Kushner got $285 million loan from Russia-linked bank facing charges, (1 month before the election)

A Russia-linked bank facing charges in a New York court lent Donald Trump's son in law a boatload of money shortly before the 2016 Presidential elections, the Washington Post is reporting. Kushner firm’s $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day

The German bank is suspected of loaning money to Trump and his minions on behalf of Russia, so as to avoid making Putin suspicious.

Hey, if I wanted someone to lift sanctions on my country, I would do exactly the same thing! Especially if I know that my hackers have hacked the opposing party's computers and my bots have planted fake news in favor of my borrower's soon-to-be-President on social media.

No wonder Orangino wants to lift sanctions on Russia.
Here's Mueller's shovel. Kushner's inside. :dig:

LOL @ German Russian linked bank.
Trump lovers say that our lease say a bank cannot be linked to Russian money laundering if it's in Germany. Haha
No it doesn't matter that the Oligarchs laundered money through Jared one month before the election by giving him a "we won't hold you personally liable if you default" loan because we know Jared's a good guy and Trump will make America Great Again! (sarcasm)
Why do you bother posting? Geez oh Pete....with a rating like yours, it is a wonder anyone reads your drivel.

Your poster rating is the equivalent of a 35% grading average. WTF is that a J - ?
Do they even make a grade that low?

You'd be better off dropping out of the USMB school of posting and go to work flipping hamburgers and cleaning toilets.

What's next? Melania killed a chocolate cow, just so she could get little Baron some fresh chocolate milk?

You people keep trying to throw crap to the wall to make it stick.

You keep losing elections because of it.

Quit making excuses.
Even President Trump is asking you to be part of the process instead of part of the problem.

Keep losing.... It suits your attitudes and actions.
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A Russia-linked bank facing charges in a New York court lent Donald Trump's son in law a boatload of money shortly before the 2016 Presidential elections, the Washington Post is reporting. Kushner firm’s $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day

The German bank is suspected of loaning money to Trump and his minions on behalf of Russia, so as to avoid making Putin suspicious.

Hey, if I wanted someone to lift sanctions on my country, I would do exactly the same thing! Especially if I know that my hackers have hacked the opposing party's computers and my bots have planted fake news in favor of my borrower's soon-to-be-President on social media.

No wonder Orangino wants to lift sanctions on Russia.
Here's Mueller's shovel. Kushner's inside. :dig:

LOL @ German Russian linked bank.
Trump lovers say that our lease say a bank cannot be linked to Russian money laundering if it's in Germany. Haha
No it doesn't matter that the Oligarchs laundered money through Jared one month before the election by giving him a "we won't hold you personally liable if you default" loan because we know Jared's a good guy and Trump will make America Great Again! (sarcasm)
Why do you bother posting? Geez oh Pete....with a rating like yours, it is a wonder anyone reads your drivel.
USMB ratings are meaningless.
Getting tired of hearing that?

Nah, good humor never gets old!!
Then why the rant, "TRUMP!! TRUMP!! RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!!"... ?

Who's ranting? Just having some fun!!!
When folks post in all caps, it comes across as a rant.

I didn't post in all caps.... lighten up Francis.
Donald Trump sought to lift sanctions on Russia in the earliest days of his administration

More anonymous sources. LMAO

Didn't read the link, did you?

Yep, first paragraph ended with: "according to multiple sources who have spoken with Yahoo News"

The only paragraph that mattered was this one.

In April, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said clearly that the U.S. would not lift sanctions on Russia until President Vladimir Putin hands Crimea back to Ukraine.

Everything else is BS.

What happened before April?

"What, at this point, difference does it make!" - HRC


RWNJs have lots of phrases they throw out when they have nothing else. The one above is one of them, there is also " keep your doctor", "we have to pass the bill", and several others. They are all taken out of context, and had a totally different meaning when first said than what the RWNJs try to assign to them, and they never fit the places that right wingers try to use them.
Please provide the quote where anyone in the Trump administration said they were going to lift sanctions.

Donald Trump sought to lift sanctions on Russia in the earliest days of his administration
Did you bother reading the article? It stated sanctions could be eased based on actions taken by Russia including the Ukraine and ISIS. Russia didn't act, so the sanctions stayed in place. Another non-story that has libs foaming at the mouth. So silly.
More anonymous sources. LMAO

Didn't read the link, did you?

Yep, first paragraph ended with: "according to multiple sources who have spoken with Yahoo News"

The only paragraph that mattered was this one.

In April, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said clearly that the U.S. would not lift sanctions on Russia until President Vladimir Putin hands Crimea back to Ukraine.

Everything else is BS.

What happened before April?

"What, at this point, difference does it make!" - HRC


RWNJs have lots of phrases they throw out when they have nothing else. The one above is one of them, there is also " keep your doctor", "we have to pass the bill", and several others. They are all taken out of context, and had a totally different meaning when first said than what the RWNJs try to assign to them, and they never fit the places that right wingers try to use them.

The best one of all?

More anonymous sources. LMAO

Didn't read the link, did you?

Yep, first paragraph ended with: "according to multiple sources who have spoken with Yahoo News"

The only paragraph that mattered was this one.

In April, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said clearly that the U.S. would not lift sanctions on Russia until President Vladimir Putin hands Crimea back to Ukraine.

Everything else is BS.

What happened before April?

"What, at this point, difference does it make!" - HRC


RWNJs have lots of phrases they throw out when they have nothing else. The one above is one of them, there is also " keep your doctor", "we have to pass the bill", and several others. They are all taken out of context, and had a totally different meaning when first said than what the RWNJs try to assign to them, and they never fit the places that right wingers try to use them.
None of them were taken out of context and all were outright lies. The $2500 average savings was a real shit job by you guys.

"I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

June 23rd 2007

Barry Obama
So, they will investigate tesla , et al, as well?
But, but, but it must be illicit since this Russian-linked German bank gave them the loan! Lol

I haven't checked everybody on the list, but Tesla had a fantastic credit rating. Their stock is way up, and people are flocking to lend them money. As they say, electricity is hot.
Maybe, maybe not. That's what the investigation will try to determine.
I don't know. Were funds potentially laundered illegally from a Russian bank and through Deutsche Bank?
Getting tired of hearing that?

Nah, good humor never gets old!!
Then why the rant, "TRUMP!! TRUMP!! RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!!"... ?

Who's ranting? Just having some fun!!!
When folks post in all caps, it comes across as a rant.

I didn't post in all caps.... lighten up Francis.
Then you're demented too because, "TRUMP!! TRUMP!! RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!!" ... is in all caps. :eusa_doh:
All patriots - and that does not include OKTexas and others who seek to stifle the current investigations - want to know if there was a quid quo pro between Russians and the Trump Campaign.

Well we know that Putin personally ordered his people to help elect Trump. And we know that Trump has tried to deny and cover up Russia's interference in the election. Constantly calling it "fake news" and saying that Russia didn't try to hack the election.

So we have Putin ordering the hack, and Trump saying it didn't happen. Even though we now know that Trump received security briefings telling him all about it. And what did Trump say about what the 17 intelligence agencies were reporting?

Trump said he didn't trust the 17 intelligence agencies. And instead trusted Putin saying he didn't order the hacking of the American election. Which of course we now know Putin personally ordered.

That is a good summary of the fake news.
A Russia-linked bank facing charges in a New York court lent Donald Trump's son in law a boatload of money shortly before the 2016 Presidential elections, the Washington Post is reporting. Kushner firm’s $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day

The German bank is suspected of loaning money to Trump and his minions on behalf of Russia, so as to avoid making Putin suspicious.

Hey, if I wanted someone to lift sanctions on my country, I would do exactly the same thing! Especially if I know that my hackers have hacked the opposing party's computers and my bots have planted fake news in favor of my borrower's soon-to-be-President on social media.

No wonder Orangino wants to lift sanctions on Russia.
Here's Mueller's shovel. Kushner's inside. :dig:
Nothing burger
LOL, SO if what Obama did was legal, why didn't he just wire money to Iran electronically, or simply give them American Dollars? And why did he need to do it under the dead of night?.

Because we had no diplomatic relations with Iran. There were no embassy's, no ambassadors, no financial structures in place through which to wire money. We would have to pay either in cash or in gold bullion. We chose cash.

What's this "we" Kimosabe?
The Iranian Hostage Crisis? LMAO.

That was back in the 70s, so why do we have NO DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH IRAN NOW?

Good point. We now have diplomatic relations with Iran and Cuba. Everybody except for North Korea. But those are fairly recent events, not in place when we had to deal with the sailors Iran held hostage.


Who is the Iranian ambassador to the US? Who is the Cuban ambassador to the US?
All patriots - and that does not include OKTexas and others who seek to stifle the current investigations - want to know if there was a quid quo pro between Russians and the Trump Campaign.

Well we know that Putin personally ordered his people to help elect Trump. And we know that Trump has tried to deny and cover up Russia's interference in the election. Constantly calling it "fake news" and saying that Russia didn't try to hack the election.

So we have Putin ordering the hack, and Trump saying it didn't happen. Even though we now know that Trump received security briefings telling him all about it. And what did Trump say about what the 17 intelligence agencies were reporting?

Trump said he didn't trust the 17 intelligence agencies. And instead trusted Putin saying he didn't order the hacking of the American election. Which of course we now know Putin personally ordered.
yes we do, Putin came by my house and asked me to vote for trump. he had coupons he was selling. I had to buy russian salad dressing. by the dozen. I mean, where was obummer to protect my ass from the ruskie.
A Russia-linked bank facing charges in a New York court lent Donald Trump's son in law a boatload of money shortly before the 2016 Presidential elections, the Washington Post is reporting. Kushner firm’s $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day

The German bank is suspected of loaning money to Trump and his minions on behalf of Russia, so as to avoid making Putin suspicious.

Hey, if I wanted someone to lift sanctions on my country, I would do exactly the same thing! Especially if I know that my hackers have hacked the opposing party's computers and my bots have planted fake news in favor of my borrower's soon-to-be-President on social media.

No wonder Orangino wants to lift sanctions on Russia.
Here's Mueller's shovel. Kushner's inside. :dig:

LOL @ German Russian linked bank.
Trump lovers say that our lease say a bank cannot be linked to Russian money laundering if it's in Germany. Haha

Try that again in English please! My "Liberal Gibberish" is a little rusty!
More anonymous sources. LMAO

Didn't read the link, did you?

Yep, first paragraph ended with: "according to multiple sources who have spoken with Yahoo News"

The only paragraph that mattered was this one.

In April, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said clearly that the U.S. would not lift sanctions on Russia until President Vladimir Putin hands Crimea back to Ukraine.

Everything else is BS.

What happened before April?

"What, at this point, difference does it make!" - HRC


RWNJs have lots of phrases they throw out when they have nothing else. The one above is one of them, there is also " keep your doctor", "we have to pass the bill", and several others. They are all taken out of context, and had a totally different meaning when first said than what the RWNJs try to assign to them, and they never fit the places that right wingers try to use them.

Did you bother to read the OP? Here's a quote that directly contradicts the narrative. My bold.

The German bank is suspected of loaning money to Trump and his minions on behalf of Russia, so as to avoid making Putin suspicious.

If Putin were behind this, as the OP contends, why the concern of making him suspicious? When you realize the narrative you ignorant folks have been pushing was pulled out of thin air, the suicide hot lines are going to packed. When you call one and get a busy signal, remember it's your own fault.

A Russia-linked bank facing charges in a New York court lent Donald Trump's son in law a boatload of money shortly before the 2016 Presidential elections, the Washington Post is reporting. Kushner firm’s $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day

The German bank is suspected of loaning money to Trump and his minions on behalf of Russia, so as to avoid making Putin suspicious.

Hey, if I wanted someone to lift sanctions on my country, I would do exactly the same thing! Especially if I know that my hackers have hacked the opposing party's computers and my bots have planted fake news in favor of my borrower's soon-to-be-President on social media.

No wonder Orangino wants to lift sanctions on Russia.
Here's Mueller's shovel. Kushner's inside. :dig:

It's a German bank. Russia linked....LOL!

The left are unhinged, last week they loved everything German.
Quite any liberal saying he or she loves "everything" German. Don't make shit up.

Lib please you people have been fawning over German Chancellor Merkel like puppies for years don't try to deny it. :eusa_hand:

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