Krugman Rips Apart Republican House Speaker

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Krugman is a national treasure :salute: I tell you.

Paul Krugman dismantles Boehner 8217 s callous attack on the unemployed -
Highlighting John Boehner’s recent American Enterprise Institute speech blaming joblessness on people who would “rather sit around” than find work, Krugman notes that Boehner’s sneering condescension is emblematic of the GOP’s long-standing contempt for Americans out of work. That attitude – “impervious to logic and evidence,” Krugman writes — explains the right’s campaign to dismantle the social safety net.

But what’s particularly strange about Boehner and the right’s continued laziness meme, Krugman observes, is that “the blame-the-victim crowd has gotten everything it wanted: benefits, especially for the long-term unemployed, have been slashed or eliminated.” Boehner might have us believe that the jobless are welfare bums, but as Krugman points out, not only were they not bums in the first place, but there’s largely no welfare for them to collect, either.

'But what’s particularly strange about Boehner and the right’s continued laziness meme, Krugman observes, is that “the blame-the-victim crowd has gotten everything it wanted: benefits, especially for the long-term unemployed, have been slashed or eliminated.”'

Most on the right are impervious to logic, evidence, and facts.
Unemployment and food stamps are the biggest drivers of the Obama/Krugman economy

No, it's the only driver.

No one on the right likes Boehner either. He should feel sorry for people trying to find work in an Obama economy, instead he just ignores it and calls people lazy.

I wish a real conservative would climb out of the ooz and slime of the GOP and actually make a case against the economic/political direction of this country.
'But what’s particularly strange about Boehner and the right’s continued laziness meme, Krugman observes, is that “the blame-the-victim crowd has gotten everything it wanted: benefits, especially for the long-term unemployed, have been slashed or eliminated.”'

Most on the right are impervious to logic, evidence, and facts.

says the jerk who doesnt do questions....
Repubs w/ life-long pensions like Boehner (R) gleefully kick people while they're down
Krugman is a national treasure :salute: I tell you.

Paul Krugman dismantles Boehner 8217 s callous attack on the unemployed -
Highlighting John Boehner’s recent American Enterprise Institute speech blaming joblessness on people who would “rather sit around” than find work, Krugman notes that Boehner’s sneering condescension is emblematic of the GOP’s long-standing contempt for Americans out of work. That attitude – “impervious to logic and evidence,” Krugman writes — explains the right’s campaign to dismantle the social safety net.

But what’s particularly strange about Boehner and the right’s continued laziness meme, Krugman observes, is that “the blame-the-victim crowd has gotten everything it wanted: benefits, especially for the long-term unemployed, have been slashed or eliminated.” Boehner might have us believe that the jobless are welfare bums, but as Krugman points out, not only were they not bums in the first place, but there’s largely no welfare for them to collect, either.


Krugman? Isn't that along the lines of calling the kettle black?

Paul has no interest in helping anyone but himself, he is the most narcissistic bag of hot air roaming the earth...

You can have Boehner, in fact I am pretty sure he is a closet Democrat...
Sometimes I think Krugman is too easy on the Republicans

Yeah everyone should pay heed to that lefty loon.

Doubt he has the know how to do anything but bloviate on Salon.

Salon?? Gotta take anything coming out of that rag to the bank. LMAO
Sometimes I think Krugman is too easy on the Republicans
Krugman is the loon who said 911 was good for the economy and we should gear up for a war against space invaders

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Unemployment and food stamps are the biggest drivers of the Obama/Krugman economy

No, it's the only driver.

No one on the right likes Boehner either. He should feel sorry for people trying to find work in an Obama economy, instead he just ignores it and calls people lazy.

I wish a real conservative would climb out of the ooz and slime of the GOP and actually make a case against the economic/political direction of this country.

The problem is, if the GOP did that, they'd have to admit that the policies they support to make the rich richer have no benefit to the vast majority of Americans.

"Hey, look, those gay people are getting food stamps!!!!"
Unemployment and food stamps are the biggest drivers of the Obama/Krugman economy

No, it's the only driver.

No one on the right likes Boehner either. He should feel sorry for people trying to find work in an Obama economy, instead he just ignores it and calls people lazy.

I wish a real conservative would climb out of the ooz and slime of the GOP and actually make a case against the economic/political direction of this country.

The problem is, if the GOP did that, they'd have to admit that the policies they support to make the rich richer have no benefit to the vast majority of Americans.

"Hey, look, those gay people are getting food stamps!!!!"
EXACTLY!!! Their plank is worn-out, all two parts of it lol
Typical of cherry picked sentences by Media Matters and low information idiots who rely on cliches instead of facts, Krugman becomes the hero of the left when he criticizes the House Speaker while 2/3 of the federal government is controlled by democrats and the Country is falling apart under the Obama administration.

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