Kudos to Biden for taking the hit

His previous track record speaks for itself:
  1. Getting in office, he put ISIS on notice with a MOAB and nearly obliterated them from at one time nearly controlling most of Iraq. No humanitarian crisis.
  2. Trump cleanly took out Hamza bin Laden in South Asia. No humanitarian crisis.
  3. Trump took out ISIS top leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Syria driving him to take his own life. No humanitarian crisis.
  4. Then Trump took out Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, the likely replacement to al-Baghdadi. No humanitarian crisis here neither.
  5. Trump next blew up Iran's Gen. Qasem Soleimani who was planning attacks on American forces. No humanitarian crisis.
  6. Finally, Trump took out Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of the Hezbollah PMF. No humanitarian crisis.
Joe tries to pull out of Afghanistan after 20 years having been in top government all of those 20 years and presided over the affair directly for 8 years admitting it was time to do this and totally screws up the whole thing anyway after saying everything was going to be totally cool. Humanitarian crisis everywhere.

It is already being called the biggest blunder and most embarrassing defeat in US history.

Kammy has already taken credit for it all saying she masterminded it.

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TRUMP: perfect results executed six times with no prior government experience.

BIDEN: military and humanitarian disaster on his first try and with 50 years government experience and 8 years direct Afghan war oversight and control. And Joe actually RAN on his record of competence and experience in government and foreign affairs during his campaign as the reason to vote for him over Trump!

Joe's a jerk, a hapless, clueless, corrupt clown who is an embarrassment to the world and a danger to every American.

Abandoned the Kurds and others to Assad, the Russians, and Turkey.

Did nothing to help the Afghans, Iraqi’s, Syrians and Kurds who helped our forces when he withdrew. Instead, he instituted the lowest number of refugee admissions we’ve had and a travel ban making it next to impossible for them to get out.

Difference? I can say Biden fucked up, but you will still insist a fuck up is a victory when it is Trump. It is not. It was a humanitarian nightmare then and now.
no thats what the biden admin said they did,,

now go suck a cook cause youre a fucking idiot for defending this fuck up,,
Not defending any fuck up, foul mouthed troll. I said Biden effed it and the buck stops here. It’s on him. Which is more than you Trump cultists have ever admitted of your messiah.

Suck a cook? :lmao:
Not defending any fuck up, foul mouthed troll. I said Biden effed it and tbe buck stops here. It’s on him. Which is more than you Trump cultists have ever admitted of your messiah.

Suck a cook? :lmao:
and there we have it,, the TDS,,

I didnt vote for him you stupid fuck,,,
Get off the drugs, kid.
It was 73% in April. Maybe you should get on the drugs.

Seventy-three percent of registered voters in the April 24-27 survey said they approve of President Biden's plan to remove US troops from the country by September 11, the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that ignited the conflict.

It was 73% in April. Maybe you should get on the drugs.

Seventy-three percent of registered voters in the April 24-27 survey said they approve of President Biden's plan to remove US troops from the country by September 11, the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that ignited the conflict.

The only ones bitching are the tin foil hats. There isn't a war those right wing chicken hawks wouldn't love for the U.S to get involved in.

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