Kurt Schlichter proposes a reasoned compromise on gun control with the democrats.........

You're an idiot. It is sad for our special forces that they are trained by idiots. And I can tell you 38 people who would have gladly stormed the shooter, even unarmed, to save 19 children.

The police could have easily gotten to the shooter; the door was unlocked and they never once tried it. It turns out that it's on video; no one ever touched the fucking door until the special forces unit of the Border Patrol went in and they killed the shooter. So that proves you're completely full of shit that they all would have died. They went in and not a single one of them died. Not a single cop died.

By the way, all of the cops had body armor; the shooter did not.

And, the globally agreed upon standard in a school shooting is that the cops go in even if it costs them their lives. You and the Uvalde cops can't claim any of the heroism of other cops. They can't talk about running to the sound of gunfire. If cops never risk their own lives then we don't need them.

But, again, the Border Patrol team went in and stopped the shooter and not a single one was killed or even injured. So the others could have rushed the door as well. Most likely, just as happened when the Border Patrol did go in, not a single cop would have been hurt. Middle case might have been that a cop got hit in the armor or might have gotten injured. Worst case would be that a cop or two got killed. That would be very sad but that's the job they signed up for and promised to do.

You are so full of shit it's just mind-boggling.
What type of distraction device did the cops employ? Oh, they didn't, probably because they didn't have one.

Your tactic would have simply increased the body count with no guarantee of saving any of the victims. The testimony is being heard in Texas today. We'll see what they have to see.
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Again...that is a lie......and it was repealed by the very guy who did the research.....

He didn't repeal it, he just clarified for people who are a tad slow like you.

For every intruder killed by a homeowner, there were 43 suicides, domestic murders or accidents.

It is bizarre that you think there is any moral high ground for you to claim by defending the brutal cold-blooded murder of innocent children, and opposing any effort to bring anyone to proper justice for these murders.

Fetuses aren't people. The law doesn't see them as people, the government doesn't count them as people.

Everyone here knows that what you mean here are perverts who engage in the abusive sexual grooming and exploitation of young children.

MOMMY, My teacher told me today gay people exist!!!!

Um, yeah, how abusive.

Damn right I want them dead. Any decent person would.

Yup, you are a crazy Mormon, aren't you?
He didn't repeal it, he just clarified for people who are a tad slow like you.

For every intruder killed by a homeowner, there were 43 suicides, domestic murders or accidents.

Fetuses aren't people. The law doesn't see them as people, the government doesn't count them as people.

MOMMY, My teacher told me today gay people exist!!!!

Um, yeah, how abusive.

Yup, you are a crazy Mormon, aren't you?

No....when you go from 43 times more likely, to pulling your study, doing it all over and coming out with 2.7 times.....and you are still wrong.....that is repealing it.....

And what part of the fact that he couldn't show the gun in the house was actually part of the violence do you not understand?

MOMMY, My teacher told me today gay people exist!!!! And then he gave me a book about 10 year old boys giving each other blow jobs, and another book talking about a man having sex with a young kid...
Fetuses aren't people.

Are you still entertaining the hope that if you tell that lie enough times, it will take on any truth?

It won't, you know. No matter how many times you repeat it, no matter how often you repeat it, no matter how loudly you repeat it; it will remain just as much a lie as it was the first time you told it.

MOMMY, My teacher told me today gay people exist!!!!

And another Incel Joe lie. You know damn well that that isn't what is happening, nor is it what I or any other sane people are objecting to.
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And what part of the fact that he couldn't show the gun in the house was actually part of the violence do you not understand?

He counted as “a gun in the home”, guns brought into homes by criminals to be used against the occupants of those homes. That bit of skulduggery by itself should be sufficient to expose him as too willfully dishonest to ever be considered credible on any subject.
MOMMY, My teacher told me today gay people exist!!!! And then he gave me a book about 10 year old boys giving each other blow jobs, and another book talking about a man having sex with a young kid...

“And taught us how Johnny is really a girl.”
What percentage of airline passengers hijack planes and crash them into buildings? Very very few, but we put all the rest through scans and searches and confiscate their bottles of mouthwash to make sure that doesn't happen again.

If prison were a deterrent, then we wouldn't have violent criminals.

Our prisons are overcrowded now, and we don't have the resources or staffing to build more.

So when someone who turned to crime because of the poverty, racism, mental illness or drug addiction we let go untreated is put back out there, they end up committing more crimes. Which they can easily do because the NRA has made it so damned easy to get a gun.

Now, imagine if we made it EASY to get mental health treatment and HARD to get a gun, instead of the other way around.
We have plenty of resources to build more prisons and plenty of time. And it is the Democrats who have been fighting against mental health funding so they can focus solely on guns.
He got the gun because government isn't allowed to meaningfully restrict or investigate who should have them.

So that's why I say, get the government out of it. Just let the victims of gun violence sue the gunmakers and sellers, and you will be AMAZED how quickly they start vetting their customers.

Kind of like the banks. I compare my loan process in 2021 to the one I went through in 2004, and man, they pretty much did everything short of doing a colonoscopy before they signed off on that loan.

Buying a gun should be like that. A thorough investigation to make sure you aren't the kind of person who is going to muck it up.
He also had a handgun. The law already prevents him from having a handgun but, somehow, he managed it. Until you show us a way to make sure every American bad guy can't get a gun from anywhere in the world, your argument is pointless.

Even if you could guarantee they couldn't get a gun, I have no plans on getting into a one-on-one knife fight so even if you could take all the guns from the bad guys, I'm keeping mine.
What type of distraction device did the cops employ? Oh, they didn't, probably because they didn't have one.

Your tactic would have simply increased the body count with no guarantee of saving any of the victims. The testimony is being heard in Texas today. We'll see what they have to see.
The distraction would have been the guys at the door shooting guns at Ramos. And the increased body count would have been zero, exactly as it was when the Border Patrol went in and took the shooter out. The proof that every sissy thing you say is in the fact that they took the shooter out.

It would absolutely saved victims. There were several shot later answering calls from the police to give themselves away so the shooter would focus on children and not on the police. It would have gotten them in to recover the wounded sooner.
We lock up 2 million people.
We have another 7 million on probation or parole.
We have 100 million Americans with a police record.

How many people do you want to lock up, Dick Tiny?
The reason we have so many criminals is because we don't lock them up long enough and in harsh enough conditions. Now that the mess is created, as demonstrated by your numbers, it will get worse; we'll have to keep those 2 million locked up while locking up maybe another million or two. That's the dilemma that soft-on-crime has created and the harm it has done to even the criminal class.

The only thing that will fix it is long sentences and now, because we've created so many criminals, we'll have to lock up more. In about 20 to 40 years, though, the locked up numbers will go way down as people understand that robbing a gas station is a 20 year hard-time sentence and doing it again is a life sentence. The first positive impact will be criminals off the street. The long-term impact will be far fewer criminals because a pack of Newports and 50 dollars just isn't worth the time.
You vote for the political party actually created by slave rapists…..the democrat party
He also votes for the party that supplies women and children to the immigrant rapists and the sex/child slave rapists today. JoeB131 likes rapists and wants them on the street with access to unarmed and disarmed victims.
Okay... except how do you expect them to behave themselves in prison if they don't even have the possibility of parole? 32% of people released for a violent crime reoffend. But 68% of them don't.

The thing is, we only have 20,000 homicides a year. The murderers - most of whom get life sentences, aren't really the problem. It's the non-murderers who fall into a rut of more crime.

Since we are talking specifically about mass shooters here... most mass shooters have no criminal records before they go off the edge. Some of them are people who just snapped. And reading your posts, you strike me as the kind of guy who could just snap some day.
I expect them to behave in prison because to not do so would add to their already terribly long sentence and have them put into hot cells with little light, and bread and water to eat. And if they still choose to misbehave, well, why the hell do I care if murderers from the outside go into prison and murder each other in prison.
Okay... except how do you expect them to behave themselves in prison if they don't even have the possibility of parole? 32% of people released for a violent crime reoffend. But 68% of them don't.

The thing is, we only have 20,000 homicides a year. The murderers - most of whom get life sentences, aren't really the problem. It's the non-murderers who fall into a rut of more crime.

Since we are talking specifically about mass shooters here... most mass shooters have no criminal records before they go off the edge. Some of them are people who just snapped. And reading your posts, you strike me as the kind of guy who could just snap some day.

but..but...but... but background checks and shit. Aren't background checks supposed to catch people who just snap before they snap?
The distraction would have been the guys at the door shooting guns at Ramos. And the increased body count would have been zero, exactly as it was when the Border Patrol went in and took the shooter out. The proof that every sissy thing you say is in the fact that they took the shooter out.

It would absolutely saved victims. There were several shot later answering calls from the police to give themselves away so the shooter would focus on children and not on the police. It would have gotten them in to recover the wounded sooner.
All I will say to answer your stupid conjectures of "woulda, coulda, shoulda" is that you have never been in such a scenario and I firmly believed you would have simply stood aside, pissing your pants!
By the time he engaged the cops, every victim had already been shot.
At least one victim was shot when the cops called out for kids who needed help to call out. One girl in the classroom trusted the police and paid for that trust with her life. Others who had been shot bled to death slowly. One teacher died in the ambulance.

When the seconds counted, the Uvalde PD was only an hour away.

That said, back up your lie about every victim had already been shot. Post a link the video or witness inside the classroom who can back that up. Or quit making up lies. You are really a worthless example of a human being.
All I will say to answer your stupid conjectures of "woulda, coulda, shoulda" is that you have never been in such a scenario and I firmly believed you would have simply stood aside, pissing your pants!
Of course, you can say anything you want about what you think I might have done if I were there - that's woulda, coulda, shoulda. But the attack on me acknowledges that you can no longer pretend to defend the Uvalde cowards in the hallway of the school without looking like an idiot - because I have proven you to be an idiot in every defense you make.

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