krugman talks about innocent victims. Well, there are a lot of victims in Detroit. It is the most dangerous big city in America and one of the most dangerous in the world. The gang activity and crime rates make Cúcuta, Colombia, and Sao Luis, Brazil, blush. Detroit is the city of 11,000 unsolved homicides. Bodies lie in streets for hours due to morgue cutbacks. Victims are stuffed in trunks. Or left in the streets. Or dumped in abandoned buildings, which are then lit on fire. For the living, police response times average almost an hour.

5. Apparently, a population crash from 2 million to 700,000 is just one of those things. The white flight is historic and well documented. But there is also black flight. And the flight of the dead. That’s right: People are actually exhuming dead relatives to move them out of the city because it is too dangerous to visit the cemeteries.

6. ... the city owes money to more than 100,000 vendors, contractors and other lenders. The city emergency manager thinks the bill comes to around $19 billion, but it might be more.... the average annual per capita income of a Detroit resident is a measly $13,969—less than the average per capita income of a resident in Romania, Botswana or Belarus. Over the past 60 years, Detroit has gone from one of the most prosperous cities in the world, with the highest standard of living, to one of the world’s poorest.

7. During that whole time, the city was run by one political party, adhering to a specific economic philosophy. Politicians said they wanted to create a “fairer” city by raising taxes on businesses and productive individuals and redistributing it. The effect was to drive business out and make everyone poor... This same economic philosophy is currently being nationalized.

8. Want to fix Detroit? Then stop pretending it is just a random victim of a changing economy. It is not! Detroit is a victim, but it is a victim of an imploding national culture, not some mysterious market forces.

9. ... the same thing is happening to many American cities. Despite America’s unparalleled agricultural, mineral, scientific and geographic resources, cities across the country are in various stages of Detroitification." Detroit Bankruptcy?Nothing to See Here -

10. Liars like Krugman are lavishly paid to hide the truth. This is the truth:

The legacy of Barack Obama: Nidal Hasan is alive, and Detroit is Dead.

And this is the legacy of the Liberals: Barack Obama's America.
If you put Krugman in charge of the Sahara desert, in five years, there'd be a shortage of sand.

He never met a tax he didn't like, he's happy to burden those yet to be born with his largess, and he fancies himself a central planner that's just SURE he knows what's best for everyone else.

Krugman can kiss my ass.
In the interests of full disclosure, I despise NYTimes economist Paul Krugman.

I believe him to be dishonest,

....and far less knowledgeable in the area of economics than his credentials would lead one to believe.


The legacy of Barack Obama: Nidal Hasan is alive, and Detroit is Dead.

And this is the legacy of the Liberals: Barack Obama's America.

What makes you think you know more of the reason for Detroit's difficulties than Krugman? I see no evidence of it in you posting.
If you put Krugman in charge of the Sahara desert, in five years, there'd be a shortage of sand.

He never met a tax he didn't like, he's happy to burden those yet to be born with his largess, and he fancies himself a central planner that's just SURE he knows what's best for everyone else.

Krugman can kiss my ass.

Friedman is dead (figuratively speaking) and Krugman is alive. Long live Krugman.
If you put Krugman in charge of the Sahara desert, in five years, there'd be a shortage of sand.

He never met a tax he didn't like, he's happy to burden those yet to be born with his largess, and he fancies himself a central planner that's just SURE he knows what's best for everyone else.

Krugman can kiss my ass.

Friedman is dead (figuratively speaking) and Krugman is alive. Long live Krugman.

Not big on specificity, logic or reason are you?. Care to share your opinion on the wonders of Keynesian economics and central planning? Come on, thrill us with your acumen.
Krugman? The guy that wants us to prepare for a fake alien invasion in order to spur "economic growth"? That Krugman?


yeah, he's a good comedian. I read his funny column from time to time.
Friedman and Krugman are not in the same league, not unlike Reagan and Obama.
Krugman is an "economist" of the worst kind. One whose idealism trumps their logical analysis and professional opinion.
Unfortunately - this is a common theme among many economist and especially "media economic experts"
Krugman is an anomaly however in that most are prejudiced and corrupt in favor of the markets, Krugman is on the other side of the coin.
There are very few honest economic experts in America. Very few. And they are almost always ignored and scoffed at by all other "experts" regardless of how many times they are right.
If you put Krugman in charge of the Sahara desert, in five years, there'd be a shortage of sand.

He never met a tax he didn't like, he's happy to burden those yet to be born with his largess, and he fancies himself a central planner that's just SURE he knows what's best for everyone else.

Krugman can kiss my ass.

Friedman is dead (figuratively speaking) and Krugman is alive. Long live Krugman.

Not big on specificity, logic or reason are you?. Care to share your opinion on the wonders of Keynesian economics and central planning? Come on, thrill us with your acumen.

Haven't you been reading the news?

What would you like to know?
Krugman? The guy that wants us to prepare for a fake alien invasion in order to spur "economic growth"? That Krugman?


yeah, he's a good comedian. I read his funny column from time to time.

Economic growth is more money in motion this year than last. Preparing for an alien invasion certainly would put money in motion.
Krugman? The guy that wants us to prepare for a fake alien invasion in order to spur "economic growth"? That Krugman?


yeah, he's a good comedian. I read his funny column from time to time.

Economic growth is more money in motion this year than last. Preparing for an alien invasion certainly would put money in motion.


That's a good one, dude. Funny stuff.
Friedman and Krugman are not in the same league, not unlike Reagan and Obama.

It goes without saying. Reagan and Friedman were failures.

It goes without saying you don't know much about Friedman.
Freidman both spoke and wrote about his advice given to Presidents, in that they often agreed on principles, but rarely took the advice in practice.
It also goes without saying that you don't know, or choose to ignore facts on who is "failures" when it comes to economics. It is indeed a valid argument to say Reagan's policies failed in the long run - however there can be NO argument that the most failed economic policies happened during the Clinton years. During those years, were some of the most overt corruption in American history from the President and his cabinet of criminals, to Gingrich and his band of thieves.
Krugman has already said that for the nation to get to full employment, an additional stimulus of 2 TRILLION dollars would be required. And in the interview that he was giving he was careful to say that it would probably NOT be the only one. There actually might have to be several.

Additionally, Krugman is the same one who in the very same interview said that the 17 TRILLION dollar deficit is meaningless. That the US Government shouldn't even pay attention to it and could rack up 100 TRILLION dollar deficits without any impact whatsoever.

Another EXCELLENT post by Political Chic. Always read them very carefully because they are well thought out, logical and precise. The rebuttals are usually in the vein of "... and so's your old man!"

Good job...

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