Krugman rips von Mises up one side & down the other

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Dispatching rw economists in his spare time: :up: like shootin' fish in a barrell :cool:

Ludwig von Mises - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Economic historian Bruce Caldwell writes that in the mid-20th century, with the ascendance of positivism and Keynesianism, Mises came to be regarded by many as the "archetypal 'unscientific' economist." In a 1957 review of his book The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality, The Economist said of von Mises: "Professor von Mises has a splendid analytical mind and an admirable passion for liberty; but as a student of human nature he is worse than null and as a debater he is of Hyde Park standard." Conservative commentator Whittaker Chambers published a similarly negative review of that book in the National Review, stating that Mises's thesis that anti-capitalist sentiment was rooted in "envy" epitomized "know-nothing conservatism" at its "know-nothingest."

Whittaker Chambers also dispatched Ayn Rand's scrivenings as well :laugh:
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Dispatching rw economists in his spare time: :up: like shootin' fish in a barrell :cool:

Ludwig von Mises - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Economic historian Bruce Caldwell writes that in the mid-20th century, with the ascendance of positivism and Keynesianism, Mises came to be regarded by many as the "archetypal 'unscientific' economist." In a 1957 review of his book The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality, The Economist said of von Mises: "Professor von Mises has a splendid analytical mind and an admirable passion for liberty; but as a student of human nature he is worse than null and as a debater he is of Hyde Park standard." Conservative commentator Whittaker Chambers published a similarly negative review of that book in the National Review, stating that Mises's thesis that anti-capitalist sentiment was rooted in "envy" epitomized "know-nothing conservatism" at its "know-nothingest."

Whittaker Chambers also dispatched Ayn Rand's scrivenings as well :laugh:

I can hardly wait for the "reds under the beds" faction to start firing broadsides at the mention of Chambers. Gotta admire your balls in citing him.
Dotcum couldn't tell Economics from Home Economics if his life dependended on it.
Krugman is gay.
Face it you Austrian Poodles. Theres no science behind your cult.

Lotoanalysis on this one. :lol: :lol:

Just cite articles and head for the hills as they get torn to shreds.

BTW: the link does not take you to an article on Mises.

It's the latest blog entry crapped out by Krugman on July 30.
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Face it you Austrian Poodles. Theres no science behind your cult.

Actually, Keynesianism is pure Voo Doo. None of it's claims have ever been demonstrated in any way. In fact, the empirical evidence shows them all to be false.
Face it you Austrian Poodles. Theres no science behind your cult.

Actually, Keynesianism is pure Voo Doo. None of it's claims have ever been demonstrated in any way. In fact, the empirical evidence shows them all to be false.

We'vew had the biggest experiment in Keynesianism in history with this past recession. Trillions of dollars in stimulus. It has produced the weakest recovery on record.
Krugman is wrong. Grant is right.
Face it you Austrian Poodles. Theres no science behind your cult.

Actually, Keynesianism is pure Voo Doo. None of it's claims have ever been demonstrated in any way. In fact, the empirical evidence shows them all to be false.

We'vew had the biggest experiment in Keynesianism in history with this past recession. Trillions of dollars in stimulus. It has produced the weakest recovery on record.
Krugman is wrong. Grant is right.

We've been doing stimulus for every down turn over the last 100 years with negative results. But most of those downturns were the direct result of monetary policies. So it makes sense to watch the planners try to plan their way out of what they created by doing more of the same. But Austrians are "unscientific".

Actually, Keynesianism is pure Voo Doo. None of it's claims have ever been demonstrated in any way. In fact, the empirical evidence shows them all to be false.

We'vew had the biggest experiment in Keynesianism in history with this past recession. Trillions of dollars in stimulus. It has produced the weakest recovery on record.
Krugman is wrong. Grant is right.

We've been doing stimulus for every down turn over the last 100 years with negative results. But most of those downturns were the direct result of monetary policies. So it makes sense to watch the planners try to plan their way out of what they created by doing more of the same. But Austrians are "unscientific".


We've been doing it in different proportions. James Grant's thesis is that the greater the level of government interference in a recession the lower the subsequent economic growth in the recovery. His theory has been amply borne out this time, where we've seen inprecedented levels of interference.
Dispatching rw economists in his spare time: :up: like shootin' fish in a barrell :cool:

Ludwig von Mises - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Economic historian Bruce Caldwell writes that in the mid-20th century, with the ascendance of positivism and Keynesianism, Mises came to be regarded by many as the "archetypal 'unscientific' economist." In a 1957 review of his book The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality, The Economist said of von Mises: "Professor von Mises has a splendid analytical mind and an admirable passion for liberty; but as a student of human nature he is worse than null and as a debater he is of Hyde Park standard." Conservative commentator Whittaker Chambers published a similarly negative review of that book in the National Review, stating that Mises's thesis that anti-capitalist sentiment was rooted in "envy" epitomized "know-nothing conservatism" at its "know-nothingest."

Whittaker Chambers also dispatched Ayn Rand's scrivenings as well :laugh:

Your spamming on this subject aside, Krugman should "rip" you for not being able to properly link to anything. Krugman didn't even mention Mises in that blog, so how did he rip him?
Why Austrian economics, in this case- von Mises, isn't taken seriously:

Ludwig von Mises - RationalWiki
Mises' greatest work is generally considered (among his followers, at least) to be the gargantuan doorstopper called Human Action, which fully codifies the method of praxeology. Unfortunately for Mises, it was pseudoscientific upon arrival in 1949 and is even more pseudoscientific in light of current knowledge.

I have lots more where that came from & will periodically update this thread :cool:

Krugman is a gifted "Economist"
Krugman lives "rent-free" in [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] 's head ;)

Its SO obvious that you secretly admire the Nobel Laureate :cool:
Krugman lives "rent-free" in [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] 's head ;)

Its SO obvious that you secretly admire the Nobel Laureate :cool:

You mention him at least once a day.

Krugman is the funniest thing in the newspaper since the "Far Side". You think he's serious I know he's kidding
You'd go out for lunch w/ him to pick his brain & you know it :D
Krugman lives "rent-free" in [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] 's head ;)

Its SO obvious that you secretly admire the Nobel Laureate :cool:

You mention him at least once a day.

Krugman is the funniest thing in the newspaper since the "Far Side". You think he's serious I know he's kidding

I'd love to meet Krugman.

I'd beat his scrawny ass to a pulp.

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