Kudos to Biden for taking the hit

Maybe he can bullshit US public with these kind of speeches.
USA fled bag and baggage from Afghanistan.
World will never forget the pictures from Kabul Airport.

Sorry,even snopes said it was photoshopped.
Try again ya fucken dyke.
20 years is long enough. All that was needed was a POTUS willing to take the blow back for being the one to leave that mess in the rear view mirror...

I'm confused, Ben, are you thanking Trump? Because Trump was the one to set up the cease fire peaceful exit with the Taliban. Joe just came along, changed all the conditions, wasted months jerking off to other things like his infra bill, forgot about all the friends and allies there and fucked everything up.

Joe isn't LEAVING a mess in the rear view mirror, he is RUNNING from the mess he MADE there.

But nice try at gaslighting the whole thing.



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