Kudos to Biden for taking the hit

Ben Thomson you look very silly--he said the 300,000 trained Afghans would stop the Taliban

300,000 highly trained Afghans with the best of everything and an airforce with a trillion dollars invested behind them vs. 75,000 Taliban with nothing but RPGs, rifles and tanks.

Joe's administration thought of absolutely everything--------

--------except no one ever asked any of these people if they WANTED to fight for their country! :oops8:
I thought it was Hunter who was really more about taking hits.
Quid Pro Joe said that Hunter inherited his drug addiction, so obviously Joe was/is also a basehead.

Pedo Joe had to have emergency brain surgery twice when he was only in his mid 40s because of an aneurysm and stroke. Huge amounts of cocaine can do that to an addict.

Why do Democrats vote for candidates like Hillary and Quid Pro Joe who have well documented brain damage?
The World? I doubt it..the US? Stranger things have happened...but I doubt it...a lot of changes ahead shortly, I think.

B-But, all I ever heard was how the world hated Trump and how the world loved Biddum.

But Joe just said that Trump was right after all.

If they can forget this, as you say, then surely they can forget about Trump's tweets.

America has traded bad tweets for very bad POLICY.
B-But, all I ever heard was how the world hated Trump and how the world loved Biddum.

But Joe just said that Trump was right after all.

If they can forget this, as you say, then surely they can forget about Trump's tweets.

America has traded bad tweets for very bad POLICY.
Nope..best thing that could have happened..rip the scab off..and walk away. Most Americans want this.....Not going to be an issue--just a piece of meat to be fought over..by those who care.
So why are you criticizing Biden when Trump was going to do the same and you supported it?

I had two grass cutters this summer. Both said they were going to do the same thing.

One of them made my yard look like a work of art.

But the other one butchered my lawn, threw clippings in my lava rock, mowed over a tomato plant and pulled out a Shasta Daisy bush thinking it was a weed.

Lesson learned: it isn't the plan but the man who is behind overseeing the EXECUTION.
Nope..best thing that could have happened..rip the scab off..and walk away.

Then we are 20 years and a trillion dollars late.

Problem is that walking away is fine when you only think of yourself but the moment we went over there and took over, we also took responsibility.

Thousands and millions of people could suffer and die now because:

A). We were unwilling to do what was necessary to really fight a war and win against a bunch of towelheads.

B). Because Joe Biddum wasted months he could have used to plan for the evacuation of our citizens, allies and support people in the country that helped us.

When you make promises and accept help from people, you have a responsibility to carry it through right.

The mess we created over there again these past several days is the reason why we have a terror problem in the first place.

These countries are sick and tired of the US government using their countries like a Kotex.
I had two grass cutters this summer. Both said they were going to do the same thing.

One of them made my yard look like a work of art.

But the other one butchered my lawn, threw clippings in my lava rock, mowed over a tomato plant and pulled out a Shasta Daisy bush thinking it was a weed.

Lesson learned: it isn't the plan but the man who is behind overseeing the EXECUTION.
The flaw in your lovely analogy: you assume Trump will cut your grass like art when his previous track record more closely resembles a communal compost pile decorated with plastic daisies.
Nope..best thing that could have happened..rip the scab off..and walk away. Most Americans want this.....Not going to be an issue--just a piece of meat to be fought over..by those who care.

Nope, the best thing we could have done was to:
  1. Actually defeat the Taliban 20 years ago.
  2. Use intelligence to intelligently decide if we could help these people and just how far they were willing to help themselves.
  3. Make plans to start evacuating our people, citizens, allies and aides from the country long before the drawdown date.
  4. Pull out of there after that, YEARS ago, smoothly, without creating a humanitarian crisis.
So why are you criticizing Biden when Trump was going to do the same and you supported it?
Trump wasn't going to do the same. Trump was going to take our last troops out of Afghanistan by May 1st, while the Taliban was too busy harvesting opium to launch such major attacks.

Timing matters! And Biden didn't stick to the well thought out timeline.

Biden is an extremely incompetent brain damaged fool.
The flaw in your lovely analogy: you assume Trump will cut your grass lime art when his previous track record more closely resembles----

His previous track record speaks for itself:
  1. Getting in office, he put ISIS on notice with a MOAB and nearly obliterated them from at one time nearly controlling most of Iraq. No humanitarian crisis.
  2. Trump cleanly took out Hamza bin Laden in South Asia. No humanitarian crisis.
  3. Trump took out ISIS top leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Syria driving him to take his own life. No humanitarian crisis.
  4. Then Trump took out Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, the likely replacement to al-Baghdadi. No humanitarian crisis here neither.
  5. Trump next blew up Iran's Gen. Qasem Soleimani who was planning attacks on American forces. No humanitarian crisis.
  6. Finally, Trump took out Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of the Hezbollah PMF. No humanitarian crisis.
Joe tries to pull out of Afghanistan after 20 years having been in top government all of those 20 years and presided over the affair directly for 8 years admitting it was time to do this and totally screws up the whole thing anyway after saying everything was going to be totally cool. Humanitarian crisis everywhere.

It is already being called the biggest blunder and most embarrassing defeat in US history.

Kammy has already taken credit for it all saying she masterminded it.

Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 4.06.35 PM.png

TRUMP: perfect results executed six times with no prior government experience.

BIDEN: military and humanitarian disaster on his first try and with 50 years government experience and 8 years direct Afghan war oversight and control. And Joe actually RAN on his record of competence and experience in government and foreign affairs during his campaign as the reason to vote for him over Trump!

Joe's a jerk, a hapless, clueless, corrupt clown who is an embarrassment to the world and a danger to every American.
dont you mean trump was right to leave??

it was after all trump that set the stage after biden supported staying for 20 yrs,

Wait! I thought this was all on Trump? I've been hearing for days that this is his mess, it was his plan...

You fools are a hoot
Yup, it was, right up to the point where he decided not to pull the trigger and pull everyone out including embassy staff. He left that for Biden to do, so naturally wing nuts are blaming Biden for the mess.
Yup, it was, right up to the point where he decided not to pull the trigger and pull everyone out including embassy staff. He left that for Biden to do, so naturally wing nuts are blaming Biden for the mess.
I blame trump for not doing it on day one in 2017,, another reason why I didnt vote for him,,

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